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TV and Movies

More Cattle, Less Bull: Scandal Episode 305 Recap

This episode of Scandal was slower than usual because halfway through it, I wasn’t sweating. My heart has usually jumped twice in my chest 30 minutes into an episode. BUT it was the calm before the storm. Shonda was preparing to slay us all and shake ALL the tables. The …

Stages of Watching Scandal
TV and Movies

The 5 Stages of Watching Scandal

It’s been two and a half months since the Scandal season 2 finale episode left us all unable to deal. We wailed in despair for Scandal’s summer neglect, wondering what we were going to do to occupy our time and cope with the withdrawal. Chile, the struggle for us Gladiators …

Stages of Twitter Dealing with a Beyonce Event
Famous folksSocial Media

Stages of Social Media Dealing with a Beyoncé Event

Beyoncé is the world’s biggest popstar right now and whether you love her or not, it’s hard to argue this fact. Based purely on her numbers and accomplishments and popularity, she is. Every move of hers is clocked and folks act a fool at the sound of her name. Especially …

Fitz Lives Scandal
TV and Movies

A Criminal, A Whore, An Idiot and a Liar: Scandal Episode 211 Recap

Scandal went off air over 30 minutes ago and I’m sitting on this couch wondering what my life is about. I mean GAHTDAMB. This episode didn’t murk my spirit in the last 5 minutes like normal. Instead, the entire episode just slayed me completely. Every scene was as important as …

Mitt Romney or Mr Burns

If You Vote for Mitt Romney, We Don’t Go Together

So this election season has really worn me out. It’s been so charged. As someone who isn’t THAT much into politics, I had to perk up and pay attention because this is so important. I’m a fan of President Barack Obama. For reasons. One of this is that he’s FAHN. …

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PoliticsTV and Movies

President Obama Came to Win and Mitt Romney Came to Whine: Debate Recap

The debates from last night was highly anticipated since the last one had President Barack Obama looking hella bored and Mitt Romney being loud but saying nothing of substance. Folks were ready to see Barack come through this time with more passion and he didn’t disappoint. It was a bit …

Women in binders

Phenomenal Binder, That’s Me: A Poem

When I try to explain to people that I’m not the most ratchet of my friends, they always give me the side-eye. But for realsies. I have some type of foolery magnet and it brings fellow senseless people into my life and I love it. My girl Kellee (@KHough09), decided …

Joe Biden Paul Ryan Vice President Debates

Joe Biden Shaded and Paul Ryan Drank Lotsa Water: VP Debate Recap

Anything that postpones Scandal for a week better be worth the while, and lemme tells ya… the vice-president debate was certainly worth it. Folks were looking forward to this showdown after the less-than-exciting Presidential one, and it didn’t disappoint. I missed the first 20 minutes of it though. I actually …

Mitt Romney Barack Obama debate switched hairhats

President Obama Looked Bored, Mitt Blinked a Lot and Sesame Street-Gate: Debate Recap

I watched the Presidential debate and it was 1.5 hours of side-eying and roast on my part. If you’re looking for a great post on all the issues and stances and rebuttals and whatnot, this ain’t that. Go to, and getchu some of that there. Me? I’m here …

Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths
CultureFamous folksSocial MediaTop Posts

The Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths

I analyzed the process of grieving on Twitter when celebrities die, and it’s the same cycle each time, with the theatrics at the highest levels.