BlogHer 2010 Was Awesome: My Recap
BlogHer 2010 was THE BEST! So I’m back from the East Coast, and I must say that was the BEST. TRIP. EVER!!! I’ve traveled a decent amount of times this past year but these last 5 days were hands down the best time I’ve ever had outta town. The whole trip was awesomeness epitomized. So stick with me, take off your coat and stay a while. This will be a doozy.

Picture from
Afrobella and I flew into New York City on Thursday afternoon, and headed to our hotel. Chilled in the room for a bit and were joined by our other roomie Sarah Conley of StyleIT. Then I was off to the BlogHer speaker orientation. There, I found my girl Adria Richards of But You’re A Girl and her ADORABO long-haired chihuahua, Bluey (who is ridiculously well-behaved and low-maintenance. My kind of dog). I also met Jessica Bern, who was one of the speakers on my humor panel. ALRAHT!!! *fist pump*
Afterwards, I met up with my BESTEST FRIEND EVER, TC, for some dinner. I haven’t seen her in 50-eleben years! (Read: since Christmas). We hung until the wee hours of midnight (o__o). She met Sarah and it was dopeness all around.
Friday was the first day of the conference. In predictable fashion, I got there late (I really can’t seem to be on time for anything. For someone who was born 2 weeks late, expect tardiness always). And in gluttonous fashion, it was just in time for lunch. YUMMM!!! Roasted potatoes, salmon, salad, and endless dessert made for a delicious meal. I ended up eating with the MamaLaw ladies of Blogalicious Weekend.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur, but I did spend a bulk of it in the BlogHer Recharge Lounge with Liz Burr, getting our charge on. Friday was one of those crazy days too because I was supposed to hit up 3 events. Unilever was having a Penthouse event from 4-7, and then the BlogHer Gala was from 7-10. And most exciting of all was BasseyWorldLive from 7-10 also. I actually wanted to hit up all 3. I made it to 2 (iFailed at making it to BlogHer Gala).
The Unilever event was super fun! I got a piticure, shoulder massage, foot rub, 2 pairs of custom flip flops, food, drinks AND a huge gift bag. Twas dopiness! Afterwards, I went to BasseyWorld Live to finish the day.
Anywho, Saturday rolled around and I was uber excited. It was the day of the panel I was speaking on. I decided to rock one of the outfits GAP provided me, so I looked super preppy. Like Audrey Hepburn’s melanin-blessed cousin. Black cropped pants, red cardigan and flats. I made it to BlogHer on time because I also wanted to catch the panel Adria was on. Adria and the others rocked it out!
Lunch was delish once again. I ate with Adria, Liz, Gina Carroll, Ananda Leeke, Latoicha Givens and some other ladies. We took pics too.

Latoicha Givens, Gina Carroll and I. BlogHer ’10 at Lunch. Photo from Adria Richards Flickr stream
My panel was up! It was the “Humor Writing lab” and I was moderating it (EEK!). Jessica Bern and Lizz Winstead completed the humor trifecta. I met Lizz 5 minutes before our panel started, and she was so welcoming. She also informed me that Jessica had laryngitis so she may not have a voice. Life is comedy sometimes (especially the part where I’m moderating a panel with the co-creator of the Daily Show and another professional comedian. How did I get there?).
The panel started and soon enough, the packed room was in hysterics. I started the panel by asking the ladies “What makes you funny?” Jessica and Lizz had folks in stitches in no time. They’re standup comedians so that was to be expected. I was just in awe of the level of awesome that I was allowed to be a part of. Have I ever considered stand up comedy? For a fleeting moment. Now, that moment has been extended to a minute. Just maybe… but what if I get booed off the stage??? I’d bust out a *WALL SLIDE* then and there!!!

Lizz Winstead, Jessica Bern and I after our Humor panel at BlogHer ’10
Anywho, folks dug our panel. Tweets below:
I was on a high myself. I’m pretty sure I had a stupid grin on my face for about 5 hours after.
But I must say. No one parties like BlogHer bloggers. NO ONE! BlogHer is party central after 5pm. Saturday night, there were 3 parties going on in the Hilton hotel. All official BlogHer parties. The first was Blogalicious’ party, where we kicked it. And we even requested the DJ play the Electric Slide near the end. And he did! We line-danced our hearts out for 5 good minutes.
Then while we were sitting, Danielle of Momotics comes over and asks “Would you guys like wine?” Us: “sure!” she then pulls out a bottle from her purse and goes “I’m the wine fairy.” SCORE. Then she told us she had more bottles in my room. This led to an impromptu wine party with her, Afrobella, Huny, Kiratiana, Lenee and Adria. IT. WAS. AWESOME! We then decided to take the party downstairs because there were TWO BlogHer parties going on. Yes, TWO. SparkleCorn and the CheezBlogHer shindigs. This is the part where I sheepishly confess that none of us were registered for those parties. *looks shifty*
Sidenote: There may or may not be a picture of me sitting on the floor guzzling wine.
Anywho, 2 hours and multiple cheeseburgers later, we were dancing happily in SparkleCorn. The party was about to end when Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” came on. Guys, let me tell you. FormerlyPhread hears the song and proceeds to do the ENTIRE ROUTINE like a pro!!! She gained many new fans on THAT night. After she MURKED the dance, we all high-fived, hooted and hollered. She GOT IT ALLA WAY IN!!!
The night was EPIC! How epic? I woke up with a cheeseburger and deluxe snack wrap in my clutch. Yeah, I’m pretty sure BlogHer ’10 will go down in the books. It was that great. I met some amazing folks too. I wish I wasn’t too lazy to list everyone. Much love to the GAP for dressing me and keeping me looking sharp!
So to BlogHer, I say a hearty THANK YOU! It was an amazing time. Next year in San Diego for BlogHer ’11, it’s going down!
You had me in the humor panel, but you used “murked” in your post and it’s over. Reader for life.
HA! Yes I do love the word “murked.” WELCOME TO ME eLIFE!!! Never leave me! *hugs*
[…] BlogHer '10 Was Awesome! | Awesomely Luvvie […]
I see ya’ll decided against Amtrak this time around! LOL…Good post!
Gurl, we rebuked Amtrak. No ma’am!!!
You did a kickass job moderating the Humor panel.
Thanks Rachel! 😀
See ya’ll at BlogHer11! I will be way more prepared! LOL
YESSSSS!!! We’ll have to crank another coupla bottles. I’ll bring the plastic cups.
crashing parties with you insane multimedia broads was pretty much a highlight of mah LIFE. that was a fantastic saturday. I am registering for blogHer next year no matter what so we can do it all again! your recap has made me a believer.
YESSSSS!!! We’re going to take San Diego for a storm! Lawd, Cali better get ready.
Like Audrey Hepburn’s melanin-blessed cousin
Can’t wait to see you on the “cursing like a Nigerian 101” panel next year!
I’m cracking ALL THE WAY up! “Cursing like a Nigerian 101” panel sounds awesome. I’ll pitch to Elisa and watch her give me the side-eye of death.
[…] for mingling. Well, she decided to do one in NYC and it was coincidentally the same weekend of BlogHer, so I’d be in town. I’m pretty sure Bassey arranged this because of this fact. Yes, […]
I loved your session, and you were a great discovery. Funny and witty.
P.S. In my neck of the woods, I am the wine fairy, the person who sneaks wine into the kids’ water bottles for adults (not children) to drink at scouting events, etc.
Thanks Julie! And I like you. Anyone who’s the wine fairy in any form is typically awesome. lol
The humor panel was awesome! Definitely one of the best of the weekend.
*cheeses like a cheshire cat* 😀
San Diego is my hood so I am looking forward to some more hilarity next year from ya!
WOO HOOOOO!!! *cartwheels*
[…] magical things happen. And as long as I have a brain cell to my name I will treasure the memory of Luvvie stomping her feet and shouting while Jenny worked the entire Single Ladies dance at the end of the […]
Awesome recap Luvvs. I shall be in attendance next year!
San Diego 2011! WOO HOOOO!!!
Plastic cups??? Girl you’re killing me. Taking me back to the cheap wine and dixie bathroom cups days!
LOL! True story. It was just ratchet.
[…] (co-creator of the Daily Show) and Jessica Bern. I GOT MY LIFE with that panel and blogged about it here. Both of those ladies are hilarity personified and I had a […]
[…] BlogHer 2010 Was Awesome! […]