Join Me for the Twitter Takeover of the Toyota Showcase Account to Live-Tweet the Whitney Houston Biopic!
My people! Tomorrow evening (or today, depending on when you see this. But I mean Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015) is the premiere of the Whitney Houston biopic on Lifetime and you know how much I love me some Nippy. I can’t miss it, and I’m bracing myself for what is …

I Just Finished Serial and We Must Talk About It!
Serial is the newest thing everyone can’t stop talking about. It’s a podcast hosted by a reporter from WBEZ Chicago named Sarah Koenig, and produced by Ira Glass of This American Life and season 1 just wrapped. This entire season of Serial follows the case of Adnan Syed, a man who is …

Hello Kitty is Not a Cat and Sanrio Has Ruined Childhood
We all just got news that the cultural icon (it is one, whether you wanna admit it or not) and object of desire by overgrown hipsters everywhere Hello Kitty is in fact NOT a cat. I repeat. Hello Kitty is NOT A FELINE! According to Hello Kitty scholar (because in …

A Sex-Deficient Husband and the Salty Spreadsheet He Shouldn’t Have Sent
A woman took to Reddit to show folks that her husband sent her an email to her work address with a spreadsheet detailing how many times they’ve had sex when he initiated in the past 6 weeks. He also included the excuses she gave him when she said “NO” which …

The Fired Nanny Who Won’t Leave: The Real Life Consuela from Family Guy
You hire an older woman to help you watch your kids in exchange for her living in your house. Two weeks after she’s living with you, she disappears for hours in her room, leaving your kids unattended and you frustrated. Just in case you didn’t make yourself clear enough, you …

About #FelonBae and the Butthurt Brigade
By now, you’ve probably seen a picture of Jeremy Meeks aka FelonBae in your Facebook newsfeeds or Twitter timeline. He has taken the internet by storm, with his crooked but FAHN ass. Jeremy and his fellow thugs were arrested yesterday and the police department in Stockton posted their mugshots on …

Mae Mae and Her Festive Fune Have Slayed Me
The importance of wills cannot be underestimated. We need to let the folks we leave behind know what we want to happen when we follow the drinking gourd to our Lord. Folks gotta know what we want to do with our assets and how to send us off. The clearer …

A Baby, A Wedding Dress and a Drag Down the Aisle: Failing Successfully
There is never a shortage of mess on these interwebs and last week, and I already blogged about the bridal party and their drunk in love routine. Wells, some woman named Shona Carter-Brooks was all over everywhere. I was gon let Shona be and let the rest of everyone deal …

Spades Players: How Many Books Does This Hand Have?
Yall know how I feel about Spades. It is not a game. It is life. It’s not for the faint of the heart of the easily butthurt. You gotta saddown at a Spades table knowing that you might get called everything but a child of God by your friend/family/partner. A …

A Studio in New York is Doing Naked Yoga And I Can’t Even
The only time I’ve ever done yoga is on the beach in Puerto Rico with my girl Renisha of Renewed Fitness. We had a blast and I was all “I totally wanna do this when we get home.” That was three months ago. My only progress in the area is …