Real Life Doesn't Work Like That - GIF
BookLuvvLetterMy Life

On Echoing Dissonance, Entitled Delusions and Empowering Dreams

Nothing says welcome to summer like having to pay contractors thousands of dollars to evict birds who were nesting in our walls. 😒 How did they get there? Well, because there were holes in the roofs of our house and families of starlings were coming in and out and waking …

Schedule Full of Meetings - GIF

On Excessive Meetings, Efficient Mindsets and Enlightened Motivations

In a world inundated with noise, distractions, and the constant pressure to do more, there’s a quiet power in keeping things straightforward and cutting out the unnecessary fluff. In this year of self-care, I’m finding that clarity is more key than ever. As my team is working alongside me to …

Inner Child Healing - GIF
BookLuvvLetterMy Life

On Comprehension Crisis, Childhood Connection and Comforting Communications

I recently went to see my dermatologist and she gave me such props on my skin, that I’d rather folks TALK TO ME NICE!!! Because we thank God that we don’t often look like what we’ve been through. I’m over here, half the time not drinking enough water and sleeping …

3rd Anniversary - PT
BookLuvvLetterMy Life

On Blazing Blazers, Better Bonds and Bold Books

I’ve been in California for this last week and lemme tell you. Being in PST (Pacific Standard Time) has me feeling behind the world. Cuz it’s 2 hours behind Chicago, so every morning that I’ve been waking up, it feels like I’ve overslept. 😴 ​ And this last week has …

Where are they - Library
BookLuvvLetterSocial Media

On Book Crisis, Bold Convictions and Boss Chicks

I’ve been sharing that this is my year of being committed to my mental health and creating space for new things in my life. One habit that I started in January that has been a game changer for me is putting my phone away an hour before I go to …

How to Write a Book: A 10-Step Guide
BookTop Posts

How to Write a Book: A 10-Step Guide

Writing a book is both an art and a science. It’s a journey that demands creativity, discipline, and strategic planning. I’ve written 4 New York Times bestselling books in 8 years, and I’ve used the same formula to make each happen. And now, I want to help more people get …

You cannot and do not have to save the world

On Crazy Times, Callings and Categories

So what had happened was… 😅 I took the summer off the LuvvLetter to give myself time to slow down after Little Troublemaker came out. I was thinking it’d be super laid back and chill but then I felt like I had an assignment I had left behind. So I …

Luvvie with LT Book
BookMy LifeSocial Media

Big Heart, Big Personality, Big Mess. Little Troublemaker is Here!

You know that kid, who is a tiny rebel with a cause, with a strong side-eye and a giant smile and a kind spirit. They’re confident (sometimes to a fault. HA!). Big feelings, big personality, small package. I was her. I am her. You might be her. You might be …

Little troublemaker Sponsorship Train
BookPodcastSocial Media

On Multitasking, Mistakes and a Mission

After a year away hiatus, I am finally back with my Professional Troublemaker podcast! I took the time off to work on Little Troublemaker Makes a Mess, but I’ve really missed it. This week, I dropped the first episode of my 4th season, and lemme tell you, I also dropped …

Letter To My Younger Self
BookMy LifePodcast

Letter To My Younger Self – Episode 1 of the Little Troublemaker Special

This week, I kick off the return of the podcast with a Letter to my Younger Self. I’m telling her 5 things to remember as this journey of life flows. The lessons that she would have wanted to know early, and not just from trial by fire. And to do …