Black Historical Figures Ride on Horses to Glory
I was minding my own business when one of my dope readers (@BeautyIntheGeek) emailed me talmbout how she went to the African Festival of the Arts in Chicago yesterday. It’s a great annual event and I usually go to load up on shea butter and to watch people rock their …

New York’s Giant Dog Rat. iCan’t.
I was minding my own business like I like to do (-___-) when this abomination dropped into my Tumblr dashboard. A gigantic, white rat was killed after being speared with a pitchfork at the Marcy Houses in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. Jose Rivera, a Housing Authority worker, was clearing …

Everyone Needs the Best Roomy Ever
Just like everyone needs a Sassy Gay Friend, everyone needs the Best Roomy EVER! in their lives. What/who is it? Wells, I’m glad you didn’t asked! Cliffnotes: He’s awesome. A guy from Alabama is moving to San Francisco in a coupla weeks for work, and he needs a place to stay. …

Spades Question. Did They Renege?
So last year, I wrote a post talmbout how Spades is not a game. SPADES IS LIFE! That card game is serious business, and unless you’re ready to talk shit, get cussed out and possibly lose valued relationships over it, don’t sit down at that table. YOU AIN’T READY YET!!! …

$100 Million ATM Receipt. *cries*
Mannnnnnn listen. I’m secure in my brokeness. If someone was to ever sue me, all they’d get is my collection of 130 pairs of shoes and 2 sacks of long-grained white rice. I got a pot to piss in but the window to throw it out is nailed shut. And I’m …

Planking: It’s Not Just an Exercise Anymore
I was minding my own business on Twitter tonight when I kept seeing the word “planking” in my timeline and I wondered what was going on. The plank that I’m familiar with is the exercise where you face down and prop yourself up on your elbows and hold it there. …

Norma Stitz and the World’s Biggest Boobs. 102 ZZZ of Too Much
I was reading Necole Bitchie’s site when I saw her post on the World’s Biggest Boobs. I clicked on it and what did I see??? Norma Stitz (I see what she did there) and her Mammoth Mammaries. Just O_______________o This woman is apparently in the Guinness Book of World Records …

Go the F*ck to Sleep! Best Bedtime Book EVER!
Adam Mansbach was tryna get his kids to go to bed one night, and it took over 2 hours for them to finally go to sleep. So he got on Facebook and jokingly told folks he was gonna write a book called “Go the Fuck to Sleep.”

MacBook Thieves Beware! You Might Don’t Make It!
Ok so y’all know I’m a tech geek and I love my gadgets. Between my Blackberry, MacBook and iPod touch, I’m always connected to the matrix. This is a good AND bad thing but I’m addicted. I love my gadgets like they’re my children, so I’d hate if anything ever …

The Chicken Crossed the Road and Died. MIND = BLOWN
The old age question of “Why did the chicken cross the road?” means something so new to me now. So I was loitering in Tumblr when I came across: At first, I was all “I still don’t get it.” But that’s because I’m slow. So Bassey explained to me. and …