Whose is this?

Whose Birthday Cake is This?

I found my newest guilty pleasure in the website NoWayGirl.com. It is NOTHING but epic foolery in picture form. I came across one of their pictures and my side-eye was so strong my eyes hurt afterwards. Wait a minute. Wait a GAHTDAMB minute. IS that a cake with pistols, shotguns, …

Famous folks

Obama got Osama; FoxNews Throws Shade; People Act a Fool Outside of White House

Unless you’ve been living under the same rock we thought Osama was hiding under, you know that he’s dead. The world found out that global enemy #1 was murked and killed last night, while chilling in a mansion in a suburbs in Pakistan. Chile… WHAT? So this dude wasn’t even …

Famous folksLetters

Dear Donald Trump, You’re a Dusty Degenerate

This week’s sternly-worded letter is truly deserved. If you don’t know why, then either you’ve been hiding under a rock or you’re related to Sarah Palin. Either one is not a good look. Let’s get into it. Dear Donald Trump, When you decided that you might be running for presidency …

My Life

Come Hang With Me In DC and Chicago

So in the next week, I’m gonna be kicking it and I want to meet some of my readers. TWO locales, TWO chances to see the fool person behind the cartoon. I’m currently in DC for the Nonprofit Technology Conference. *cartwheels on Pennsylvania Avenue* *does the wop on the Washington …


The Chicken Crossed the Road and Died. MIND = BLOWN

The old age question of “Why did the chicken cross the road?” means something so new to me now. So I was loitering in Tumblr when I came across: At first, I was all “I still don’t get it.” But that’s because I’m slow. So Bassey explained to me.  and …

Red Pump

I’m Rocking the Red Pump Today for NWGHAAD

I’m rocking some fierce red pumps today because it’s National Women & Girls’ HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). 2 years ago, I and Karyn of The Fab Giver launched The Red Pump Project to fuse fashion with HIV/AIDS. We asked bloggers to “Rock the Red Pump” and for people everywhere to …

Famous folksMy Life

Happy Birthday, Afrobella!

Today is a glorious day! It’s Afrobella‘s birthday!!! Yes, THAT Afrobella. The one whose hair precedes her. The one who folks call the Godmother of Brown Beauty Blogging. She was doing it before people blogged for the freebies (because there were none back then). She’s the reason a lot of …

BusinessMy Life

I’m Going to the NTEN Conference in DC! Thanks to YOU!

For the past 2 years, I’ve gone to the Nonprofit Technology Conference to represent the organization I used to work for as Marketing Coordinator. This conference is an awesome 3 days of panels, networking and just getting to learn more about working in the nonprofit technology field (my specialty). Both years …

Famous folks

Dear Charlie Sheen, Please Go Have Some Seats

Charlie Sheen is nuts. THAT is why I’m writing this week’s sternly-worded letter? Very rarely does this level of batsh*t nuts-dom come to our attention. I mean DAMB! Charlie Sheen has been EVERYWHERE this past week talmbout his his life as a rich crackhead and wondering who gon check him. …

Famous folksLettersMusic

Dear Lil Kim, This Nicki Minaj Beef is Tired

This letter to Lil Kim has been a long time coming. And everytime I lose my vigor to write it, something else happens. Sit back. Enjoy. Dear Lil Kim, Hey gurl hey. *deep sigh* You know I used to be a fan of yours, right? Your songs went HARD in …