Are Aliens Real? I Believe So and Here’s Why
I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but do I believe in aliens? I do. Lemme tell you why. There is no way that human beings were God’s best work. The God that I serve, the great God that I serve…. the Alpha and the Omega. The King of Kings. The Lord …

Denial of All Things Unseen is Caucasity at Work
I think that to not believe in a higher power or the universe being connected or energy or spirits or whatever science says it cannot prove, is truly an Anglo Saxon trait and privilege (?). It’s eurocentrism. It’s Westernized blindness. It’s Caucasity at work. I don’t think it is a …

Unearth Who You Are (with Sarah Jakes Roberts) – Episode 20 of Professional Troublemaker
This week on Professional Troublemaker, I’m talking with businesswoman, motivational speaker, pastor, and bestselling author Sarah Jakes Roberts. DOWNLOAD EPISODE 20 TRANSCRIPT Sarah is the daughter of Bishop T.D. Jakes and Mrs. Serita Jakes and pastors a dynamic community of artists and professionals in Hollywood alongside her husband, Touré Roberts. …

Let My Helpers Find Me: My Favorite Prayer
LET MY HELPERS FIND ME. It’s a prayer I say, especially when I’m in new seasons of life. Because that prayer is allowing you to be a magnet to receive what others have for you on God’s behalf. It’s asking God to invite ease to receive what others have that …

About the Hypocrisy of Fellow Christians and Making Demons of Other Faiths
I am a child of God. I am a woman of faith. I am a Christian. And I have been all my life. I come from a Christian family, and our matriarch was my grandmother, who had a mainline to God. I wear a crucifix around my neck. I pray …

About Faith, Fear and Toxic Positivity in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
Everything and everyone is getting on my last nerves right now. It’s Day whothehellknows anymore of being quarantined in the house, trying to avoid a microscopic savage in the form of a virus and I’m side-eying EVERYTHING. My attitude is such trash right now and my usually low levels of …

Jesus is King and Kanye’s a Fool
Kanye West has become Christianity’s town crier and just released an album (and IMAX movie) called Jesus is King to make it official. Months ago, he started doing Sunday Services, and people were gagging in glee because they were so touched that this man was loudly proclaiming his love for …

God is Probably Sick of All these “Thoughts and Prayers”
*another mass shooting happens in the United States* People: We are sending up prayers for the victims. God: …. Archangel St. Michael: Hey God. People are on the mainline. God: *files nails* Oh yeah? I’m busy. St. Mike: You… don’t seem that busy. God: *booming voice* I SAID I AM …

Because Those Who Voted for Trumpcare Deserve Petty Prayers
Last week, the hapless hoodlums who make up the House Republicans voted to pass the American Healthcare Act (AHCA) aka Trumpcare. If you have a pre-existing condition, insurance companies are not required to cover you, and if they cover you, they can charge you thousands of dollars for simple treatments. …

Kirk Franklin: The Christian Goon We Need
People are gon get their asses popped in the name of Cheeto Satan. After the UNCONSCIONABLE and UNJUSTIFIABLE Muslim Ban that Tangerine Voldemort ordered, folks found themselves feelin froggy. Christians who actually want to be Christ-like renounced it loudly, and that included Kirk Franklin, gospel singer and pocket preacher. He …