NFL’s Replacement Refs Fail and Hilarity Ensues
So y’all know I don’t watch football and don’t give 2 dambs about who wins what when. When I watch, the only things I end up commenting on is if their shoes are cute and coordinate well with their uniforms. I’m not the one to take to a sports bar. …

No Country for Social Justice Hipsters
Ever since the KONY 2012 thing went viral and set the internet ablaze (last night), folks have been dropping all types of thoughts on it. I’m not going to get into the depth of the arguments on their transparency and all that. Nor will I touch the “white savior” piece …

Leaving Your Kid With Chuck E. = Parenting FAIL
Yahoo! posted a story about these parents who went to Chuck E. Cheese’s with their 3-year old for a party. But they left without her, and didn’t realize she was still there until they saw her picture on the news. Yes REALLY. Their excuse was that they figured the little …

I Have So Many Questions About This Painting
Sooo I saw the following painting on Facebook when Sam (@blunted215) reposted it, after seeing it on someone’s page with the caption “I almost cried seeing this.” I have so many questions about this painting. * Why is Jesus behind ol’ boy looking like He has to go to the …

Who You Calling a Niggabitch, Jackie Magazine???
See? I wasn’t even gonna post today. Until I saw The Fashion Bomb’s post about a Dutch magazine that has given Rihanna the title of “De Niggabitch.” I wish I was lying. According to Claire, Jackie said Rihanna’s “ghetto ass” and “street cred” earned her the title of the ultimate …

Parents, Quit Naming Your Kids Foolishly
A couple of weeks ago, I was in Starbucks, and I looked at my cashier’s name tag. It said “Money Jones.” Well, I don’t remember her last name because I was too fixated on the “Money” part as her first name. I was judging her parents HELLA hard. Did they …

Leroy Bell is HOW OLD? 60.
So I was minding my own business on Tumblr when I came across a post of this segzy man. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until I scrolled down and saw “This is Leroy Bell. He is 60.” Wait. Wayment. THIS scrumptious fella is somebody’s Grandpappy???? YOU’S LYING!!! Someone gotta show …

Dear Blackberry and RIM, For Shame
I’ve been Blackberry user for almost four years, standing by my phone steadfastly through the storms. Even that one time where my trackball popped out and ended up in 6 pieces. How something so small could have so many parts is beyond me. Then I upgraded to a Bold and …

As Santa Weeps, Jesus Comforts. Glory. O_O
The 10th anniversary of 9/11 was two days ago. The country came together to pay its respects to the lives lost on that fateful day that changed the world as we know it. We’re all cheering New York on for still standing. Whoever did this painting was also tryna #PayAmish. They …

Whose Face Tattoo is This?
Sometimes, I come across something that makes me realize that some people are born dumber than others. This tattoo is one. The weapon formed against him was “failure” and it already prospered when he got this permanently etched on his face. What makes someone wake up in the morning and …