Gout WebMD
My Life

WebMD is a Dramatic Hypochondriac. And I Might Have Gout

The Information SuperHighway aka The Innawebs is a gift and a curse. Remember when you had to go to the library to find out something? And then we got computers in the crib and Microsoft Encarta was the joint! (Yes, we fancy, huh?) Anyway, now that we have Google, all …

Mel Gibson
CultureFamous folksLetters

Dear Mel Gibson, Please STFU

So Gawker released an article last week saying that Mel Gibson went on a diatribe against his ex. “You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n*ggers, it will be your fault.” – Mel Gibson to his wife. THAT is why …

sassy gay friend

Everyone Needs A Sassy Gay Friend

Everyone needs a Sassy Gay Friend. They’re as awesome as you think. So before you make another important life choice, please consult your Sassy Gay Friend to ensure it’s the right one. *flips glittery scarf* *smirks at camera*

BET Awards 2010 Logo
AwardsTV and Movies

BET Awards Was Actually Good

So I went into the BET Awards expecting much fail, like in the previous year. Expectations CANNOT be placed low enough BET. Let me definitely say that. How bad has BET been in previous years? Well, last year, it was so bad that my recap was in TWO parts. First …

Famous folksMusic

10 Reasons Why Michael Jackson is the GOAT (Greatest of All Time)

A year ago today, the world lost a bit of it’s awesome when Michael Jackson, the King of Pop passed away. I remember that I was in my office when I found out on TMZ at exactly 4:30pm CST. I was hoping TMZ made a mistake, so I refreshed my …

Blogging While Brown 2010 Speakers
BusinessMy LifeSocial MediaTravel

Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome

I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

My LifeTravel

Amtrak Failed Us: An Overnight Trip Gone Bad

I got a tale to tell about my how Amtrak failed us! I had to travel to DC this past weekend to speak at the Blogging While Brown Conference. What had happened was: Me and my homette Patrice (aka Afrobella) decided to travel to Washington DC from Chicago on Amtrak. …

Whose is this?

Whose Aunty is This With the Windshield Wiper Brows?

I was on MissJia.com when I saw this picture below. And I was forced to save it and make it my Twitter background. I think at least once an hour, someone tweets me talmbout “WHAT IS THAT?!?” I don’t even… I just… *facepalm* WHAT (not who) is this? Where do …


The Road Not Ratchet: A Poem

I’d like to think of myself as versatile, n’ah mean? I ain’t just a writer. I’m also a poetress. Yes, poetress. I can be deeper than the Kat Stacks’ parents’ Fail list. So here I’m is. I’d like to bless y’all with a poem. I’m a fan of the classics. …


AweLuv DEED that: Redesigned Afrobella’s Website

Hey y’all. If you’re reading this before noon, odds are that I’m somewhere making sweet sweet love with my pillow. I was supposed to write about my exciting Sunday but I had to finish what I was doing. What was it? Well I’m glad you asked (“Sharrap!” to everyone that …