Google Guitar Doodle Logo

Google’s Guitar Logo Rocks!

I’m a Google Groupie. NO doubt about it. I’m All Google Everything. But can you blame me? They keep doing awesome things in their plot for world domination and I’m a willing sheep. I wish I could work there. YES LAWD! Anywho, the latest in Google Greatness is today’s Guitar …

Invisiwig Brows

Invisiwig Brows. NO MA’AM!

I was minding my own business when my girl @KindredSmile ambushed my gchats talmbout “Lacefront Eyebrows.” I told her to go away, but she didn’t listen. This fool sent me a link to: INVISIWIG EYEBROWS! LAWDDDDDD!!! So folks ain’t e’em going the old-fashioned 2001 route of using rogaine on their brows …

Hidden App for MacBooks

MacBook Thieves Beware! You Might Don’t Make It!

Ok so y’all know I’m a tech geek and I love my gadgets. Between my Blackberry, MacBook and iPod touch, I’m always connected to the matrix. This is a good AND bad thing but I’m addicted. I love my gadgets like they’re my children, so I’d hate if anything ever …

Single Ladies
Famous folksTV and Movies

VH1’s “Single Ladies” Was Not Good

I’m a fan and avid watcher of bad TV. I love shitty reality TV shows and often DVR them. I live-tweet them like my next pair of shoes depended on it. I LOVE BAD TV. But some TV shows KNOW they’re bad, and they’re ok with it. “Single Ladies” is …

Famous folksMusicVideos

No More “Rolling in the Deep” Covers!

Now y’all KNOW my love of Adele. It was well-documented in the post I wrote a coupla weeks ago titled “Why I LOVE Adele.” Apparently, I ain’t the only one who thoroughly enjoys that plump Brit with a voice touched the the Lord! 98 comments and counting! One of my …

LettersMy Life

Dear Grandma, We Love You. Always.

She helped raise me. I grew up in her house. We didn’t just see her on holidays. She was ALWAYS there. In our family house. Granny would pick us up from school almost everyday. People remember her because she was an ever-present force in all our lives. My cousins would …

My Life

I Need Laughter Now More Than Ever

I’m dealing with the loss of my grandmother, who was the matriarch of my very close-knit family. For me, it’s important to grieve, but also very important to be there for my mom, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. But MY process of grief is odd. I need to be distracted …

Whose is this?

Whose Head is This? I Have Many Questions

I was doing what I does when I does it (read: nothing) when I stumbled upon the picture below. I blame Thembi for this. No that is not a mannequin. That is a grown man with tattooed cornrows. *blinks twice* I have many questions and not enough answers. Is this …

Famous folksMusic

Why I Love Adele: Her Voice and Soul

My love affair with Adele began later than everyone else’s because, well, I’m always tardy for the party. First time I saw her was at some awards show last year singing “Chasing Pavements.” I was all “Who is this? She’s kinda tight.” But she fell off my radar for a …

Red velvet onion rings

Red Velvet Onion Rings. Yes, Jesus Loves Me.

As some of you are aware, I am obsessed with all things rice and red velvet. Last year when I found out about the existence of RED VELVET FRIED CHICKEN (yes, I hollered when I typed that), I did all types of drops and twirls. And started a mission to …