This Cat is Rolling and You Might Be Hating
Y’all know I’m easily amused so that should explain why I find the video below so hilarious. It’s only 10 seconds so it won’t take up too much time. They put that cat in a box and the box on a skateboard and pushed it down the hallway and the …

When the Internet Calls You Teef Keef and Teef Sweat, You Lost
A couple of days ago, a picture started spreading around Instagram of a dude and his baby girl (who was around 2 years old). Folks said she had been kidnapped and asked for everyone to pass on the picture, in case anyone has seen her. Well, it turns out that …

The GIF Debate: Is It GIF or JIF?
You know those moving pics I have in my blogposts? Yes, the ones that look like the Harry Potter movies come to life. Those are called GIFs (which stands for Graphics Interchange Format) and I have a folder with over 1,400 of them. I’m talmbout this: There is ALWAYS an …

Tumblr Blessed Me with this GIF and Comic and I Howled
If Tumblr ain’t good for anything, it’s good for priceless GIFs. A lot of the ones I use on here just come across my dashboard as I scroll around. This GIF happened and it made me laugh so hard I chortled. *howls* First of all, how did she lose the …

Sorority Girl Sends Her Sisters the Rudest (But Hilarious) Email Ever
One time while I was in undergrad, someone asked me “Is your roommate Greek?” And my dumbass replied with “No, she’s Puerto Rican.” I really didn’t know what they meant til they laughed at me. I’m slow. I never joined a sorority in college. Not because I didn’t like them …

One Dumbass Man, One Dead Eel, and One Huge Fail
Sometimes, truth is stranger than fiction. And sometimes, you read some news and wonder how people are so stupid that they get themselves in the strangest situations. I just read a story on Huffington Post about a man in China who stuck a 20-inch live eel up his yansh because …

Mahogany is Your Queen on the Scene
Chile I be minding my own business FOR REAL. Then Foolishness & Fuckery lived up to her name and brought this gem into my newsfeeds. Sir…ma’am. WUT? Did my dudette scalp Sonic the Hedgehog and place his skin tenderly on his head as a hairhat??? Is that what happened here? …

We Don’t Believe You. You Need More People on April Fools Day
Today is April Fools Day and I hate this annual tradition with the intensity of 1,000 African suns at high noon. HATE HATE HATE. People take it upon themselves to let their inner FOOLS come out and call it “pranking.” iSweahfoLAWD some people play too gahtdamb much on April Fool’s because …

Greyhound’s Roach Ride From Hell
I was loitering on these interwebs when I came across a story of a Greyhound bus that had to be evacuated because a swarm of cockroaches came through as the bus was headed to New York. And I almost PASSED OUT at the thought. According to the story on Yahoo!, …

10 Things That Happened After Nigeria Won the African Cup
Nigeria just defeated Burkina Faso to win the African Soccer something big and awesome championship match tournament. Or the African Cup of Nations. But I like my description better. Anywho, Nigerians everywhere are currently losing their minds in glee. 1. Your Facebook newsfeeds exploded with celebrating Nigerians. The moment the …