Happy 50th Birthday, Nigeria! #AllNAIJAErrthang
Y’all will catch me randomly yelling out “ALL NAIJA EVERYTHING” today because it’s my country’s birthday! Nigeria turns 50 today and celebrates half a century without British rule! Naijas everywhere will be rejoicing like nothing else, so excuse any rowdiness you see from us. Nigeria’s the most populated country in …

I’m Not a Big Drinker But I’m the Public Lushness Fairy
I’m a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. I prefer the fruity drinks that taste like juice over taking shots. In fact, shots give me the heebie jeebies. Sometimes, I’ll take a shot if enough peer pressure is applied. But my face afterwards looks like the #10 on the medical …

I Got My Najiramba On
So y’all know that episode of Martin where he just came up missing and sent Gina a tape saying he had to go find himself? And then they found him in some sort of cult place where he was rocking half a fro, half braids while rocking a brown sack? …

BasseyWorldLive was the Reunion of Ratchetness
One of the things I was looking forward to the most on my trip to New York City was BasseyWorldLive. You see… Bassey Ikpi is a dope poet who has been on Def Poetry Jam and errthing. She’s also one of the best folks on Twitter, which is where she …

BlogHer 2010 Was Awesome: My Recap
BlogHer 2010 was THE BEST! So I’m back from the East Coast, and I must say that was the BEST. TRIP. EVER!!! I’ve traveled a decent amount of times this past year but these last 5 days were hands down the best time I’ve ever had outta town. The whole …

All Blog Conference Everything
In the beginning of this year, I decided to set a lofty goal for myself. One I actually didn’t think I’d hit, but like they say, AIM FOR THE STARS blah blah blah fall blah blah moon. Or something. I wanted to attend the three blog conferences I attended last …

WebMD is a Dramatic Hypochondriac. And I Might Have Gout
The Information SuperHighway aka The Innawebs is a gift and a curse. Remember when you had to go to the library to find out something? And then we got computers in the crib and Microsoft Encarta was the joint! (Yes, we fancy, huh?) Anyway, now that we have Google, all …

Blogging While Brown 2010 Was Awesome
I had A BLAST in Washington DC this past weekend. The Blogging While Brown Conference was super super awesome for so many reasons. So take off your coat and stay a while. There’s much to gist you with. The Conference began on Friday with a game night but Afrobella and …

Amtrak Failed Us: An Overnight Trip Gone Bad
I got a tale to tell about my how Amtrak failed us! I had to travel to DC this past weekend to speak at the Blogging While Brown Conference. What had happened was: Me and my homette Patrice (aka Afrobella) decided to travel to Washington DC from Chicago on Amtrak. …

I’m Wack on Wheels
I’m one of those folks who’s better on solid ground. I’m a GREAT walker. I can walk with the best of them. I can power walk, strut, skip… all’a that. Just don’t ask me to run or nothing. I’m allergic to that. It’s when you ask me to do stuff …