Madame Cameroon’s Lethal Side-Eye
This picture really is my everything. I have officially found myself a new role model. She is Chantal Biya, the First Lady of Cameroon. Me and one of my besties, Kindred had roast tourette’s from looking at this pic. Luvvie: What do I say to that??? Where do I begin, …
5 Ways Guys Club Wrong
So Labor Day just passed, which not only signifies that it is Cuddle Buddy season the weather is actively getting cooler, but it is the time when my homebody-ness becomes full-fledge. All the kicking it I do from May to August is about to wind down a little bit. Clubbing …
Being A College Freshman: A Short Manual of Do’s and Don’ts
It’s about that time of year. The weather isn’t getting hotter. Everyone has had a full 3 months of frolicking, ratchetness and nekkidness. September is almost here, which means one thing: SCHOOL’S BACK IN! Now, for those who just graduated from high school, it means you’re probably about to be …
The Random Things Folks Search to Find My Blog (and a Giveaway)
My readers are some of the funniest and wittiest people on the innerwebs (yes you are), and my comments STAY making me cackle. But y’all are also mightly ratchet. How do I know? Because of the way some of your found this blog. Google has been semi-kind to me, sending …
The Road Not Ratchet: A Poem
I’d like to think of myself as versatile, n’ah mean? I ain’t just a writer. I’m also a poetress. Yes, poetress. I can be deeper than the Kat Stacks’ parents’ Fail list. So here I’m is. I’d like to bless y’all with a poem. I’m a fan of the classics. …
Mornings Are Wack
*grumbles* Happy Monday. O__O (What’s happy about it? I know. I ask the same thing). As y’all will often see, I post my blogs at like 2am sometimes. Not only am I most productive when it’s dark out, I don’t remember ever being an early-to-bed kinda person. My Mom told …
Taxes and Death: 2 Things You Can’t Avoid. Especially Taxes
There are few things you can’t avoid in life, no matter how hard you try. These things include death, bad music and taxes. It’s so serious that when you die, they play bad music at your funegro, while the gubment sends a eulogy that reads “We know you ain’t here …
Rio Won Olympics and Chicago’s Mad
So by now, you already heard that Rio won the 2016 Olympics. My poor city, Chicago was the first one eliminated. The Olympic Committee went: “I’m happy for you, Chicago & I’mo let you finish, but Rio had the BEST Olympic bid of ALL TIME! Oh, and 2016 DEEZ!!! Giggity, …
It’s Nigeria’s Birthday. ACT UP!
YESSSSS!!! Nigeria turns 49 today. It’s Africa’s most populated country. And before the intrawebs, we were known more for our oil-rich land than email scams. Negativity aside, I’m proud to be from the heart of Africa. So in honor of the day, I shall start off by singing our national …
Writing FAIL
As y’all know, my English professor alter egos are TypoCop and GrammarNator. They are the parts of me that side-eye folks that do their best to butcher the English language when trying to write formally. I know that here on AweLuv, I don’t write in the King’s English because, well …