Did Malaysia Air Use Apple Maps? Cuz “What Had Happened Was…”
It’s been two weeks since Malaysian Air flight MH370 disappeared like everyone’s tax refund check money. It fell off radars, its equipment stopped working and no black box has been found. No debris has been confirmed to be linked to it and no one has gotten extra clues as to …

The Sochi Olympics is the Motel 6 of Sporting Events
The Sochi Winter Olympics has been steeped in controversy, seemingly from the start. When Vladimir Putin enacted those draconian laws against the LGBT community, criminalizing homosexuality, it set the tone for what was looking like the FuckShit Games. Then there’s been the terror threats. Folks have insisted that Russia was the …

What Happen With That Cover, Atlanta Voice? Why It Happen?
Chile, today’s cackles have been provided by the Atlanta Voice, and I blame/thank Jamilah Lemieux for bringing it to my attention via her Instagram account. The newspaper’s latest issue cover is below. Read it and howl. After I finished cackling like a hyena in Prideland, I went “Nooooooooooooo!!!” And then …

THOT: Fail Slang at its Worst
I do a terrible job of keeping up with new slangs, because I’m youngold and I don’t really listen to the radio or new music. Twitter is what keeps me in the loop, as always. And that’s where I kept seeing people type about THOT. I THOUGHT it was the …

A Tale of Two Peens: The Man Who Has Twice the Fun
In case you don’t know, the real Den of Iniquity online is Reddit. And for once, I am thankful because it is through that site that we now know that it’s possible for a man to have two penises. MMHMM. In real life. A guy with the screename of “DoubleDickDude” …

Gahtdambit, Florida! 10 Ridiculous Headlines from America’s Foot
Florida is the worst. Everyday, we hear news that just makes you go “FUCKING FLORIDA!” In Florida, cops can choke a little Black boy holding a puppy because he gave them a “dehumanizing” stare. And Stand your ground laws are the ultimate trap against Black folks. And we can’t forget …

Chinese Man Sued His Wife for Being Facially Untogether and Won
I know this is old news but it just came into my newsfeeds and I shook my head like I was in an Herbal Essence commercial from 2005. A Chinese man sued his wife for being ugly and not letting him know. Well, actually, she was apparently facially-untogether so she …

The Worst Person Ever and the Scorned Never Ex: Dating Fails
Many people are single because they want to be and others haven’t found THE ONE or ONES (hey, roll like you want). But many are single because they’re self-absorbed douchebags who can’t have nice things because they don’t know how to behave like decent human beings. Long story short: it’s …

The Worst Use of a Fork Ever (Not Safe For Sense)
People do the DUMBEST things sometimes, and it’s hard to feel empathy for the foolish situations they find themselves in. Especially in the name of sex and getting off. Folks will make the most mind-blogging decisions when it comes to eroticism and doctors get to see and feel the brunt …

A Girlfriend Scorned and the Breakup Scavenger Hunt
When relationships end, oftentimes, they aren’t amicable. And sometimes, one party is so hurt that they can’t help themselves but to get petty. And from time to time, they’ll act out on it. Like the lady below did when she found out that her boyfriend hasn’t been completely honest with …