True Life: I Bought UGG Boots. And I Love Them.
So I’m one of those people who has roasted Ugg boots to pieces over the years. They tend to look like brown foot casts and look utterly shapeless. I think what REALLY ruined them for me was how folks started wearing them in summer, with short shorts on. looks at …
Today’s World AIDS Day. Let’s “Face AIDS”
Hey AweLuvvers! I interrupt this regularly-scheduled ratchetness to let you all know that today is World AIDS Day. Some of you are aware that I’m co-founder of The Red Pump Project, an organization that combines my passion for social justice and my love of shoes to raise awareness about the …
Black Velvet Napoleon Failed
I went to a part one of my fave DJs (Dee Money) was throwing the night of Thanksgiving. I was minding my own business (as I always do O_o) when some short dude in a velvet blazer approached me.
Who Would You Rather…? Discuss.
I owe you all a post but in the meantime, I have a coupla questions for you. If you ended up in Hell, who wold you rather sing acapella to you for eternity: Rihanna or Cassie? Who would you rather take a bite from your food: Jim Jones unkempt self …
How To Survive Black Friday. Tip 1: Avoid WalMart
As folks know, I’m an avid shopper (read: shopaholic) and likes to dabble in sales from time-to-time (read: shops too much). So MY Superbowl equivalent is Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving where stores everywhere have RIDICULOUS sales. Stores open at midnight or 4am and items are like a …
I Might Try Yoga. Yes, Really.
I gotta admit that I’m overworked. I’m sure a lot of us are. For someone who’s supposedly FUNemployed, I stay mighty busy. With my clients and Red Pump work. I find myself working through most weekends. My sleeping schedule is MURKED! I’m the one going to bed when everyone else …
Whose Sexy Flexy Granny Is This?
So the other day. I decided to put on my Facebook fan page that folks can feel free to share any photos, videos or stories of foolery that they find. Why? Foolery I asked for, and foolery I got. This picture happened. WHOSE GRANNY IS THIS??? I feel so ashamed …
Four Seasons of Angst and Linen
So y’all know me and Kindred love a good roast. A coupla weeks ago, we were in the mood to listen to some douchebaggery music (note: we call ultra sappy songs douchebag music because you can just picture some douche on YouTube playing it on an acoustic guitar. We LOVE …
Things That Murk Thugs and Cause Thug Tears
As you all know, I’m a thug. I’ve even been called the Suge Knight of Twitter (shoutout to @areefuhstanklin). My goonhood is legendary. It’s epic take has been told all through nowhere… well that ain’t important. I’m just saying. I’m so THUGGISH that I punch teddy bears for no reason. …
Dear Amazon, Selling A Pedophilia Guide Book??? AWFUL!
I wasn’t even planning a sternly-worded letter this week. But as usual, something popped up to make one necessary. An evening post? Yes. It’s on THAT level of serious. I was on Twitter when I saw this tweet: I clicked on it, and what do I see but THIS: Dear …