What’s Your Zodiac Sign? I Don’t Know Anymore! *Wall Slide*
I woke up today and found out something that has just murked me considerably. Apparently, the Earth has changed alignment and something something something relation to the moon blah blah axis womp blah. But somehow this change that happened has affected the zodiac, and has changed it considerably. So now, …

Skinny Girl Problems Are Real
Skinny girl problems are REAL, and it is not our fault that our metabolisms are faster than Usain Bolt. I’m here to share with you what some of them are. Before I start, lemme say yes, I am aware that there’s a fat girl problem to counteract each of these. …

Who’s That on the Birthday Line? It’s LUVVIE!!!
Today is a special day! It’s MY BIRTHDAY!!! *and then I hit my dougie* YES MA’AMS and SIRS! Today’s my birthday! *cartwheels* 26 years ago, the world got a tad bit more ratchet, when at 2:30am, my mama birthed me. TWO weeks late. CLEARLY, I wasn’t on much then either. I …

Allow Me to Re-introduce Myself
Happy New Year, folks!!! *does the cabbage patch* Yessssssss!!! So I hope you stayed outta trouble on the 31st. I’d hate to see any of you on FAILblog.com. By hate, I mean thoroughly enjoy. Anywho, in this new year, I wanted to get folks re-acquainted to the person behind the …

Thank You For An Awesome(ly) Lovely 2010
WOWSIES! I can’t believe it’s the last day of 2010. Where did this year go? It ran faster than a Kenyan. Sheesh! Anywho, I didn’t want to have the New Year’s Eve go by without a quick wrap up, before New Years’ Eve festivities begin (and ratchetness takes over). Where …

Luvvie’s Christmas Sweater: Last Year’s Roast
Last year, I blessed the world by putting my avatar in a DELIGHTFUL sweater to celebrate the holidays. The Christmas spirit was RIPE in me. So y’all know I had to dress for the occasion! I presented the world with my sweater. And DAGNABBIT I looked ADORABO in it. But …

True Life: I Bought UGG Boots. And I Love Them.
So I’m one of those people who has roasted Ugg boots to pieces over the years. They tend to look like brown foot casts and look utterly shapeless. I think what REALLY ruined them for me was how folks started wearing them in summer, with short shorts on. looks at …

Black Velvet Napoleon Failed
I went to a part one of my fave DJs (Dee Money) was throwing the night of Thanksgiving. I was minding my own business (as I always do O_o) when some short dude in a velvet blazer approached me.

I Might Try Yoga. Yes, Really.
I gotta admit that I’m overworked. I’m sure a lot of us are. For someone who’s supposedly FUNemployed, I stay mighty busy. With my clients and Red Pump work. I find myself working through most weekends. My sleeping schedule is MURKED! I’m the one going to bed when everyone else …

Blogalicious and Miami: All TEN Everything!
I’m all tardy for the party, but better late than never, right? RIGHT??? Anyway, although Blogalicious 2010 was a full week ago, I’m just now getting to recapping it. It was awesome! It also ended on 10/10/10, so you know I have to do #AllTENeverything! Here are 10 reasons my …