Social Media

The Library of Congress Got Your Tweets

So this happened: After I finished saying a really drawn out “WOWWWW.” I realized that with THAT tweet, a lot of folks’ chances of ever running for public office just spiraled down the drain of life. That tweet just murked some hopes and dreams. Yes, yall. the Library of Congress, …

Construction Avatar
My Life

Under Construction

Hey folks! It’s about that time. I’m giving Awesomely Luvvie a facelift and overhaul. Last time I redesigned my site was 2009 New Years Day, almost 1.5 years ago. I need to upgrade my eLife and lighten things up in here. The white text on black background will be gone. …

Erykah Badu
Famous folksMusic

Badu’s Badonk is BAD!

Everyone has been talking about Erykah Badu’s vidjo “Window Seat” all week. People have been debating whether the message of the video is parallel to the lyrics. And they’ve been discussion Erykah’s use of nudity to get her point across yaddy yada blah blah. I don’t gibbadamb bout any of …

Facebook logo
Social Media

Facebook and Old Folks are Here to Stay

As you see from my last post, old folks ain’t on the top of my Christmas list right now. This brought me to the fact that I can’t even avoid them if I tried. They’ve infiltrated my hangout spots now too! Like Facebook. Remember when Facebook was just college students? …

hi hater

Jesus Had Haters. You Have Side-eye Givers

You know who annoys the heck outta me? People who always talk about how they got haters. REGLASS people too. If I come across one more Facebook status talmbout “Haters are mad right now. They see me up there.” What haters? Up where? Who are you? Why are you on …

FashionMy Life

I Don’t Wear Makeup Enough

Kindred: Tryna step my accessory game up since I’mo be rocking a TWA (teeny weeny afro) soon Me: Earrings is the game that matters the most with a TWA Kindred: oh yes I know. Earrings and eyeshadow Me: Eff eyeshadow Kindred: I don’t want anyone to be like “Oh sir, …

I Rock the Red Pump
Red Pump

I Rock the Red Pump

Every 35 minutes, a woman tests positive for HIV in the United States. This is this year’s theme for National Women and Girls’ HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NWGHAAD). Created by the Office of Women’s Health, NWGHAAD is March 10th of every year. Its goal is to serve as a day for …

Humpty Dumpty's Great Fall
My Life

Fall Heard ‘Round the World

Okay so I’m not the most graceful of people. It’s part of the reason I’m not a dancer (that and my lack of talent. But semantics). There are countless F My Life tales from high school of when my feets failed me. Picture it, Chicago 2001… A young Luvvie was …

Gahtdamb, Courtney Love!
Famous folks

Gahtdamb, Courtney Love!

I’m tah’d and it’s late (look at the timestamp) so I’mo make this short. I was minding my own business like I like to do (O__o) when my homette Afrobella hit me up on Twitter talmbout “You looking for a new background? Drink that cold glass of water” And then linked …

My LifeRandom

Mornings Are Wack

*grumbles* Happy Monday. O__O (What’s happy about it? I know. I ask the same thing). As y’all will often see, I post my blogs at like 2am sometimes. Not only am I most productive when it’s dark out, I don’t remember ever being an early-to-bed kinda person. My Mom told …