Norma Stitz and the World’s Biggest Boobs. 102 ZZZ of Too Much
I was reading Necole Bitchie’s site when I saw her post on the World’s Biggest Boobs. I clicked on it and what did I see??? Norma Stitz (I see what she did there) and her Mammoth Mammaries.

GAHT.DAMB. Those look heavy #dinnamug.
Just O_______________o
This woman is apparently in the Guinness Book of World Records for “Largest Natural Breasts” and has held this title for the last 12 years. Her bra size is 102 ZZZ.
*repeats* 102 ZZZs.
According to…
She started wearing her first bra at age 9 and they have grown extremely larger over the years, however she is proud of her boobies and would never consider a breast reduction.
Chile… how do you not consider a boob reduction when your tits are sleeping on your thighs as a 102 ZZZ??? See what I did there? You see it. That woman’s titties aren’t in a bra, but in a giant slingshot. Her back must be in the shape of a C. Spine curvature ain’t no game but must you conjure it up with those mammaries? That ain’t healthy. At all!
According to Wikipedia, back in 1999 when Norma’s boobs were a 48V, they weighed 28 lbs each. Now that they’re ZZZs, they’re prolly at like 50 lbs each. I’ma need her chest not to weigh the same as a 12 year old.
Gahtdamb! When you gotta use a hammock as your brassiere, you might wanna consider a breast reduction. Even if she ain’t got the money, we can ChipIn or something in her name. I’m saying. I’m concerned for her health and I have a couple questions.
How did they grow to be so ginormous? How does she sleep? Does she gingerly throw them to the right as she lays on the left side of the bed? Does she use them as 2 blankets? How convenient is the southside slippery slide? If she’s on top, does she just move them to their respective sides? Has she ever accidentally hit herself in the face with one of them?
I am curious and concerned. Her shoulders MUST hurt as she carries the weight of the world on her front side. Even Atlas shrugged. Norma might wanna do the same. Cicely Tyson ain’t sew the first bra ever for Eve (after she ate the fruit) for folks to be walking around with satchels for bras. She AINT. I’m over here like O___________o.
I bet one of her nipples is LITERALLY the size of her head. Gaht.DAMB. DAWG. iCan’t e’em deal with that. Talk amongst yourselves.
What do y’all think of Norma Stitz and her world’s biggest boobs? If your boobs grew to be this big, would you get a breast reduction or rent a wheelbarrow to carry them around.
Umm…this is not good. Nope. I am willing to start the “trim those suckas quick” collection NOW.
*chips in $10*
You so kind. lol
We can pass a plate around or something
TIThing? 😉
Wicked!!! 😀
Ok I cant even take you with this one here. But I soooooooooooo totally agree with you.
Me and some plastic surgeon would be homies for real cause that just aint right. Lawd!
I’m saying doe. I’m just perplexed bout how she lugs them around.
I couldn’t do it, I’d have the reduction so fast. It’s hard enough trying to not sleep on your hair wrong, imagine the breasteses falling off the bed if you move too far…
Why does the left one look like it has a bullet wound in it?
iCan’t w/ u. LMAO!!! Your whole comments just… hahahahahahaha
That’s no bullet wound, thats what happens when it falls off the bed and onto a spiked high heel left carelessly by the side of the bed. Lawd Gawd!
Just remove all potentially dangerous objects from the side of the bed for your breasteses’s sake!!
*flatlines* Here lies Luvvie…
SMH. She can’t even sleep on her back with those things, they’d come loose and choke her to death. Just a glance makes my back hurt. Sista girl, why… WHY would one keep those strapped to her chest?
Can you imagine that at the bed store hollering she need a sleep number bed? Or a Sealy Posterpedic? What type of job that don’t involve baby oil, a midget or a number 4 with sweet tea can this woman earn a paycheck? Girl I would have been cut them off and donated the extra to the Kardashian Fat Transfer Technical Academy of the Arts.
LAWD!!! Death by boob asphyxiation would be sooooo tragic. How does she sleep with them for real? hahahahaha @ her tryna get abed. They must come w/ extra reinforcements.
They have their own Sankofa pillows. She gets the left side of the bed, they take the right.
Wait. She has nude pics? Is she one a’dem women that model for those joke postcards you see for sale at Spencers Gifts or the Adult Book Store? I just…
Not sankofa pillows! *howls* iCan’t take you. At all.
I’m just surprised that there isn’t a “Teenie” style negro posed up with his head in between them.
LOL! I’m afraid that if I search deep enough I’d find such a pic. Turns out Norma takes nude pics too.
iDie after every sentence of this blog post. But her boobs can’t be good for her or anyone else’s health. Thank God for my lifetime membership of the itty bitty titty committee!
*fist pump* to fellow members of the IBTC!
What’s wrong with the IBTC anyways?
Absolutely nothing!!!I am proud of my 34A’s!IBTC fo life!!!
See, this is what I’M talkin about! The IBTC! Love It! Love It!
Luv Bug, we quit….I can’t with this heffa right now…
iCan’t either.
Okay, if each boob weighs 35lbs each they literally weigh 64lbs more than my ENTIRE body. yeah, you read that right.
when was the last time she saw a doctor? Because I can’t imagine a doctor NOT suggesting a reduction. Damn her wanting to keep them, her doctor should’ve ran off the list of health hazards caused by those things. The doctor should’ve demanded a reduction, hell give her the reduction for free
Where is her family and why don’t they persuade her to get one? Does she have kids? a mama, sister, grandma, somebody?
and lol to whomever said they’re shocked there’s not some midget man with his head in between them
LMAOOOOO @ her boobs weighing more than your entire person. Hot mess. But yeah, any doctor in his/her right mind would highly recommend her to get a reduction. Her family should stage an intervention too.
Add 2, carry the 1, divide by pi, 2×35=70-64=…wait you weigh 6lbs??!!
I know she is some mans hot fantasy but damn she would kill em. I can imagine that conversation at the Pearly Gates.
Angel: How’d you die?
Man: Well there was this woman…..
to be next in line to hear that story
St. Peter gon give whoever it is a side-eye talmbout “u should know better.”
Jumping Jacks= a concussion. Is that “meat” in between there the beginning of a third one?
Jumping jacks would turn those mammaries into weapons of mass destruction. She’d black both her eyes and cause migraines. She bet not do them.
Don’t start no mess!! 😉
LMAOOOOO @ a giant slingshot!!! Those things are forces to be reckoned with! She need some serious counseling if she thinks this is cute in any shape or form. This just ain’t right ya’ll…
It ain’t right, Sha Sha.
What I want to know is, where are her stretch marks? It seems like they should be all over her breasts. Also, I wonder what size her mammory glands are. If she got pregnant, how many children could she feed?
She’d be the La Leche Leagues all-time donor!
You mean you can’t see that ragglyass* skin on those boobs? Ugh.
*Yes, I know how to spell “raggedy assed”, but around here, that’s what it sounds like, when people say it.
Yo, when was this pic taken? Judging by her hair, this pic looks about 35 years old.
If she got pregnant, I’d be scared. Ain’t no other letters after Z. They’d need to create a new alphabet system just for Norma’s titties.
we’re going to need bro franklin to do an offering dance…this child of God needs help
We DO need a liturgical juke!
Wowww…and I thought I was strugglin with my DD’s thinkin I just been dammed to carry these things round all my life. Now I feel shamed for complaining about my cups that I tought ranneth over…but now…I mean I just don’t know how to feel. **blank stare**
She prolly had DDs at the age of 11. Puberty musta been rough.
#normastitties make a pair of DD’s look inverted.
Ame I the only one that peeped that her last name rhymes with t.itz? Okay. *going to have a seat*
HA!!! I did not notice. And I feel foolish for not.
Oh wait. Norma Stitz. Norma’s Tits. Wayment. I see what she did there. That’s why she goes by that name. Well color me enlightened. O__o
I like ( @ )( @ ) and all that, but damn!!! Those can’t be comfortable to lug around in anything other than a wheelbarrow.
Sister girl definitely needs a reduction.
I should have included her in my Mammorial Day post a couple of weeks back.
LMAO!!! Right!!! Her boobs gotta come w/ some type of luggage cuz…
We need to take up a collection to donate to gettin them bad boys taken in some O_____O
#lawdhammercy I just cant even…thats just awful -_-
Right. Chile…
LOL!! iCan’t with this post and the comments. Too funny. I’m assuming she doesn’t travel cos she’ll go bankrupt paying for those things as excess luggage…what with these airlines charging for everything these days…lol.
She gon make the plane droop on one side. She must have to buy 2 tix. Yeah, traveling gon be expensive for her indeed.
WAYMENT: wikipedia also says that each. breast. weighs. 56. pounds.
her breasts. together. weigh more than some adults. and if she weighs 295 (thanks, wikipedia) and they weigh 112 – that is 28% of her body weight devoted to mammaries! and she can only have sex lying on her side!!!
but there is also this article, which is kind of touching in a bizarreeeee way:
Each boob is 56 lbs????? What in the world??? I thought 35 lbs was bad. Chile I CANNOT!!!
Just saw her “NUDE” photos on line…….Lawd why has tho forsaken meeeeee. Not a pretty thang
Talk bout sights you can’t unsee. You poor baby
I won’t even complain about 36 DDD. My back don’t even hurt no more.
I will also stop complaing about my 38DD. Thank you Lord for stopping them at that! I just dont know what to say. *walks away shaking head*
Oh my girl, OUCH, I wish you all the luck with those things. Mine are a very full 38F and imagining them being any bigger is wow! You really really have my sympathies. My guess is that you have adapted to their size over the years and that all things natural to everyone else is natural to you. You are not some freak… You just have some big ole titties! God Bless ya!
i feel like “norma stitz has big tits” was a thing when she was in 6th grade…
anyway, homie has a website on which she is not only holding a gallon of milk on her breasts, but also pouring said milk over her breasts and saying “unnn, my milkshake brings you ALL to my site.” i know the black leprechaun is hiding under her breasts, but she doesn’t need to feed him publicly…
She got a hammock for each titty O_o
Often, I am so happy to have discovered your page. You do not disappoint…even in throwbacks! “Even Atlas shrugged” Com-mah-dee!!!
Aw! I remember seeing her years ago on TV with her husband. And then I read in the article on that he passed away. :'(
It looks like they had a beautiful relationship.