Oscars Luvvie
BusinessMy Life

I’m Going to the 2012 Academy Awards!

If you’re part of my Facebook fam or follow me on Twitter, this is probably not new news. But last week, I got GREAT news that I (and Afrobella) have been credentialed to be on the Academy Awards Red Carpet, on February 26, 2012! We’ll be doing press coverage and …

My Life

True Life: I Found A Gray Hair

In less than a month, I turn 27, and last week, I found my first gray hair. I was pinning up my locs, and I was looking in the mirror to make sure I got the style right. I was placing a pin in my hair when I saw something …

My Life

I’m So Thankful. Lemme Tell You Why

On this Thanksgiving Day, I am so thankful because I am blessed in so many ways, and I give God all the credit. I’d like to give glory to God for another year where no one calls me “Mom.” His grace and mercies have my ultimate gratitude for this. SHOULDACOMEINAHYUNDAI! …

CultureMy LifeTop Posts

The Foreign Name Struggle Is Real

Yesterday was my post telling parents to quit naming their kids stupidly. It turned out to be EPIC, with 300 comments on it (now: 600) and counting (record for this blog). And y’all might have made my site crash for a good hour yesterday with foolery. Folks acted UP in …

Google AdSense is a Hater
BusinessMy Life

Google AdSense is a Hater And They Disabled My Account

So a couple of weeks ago, I got an automated email from Google AdSense saying: “After reviewing our records, we’ve determined that your AdSense account poses a risk of generating invalid activity. Because we have a responsibility to protect our AdWords advertisers from inflated costs due to invalid activity, we’ve …

LettersMy Life

Dear Roach That Punked Me Last Night

I saw a roach in my apartment last night. And it punked me. So I decided to write it a sternly-worded letter. Dear Roach, You won this round. And might win the entire battle too. I’ve yet to come to terms with your presence in my crib. In fact, I …

BusinessMy Life

It’s a Celebration on Awesomely Luvvie So Giveaway Time!

I’m always tardy for the party, even when it’s my own. August was insanely busy for me. So busy that I forgot a major special occasion here on AwesomelyLuvvie.com! On August 8, 2006, I launched this blog with a simple post, not thinking it would turn into anything but a …

BusinessMy LifeRed Pump

I Was Chosen as a 30 Under 30. Check Me Out!

So blessings rain down on me continuously and I just want to do all types of church scoots. God is clearly doing the wop and the cabbage patch in my life AS WE SPEAK! That’s the only explanation I got for it. What happened this time? Wells… The Black AIDS Institute, …

BusinessMy LifeRed Pump

Guess Who’s On Eight Bus Ads In Chicago? The Red Pump Project!

So some of you know I founded an organization called The Red Pump Project with my girl Karyn Watkins of The Fabulous Giver. We raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women & girls, using red pumps as a symbol of empowerment. We’re national, with ambassadors around the country …

Red velvet waffles
BusinessMy Life

10 Reasons Why My Trip to LA Rocked. Part 2

So yesterday, I kicked off my post about my trip to LA from 2 weeks ago. Get a piece of Part 1. Anywho, LA rocked because: * I met a bunch of the folks I’ve been itching to meet for a while. I’m talmbout Marie Denee (who is just the …