Scott Hanselman, Luvvie, Adria Richards
BusinessMy Life

10 Reasons Why My Trip to LA Rocked. Part 1

This post has been a long time coming but ya know I stay tardy for all the parties. Anyway, 2 weeks ago, I was in Los Angeles for the first time EVER. I went for the Blogging While Brown Conference and decided to stay a coupla days extra to run …

LettersMy Life

Dear Grandma, We Love You. Always.

She helped raise me. I grew up in her house. We didn’t just see her on holidays. She was ALWAYS there. In our family house. Granny would pick us up from school almost everyday. People remember her because she was an ever-present force in all our lives. My cousins would …

My Life

I Need Laughter Now More Than Ever

I’m dealing with the loss of my grandmother, who was the matriarch of my very close-knit family. For me, it’s important to grieve, but also very important to be there for my mom, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins. But MY process of grief is odd. I need to be distracted …

My Life

Come Hang With Me In DC and Chicago

So in the next week, I’m gonna be kicking it and I want to meet some of my readers. TWO locales, TWO chances to see the fool person behind the cartoon. I’m currently in DC for the Nonprofit Technology Conference. *cartwheels on Pennsylvania Avenue* *does the wop on the Washington …

Famous folksMy Life

Happy Birthday, Afrobella!

Today is a glorious day! It’s Afrobella‘s birthday!!! Yes, THAT Afrobella. The one whose hair precedes her. The one who folks call the Godmother of Brown Beauty Blogging. She was doing it before people blogged for the freebies (because there were none back then). She’s the reason a lot of …

BusinessMy Life

I’m Going to the NTEN Conference in DC! Thanks to YOU!

For the past 2 years, I’ve gone to the Nonprofit Technology Conference to represent the organization I used to work for as Marketing Coordinator. This conference is an awesome 3 days of panels, networking and just getting to learn more about working in the nonprofit technology field (my specialty). Both years …

My Life

What’s Your Zodiac Sign? I Don’t Know Anymore! *Wall Slide*

I woke up today and found out something that has just murked me considerably. Apparently, the Earth has changed alignment and something something something relation to the moon blah blah axis womp blah. But somehow this change that happened has affected the zodiac, and has changed it considerably. So now, …

Skinny Girl Problems
My LifeTop Posts

Skinny Girl Problems Are Real

Skinny girl problems are REAL, and it is not our fault that our metabolisms are faster than Usain Bolt. I’m here to share with you what some of them are. Before I start, lemme say yes, I am aware that there’s a fat girl problem to counteract each of these. …

My Life

Who’s That on the Birthday Line? It’s LUVVIE!!!

Today is a special day! It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!! *and then I hit my dougie* YES MA’AMS and SIRS! Today’s my birthday! *cartwheels* 26 years ago, the world got a tad bit more ratchet, when at 2:30am, my mama birthed me. TWO weeks late. CLEARLY, I wasn’t on much then either. I …

My Life

Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself

Happy New Year, folks!!! *does the cabbage patch* Yessssssss!!! So I hope you stayed outta trouble on the 31st. I’d hate to see any of you on By hate, I mean thoroughly enjoy. Anywho, in this new year, I wanted to get folks re-acquainted to the person behind the …