Blogalicious and Miami: All TEN Everything!
I’m all tardy for the party, but better late than never, right? RIGHT??? Anyway, although Blogalicious 2010 was a full week ago, I’m just now getting to recapping it. It was awesome! It also ended on 10/10/10, so you know I have to do #AllTENeverything!
Here are 10 reasons my trip to Miami was AWESOMESAUCE:
1. Blogalicious 2010. The conference is in its second year, and it really is a gathering of a diverse group of women who get my passion for social media and blogging. I went last year too, so it felt like a mini reunion for fabulous geeks. The energy was off the hook! So I say kudos to the ladies of MamaLaw, who put it together.
2. I got to meet and reconnect with some fantastic ladies – There were a couple hundred ladies there, and in that number, I met a countless amount of dope people. I wish I could shout everyone out. I’ll mention 10 people. 5 I met there, and 5 I was reconnecting with:
Dr. Goddess (she is A MESS and a half. We acted a complete fool on the dancefloor too. We didn’t just cut a rug; we ripped it open!), Trish the NY Brit PR Girl (she’s such a sweetheart), Denise Jacobs (techies UNITE!), Jewel (who thinks I’m sweet and said she can no longer read my ratchet tweets the same way), Krystal Grant (who screamed and acted OUT when she met me. I was CRACKING UP!)
And it was great seeing these ladies again: Ananda Leeke (every blogging conference I’ve been at this past year, so has she. It’ll be kinda odd to go to one and not see her at this point), Renee Ross (who looked like a million bucks. She’s lost a lot of weight this past year, and she’s chronicled it on her blog), Latoicha Givens (my buddy! We had such a good time), Brittany of Clumps of Mascara (my sister in blogging. ALWAYS great to see her), Christie Crowder (who was the first person to invite me on her BlogTalk Radio Show).
Also, shoutout to makeup artist EXTRAORDINAIRE Tia Dantzler. I heart she murch. And my homegirl, who’s a SUPREME hairstylist Felicia Leatherwood. They also added fun to the whole experience.
3. Getting to present my workshop (and having it be well-received) – I presented the “New Media Guide: Blogging 101” with Little tech Girl, and those who attended gave really good feedback on it. They said they walked away knowing more than they did before. Even the veteran bloggers in the room felt like they learned something. This made my soul happy.
For those who would like the slides, they’re on my Slideshare page. You can download them here.
4. Staying at the Ritz-Carlton – I love staying at hotels, and I’ve stayed at a decent amount of them in this past year. However, this was top 3 on my list. Their customer service was OFF THE HOOK! The beds were like heaven. So much so that I didn’t want to get out of them in the mornings. And the bathroom was huge! AND…AND they randomly brought cookies and milk to our rooms. How great??? Oh. AND our beachview room? EVERYTHING! Yeah, when I grow up, and can afford to go stay at hotels for no reason, I’ma stay there alla tahm.
5. Rooming with Bluey the Dog – Adria has the world’s best dog!!! I mean REALLY. Her dog Bluey is an 11-year-old long hair chihuahua. And she is ADORABLE! And super well-behaved. Rooming with Bluey made us popular because people came to talk to us just because we ad Bluey with us. We took her everywhere too. She doesn’t bark unless you tell her to, and she’s uber friendly. AND she does tricks like giving high fives and shaking hands. Adria even recorded a video of Bluey doing tricks. Gotta love her! She even has her own Twitter account. That dog leads an exciting life.

Bluey rocking light up rings on her paws. She was ready to club! Oh. And her dress was purple velvet with pearls. OWWW!
6. Getting a chance to go to the beach for the first time in years – I haven’t visited the beach in years, although I don’t stay too far from some in Chicago. HUSH to everyone who just said we don’t have REAL beaches in Chicago because we aren’t by an ocean. Just HUSH! Anyway, it was good to lay on the beach for hours. Super relaxing and I got bronzed up in the process. Plus I fell asleep and took the best nap ever at the beach.

June Ambrose and I. #AllBlackEverything We took this pic like 4 times because my rebel eyes kept closing in them. My slits for eyes don’t let me be great sometimes.
7. Meeting June Ambrose – Yes, THAT June Ambrose. The one who styles all the celebs. I’m just not worthy. First time I met her was while I was in the elevator going down to the conference from my room. I was holding my laptop in my hands, and she saw my red crystal case and said “I love that case.” Me: O___O Umm… wow thanks!!!” Then she went “See you at the Beauty Bash tomorrow?” Me: “Yes!” She walked out the elevator and I did a jig! If there were cameras in there, anyone watching probably thought I had a mini seizure. She was so fierce in all black, and tan loubous.
So then, the next night, at the Blogalicious Beauty Bash party, June was there with Bali Shapewear. I walked up to her talking to Afrobella. She remembered me!!! *swooned* Then music started, and me, Patrice, Dr. Goddess, Nichelle started dancing. A Janet Jackson song came on, and the Doc pulled out a chair. Next thing we know, June took off her pumps and jumped on the chair. iDIED! LMAOOO! Who’da thought she was so ratchet? Then “Poison” came on. Me and Nichelle did the Kid n Play dance, and June bust out into the running man. In 5 inch heels. YES LAWD! My kind of woman lol. Antywho, that was a pleasure.
8. Visiting Miami for the first time and enjoying South Beach at night – This was my first time in Miami, and it was everything I expected (and more). The good times rolled THE ENTIRE time! They say New York is the city that never sleeps, but I say NAY. Miami is the REAL city that never sleeps. That place has people in the streets until morning (or so I’ve heard). AND there are businesses still open through the night.
9. Getting my first tattoo – Moving on…
Ok ok just kidding. I’ll tell you. I really DID get a tattoo. So what had happened was I’ve always wanted to get a tattoo. I just haven’t because I wanted to figure out what to get that was meaningful, and not rushed since it’s permanent and whatnot. And I was all “I also don’t wanna get something everyone has.” So all these years, I’ve been like “Hmmm… *strokes chin*.” Then it just occurred to me. One thing that IS most meaningful to me is the shape of a heart. It’s my life’s signature shape, because of my name. I’m #AllHEARTeverything. Love encompasses my life, and I realized I want THAT as a tattoo.
Then Afrobella came up with the idea of me getting argyle print in the heart. LOVED it! I love argyle (if you can’t tell by the background of my site). But i had to squash that idea because the tattoo I got is small, so argyle won’t really translate in it. Antywho, I just got a regular heart. At 1am. In a tattoo parlor on South Beach. By Lil Wayne’s tattoo artist.
I took the tattoo like a champ. At one point, I was even smiling. I’m such a weirdo sometimes.
10. Hanging with my crew of fabulous ladies – This trip to Miami and Blogalicious was A BLAST and a half. I slept very little and had so much fun in those 4 days that I had to rest up when I got back home. And it was largely due to my crew of FIERCE ladies that I hung with. Patrice (Afrobella), Adria (But You’re a Girl), Nichelle (StyleMom). We kicked it so hard! And did ratchet things. But what happens in Miami STAYS in Miami. I look forward to the next time we’re together. We must repeat these good times. I shall leave you with this pic of the four of us.

From L to R (Patrice, Adria, Nichelle, Me). People said we look like the New age “Girlfriends.” Or Living Single. Someone needs to give us a show. 😉
Thanks, Miami!!! See you next time!
Awww, take me back! I want to go back nooooow!
I KNOWWWW! It was SOO fun!
So how bad did the tat itch? I remember when I snuck and got mine at 18, that sucker itched like I had a body full of chicken pox in one spot (lower back).
When my tat started to itch so I scratched the skin around it. That helped a bit.
Low key, the Girlfriends theme song did pop in my head as soon as I saw the pic. I’ll be in Miami in December. I am sooooo getting a tattoo!!!! Glad you had fun!
“My giiiirrrlllfriend. There thru thick and thin…” LOL You’re not the only person that said that.
What tattoo u gon get?
OMG, I thought the same thing at the picture!! Its the 2010 Living Single!! lol
Glad you had a great time, congrats on the tattoo (I have two and want three more) and SQUEEEEALLLL at meeting/dancing with June Ambrose!!
Hehe. I heart that pic.
You’re a tat vet (in my book, anyway). I do have an idea for a 2nd one already. Oh lawd. am I getting addicted?
What a great recap. I loved it. Your beauty photos with the social media divas looks great. Glad you had a good time in Miami. It was good seeing you too. I missed your session so I am grateful you had the Slideshare presentation. Amazing as always — you rocked the photo with June! Loved the dress. Keep shining!You inspire me totally!
Thanks Ananda! you’re the bestest.
Aint you just the sweetest??? I want to pinch ya cheeks!
Jewel, you STAY tryna mess up my thug reputations! You can’t be going ’round telling folks I’m sweet! Shoo…
*whispers* HEY GIRL!
Blogalicious 10 was toooooo fabulous. And I am now an official rock star because I got a mention on Luvvie’s blog!!!!!!! *screaming, throwing rocks and jumping up and down like Ernest T Bass*!!!!!!!!
LOL! You’re hilarious.
Luvvie you were one of the many highlights at Blogalicious 10, it felt so good to be an openly blatant diva-geek!
*hugs* You rock, Trish!
THANK YOU SWEETIE! So honored and blessed to be mentioned on your blog! And equally…if not more honored and blessed to know you personally! You are a force of nature in our community of techie-geek-girls, social media mavens, and chicks out here just trying to do some good! Love you, girl! Keep doing your thang! And I LOVE that picture of you, Afrobella, StyleMom, and Adria! Just STUNNING!
*HUGS* to you, Christie!!! And thanks for the love on the pic. We did GIVE a lil something, huh? lol
Love this recap! So happy to have met so many inspiring sisters IRL (including you!). Thanks for sharing and getting me all excited about the next one again.
You’re GREAT, Akilah!!! It was such a pleasure meeting you. 😀