Mama Bolt’s Disappointment is Universal Mom Love Language
There is no one who can bring you down to Earth better and quicker than your own mother. It seems that once you have a child, your shade savant abilities triples, and your gift of petty is enhanced. From the way moms can cut that look that will quickly make …

All’s Unfair in Love and Kidneys
There’s a story going around today because some guy wrote into a website called NGTrends asking for advice: I am 32years old and my girlfriend is 31years old. We’ve been together for 5 years and now live together in a nice house. Things have been slowly fizzling out and I’ve …

Flossie Dickey is 110 and Done With All of Us
Last week, a woman named Flossie Dickey celebrated turning 110 years old. She’s been here since 1906, and has seen more things than any of us could imagine. That also means she’s dealt with her share of bullshit.Flossie has 3 kids, 12 grandkids, 20 great grandkids and 15 great great grandkids. …

The Mother and Daughter That No One Mistakes for Twins
Some people really do be trying it out here, trying to belong even where they didn’t RSVP. After three Black ladies were in a picture and no one could tell who amongst them was the Mama, folks thought they could play this game too. Knowing good and damb well they …

Bailout Bae Has Spent $21 Million of her Lottery Winnings on Bond
A woman named Marie Holmes, won $88 million (after taxes) in the Powerball in February 2015. Her boyfriend, Lamar McDow (nicknamed Hot Sauce), has been arrested multiple times since then, for crimes ranging from drug trafficking. Marie has put up $21 million bailing out her boyfriend, Hot Sauce, in the …

Lessons from Zola’s Story: The Great Saga of Trapping and Mayhem
By now, you’ve probably heard about the epic tale told by a woman named Zola, about a trip to Florida involving Jess, Z, and Jarrett. If you have not heard of this story, you have not been on the internet for the last 36 hours, and you were probably being …

100 Acts of Kindness That My Readers Have Received (Because There’s Still Light in the World)
Last month, after the nine people were killed in Charleston’s Emanuel AME church, and after we were all wading in a river of despair about the state of affairs, I needed to find something good in the world. So I got on my Facebook fan page and asked my readers …

Was the Auntie War a Fake? Word is Cheryl Lynn is Not on Twitter
So last week’s Twitter thing between Cheryl Lynn and Anita Baker had us all refilling our tea kettles. Well, today, I get an email from Cheryl Lynn’s manager Thurlene Johnson saying that she does not have a Twitter account. “Cheryl Lynn does not have a Twitter or Facebook account. The individual …

The Woes Conundrum According to My Friends
I just really started noticing everyone talmbout how they’re running with their “woes” and I was like Wait. What did this happen? When did everyone start hanging with “woes” and why? I posed this question to my Facebook friends and below is the thread that ensues. I’m so glad to …

Because A Dildo With Your Bae’s Ashes is Now a Thing
I don’t understand humanity sometimes, and of course we’re heading for doom. Stephen Hawking said so and now I’m sure of it. I read an article yesterday about a dildo you can order, with your loved one’s ashes inside. Don’t let something like death preclude your boo from having a …