I See You, Overwhelmed One
I see you. The one who is juggling 1,000 things at once. Not feeling like they are doing any of it particularly well. Friend, sister, daughter, colleague, boss, partner, mother, HUMAN. You’ve been holding it together by a thread and your shoulders have stayed by your ears. Those same shoulders …

My 2020 Holiday Gift-Giving Guide!
Over the years, I have had many thoughts on Black Friday and holiday shopping: why I haven’t participated, why we have to #BuyBlack, and overall how to do Black Friday the RIGHT way (i.e NOT going to Walmart). Hopefully, you all are staying safe and were able to divulge into …

Take No Shit (In Case You Need to Hear This)
Yesterday, I posted a video on my IGTV, about how we as humans are not entitled to take people’s shit. Hey, this is Luvvie. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I know somebody needs to hear it because I just had to tell somebody. You ain’t got …

Parents Are About to Put Their Little Broke Best Friends Out! – CoronaQuarantine Chronicles
These are some interesting times, ain’t they? COVID-19 has our whole underskirt showing out here. This Coronavirus got us hemmed up in the worst of ways, and now we’re having to social distance to try to get it under control. Not having to go to work sounds fun but for …

God is Probably Tired Of Our Shenanigans Right Now
The world is a mess and I wonder what the conversation between God and Jesus would be like. Because they gotta be tired of our tomfoolery down here. We do not know how to act as a species. God: *sees the Amazon on fire, Donald Trump is running amok, the …

Tekken’s Leroy Smith Character is Mr. Steal-Your-Grandma
I don’t even play video games (anymore) but I might have to pick up what Tekken is dropping. They just released a trailer for the new movie and one of their characters is someone named Leroy Smith, who is the perfect prototype of Black Uncles everywhere. I know good and …

This Judgey Baby is Sick of Everyone and I Love Her
Y’all know I have a soft spot for judgey babies. They haven’t even been here very long but they KNOW something ain’t right. They want us to get it together and they will let us know about it. So, coming across my timeline all of last week was this baby …

Apple’s New iMac Pro Better Turn My House into a Home for that $5,000
Listen. I’m a fan of Apple products and I have given them A LOT of money over the years. Yesterday was Apple’s annual Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) and they announced a new slate of products. You know I was ready to see them offer the same products as last year …
I’m YoungOld and So Are You
One of my favorite people, Samantha Irby, always talks about how old she is. Last week was her birthday, so in honor of the day the world got slightly less shitty, I had to tell people how old I am. I’m “If I wear heels out in public, I got …

Because the Only Thing Chip Readers are Good For is Embarrassing Us
Remember when chips were placed on our credit and debit cards? And financial institutions were all excited because this would make checking out much faster? And we were like “but I’m fine putting in my pin” and they were all “NO NO NO you are not. That takes too long …