When Is Enough, Enough - GIF

On Foul Formula, Fulfilling Faith and Fenty Fabulous

A year ago today, my first children’s book Little Troublemaker Makes a Mess dropped into the world and it is my favorite book of all that I’ve written. What was wild was as I was publishing the book, I was firing my whole team. This is what I’ve dedicated my …

Professional Troublemaker Podcast Season 5 Trailer

Let’s Talk About the Glory and Grit of Entrepreneurship

I’m ready to talk about one of my hardest years in business. 2023 almost wiped me out. Business was brutal. And at one point I thought I was going to go bankrupt and it shook my confidence to its core. I lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. And you know …

Shelter Each Other From Chaos
CultureFamous folksLuvvLetter

On Fraudulent Fame, Fulfilled Feelings and Floral Flourish

Last week, I told you I made Angela Bassett cry. Well, it was at the Leading Women Defined Conference and I was chosen to be one of six people to do a short tribute to her. ​ I had 2 minutes, so I talked about one of my fave on-screen quotes from …

Carmela Soprano

On Costume Controversy, Calculated Confusion and Culture Tags

This week kicked off with a bang, as I pissed off all the Swifties by pointing out the unavoidable reaches of whiteness when it comes to success. But I stood on business and I said what I said. It’s actually right on time because Black History Month is HERE and …

Take Trash out

Are Aliens Real? I Believe So and Here’s Why

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but do I believe in aliens? I do. Lemme tell you why. There is no way that human beings were God’s best work. The God that I serve, the great God that I serve…. the Alpha and the Omega. The King of Kings. The Lord …

Equality Equity Reality Affirmative Action

About Ketanji, Sonia and Losing Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court struck down the use of Affirmative Action in higher education, with an overwhelming vote of 6-3. There is so much to say about it, and so much rage. The world is far from a meritocracy, and the smartest, most hard working people are people whose names we …

A true crime of caucasity

Denial of All Things Unseen is Caucasity at Work

I think that to not believe in a higher power or the universe being connected or energy or spirits or whatever science says it cannot prove, is truly an Anglo Saxon trait and privilege (?). It’s eurocentrism. It’s Westernized blindness. It’s Caucasity at work. I don’t think it is a …

Fueling the Little Troublemaker Sponsorship Train
BookCultureMy Life

Help Us Bring Little Troublemaker Books to Students

Books have the power to help us dream, give us an escape and teach us valuable lessons. That is especially true for children’s books, which can instill a love of reading and learning for young’uns. Unfortunately, not all children have access to quality books that reflect their own experiences and …

Let them choke

Let Them Choke! We Will Not Be Humbled

People have a problem with confident Black women. And an obsession with trying to humble us. When we walk in rooms, heads held high, assured that we belong, folks are rooting for us to fail. But we win. We win anyway. 😤 This is present on my heart as Angel …

The Audacity of This Caucasity

About White Men’s Success, Nepotism and the Lie of Meritocracy

White men love to tell us to work harder cuz that’s what they did, and they’re wrong to do it. They should stop it immediately. On social media, everyday we’ll see white men in business, tech or thought leadership drop posts about what it takes to be successful. They will …