My Life

Nigerian Parties are the BEST

Nigerians love to party. We come up with parties for everything. A child is born? Yorubas have a naming ceremony when he/she is 7 days old. This often comes with a naming part and a party following it, with or without the actual baby present. In fact, it’s best if …

LettersMy Life

Dear God, Thank You.

I’ve written many letters here on AweLuv but I haven’t written one to the ONE who deserves it the most. Until now. Dear God, It’s me, Luvvie. I just wanted to say that I’m thankful for everything. I look around at all my blessings and I take credit for none …

AwardsMy Life

Mama, I WON Black Weblog Awards!!!

We’re having a party here today to celebrate because Awesomely Luvvie won “Best Humor Blog” in the Black Weblog Awards!!!     *Anti Wall Slide* *faints* *swoons* *does jig* I won the popular votes, which means y’all voted for me the mostest! Like for real! *Faints again all dramatic-like* iSweahfo …

My Life

I’m Lemony Snicket and I Ruined My Blackberry

My life these past couple of days has been a series of unfortunate events. This is why I am naming myself Lemony Snicket. It’s been such a mess that it’s been comical. I’m like a walking 1 stooge. So check it. First of all came yesterday morning. I got to …

AwardsBusinessMy Life

I’m a Finalist in the 2009 Black Weblog Awards

*Sigh* Have I ever told you I heart you? Yes YOU! The ones reading this blog. I does! I heart you like: Why am I professing such profound love for yall? Because yours truly is a finalist in the Black Weblog Awards for: Best Humor Blog & Best Personal Blog. …

My Life

I am a Walking Contradiction

“Getting Re-acquainted with Luvvie” Week continues. With that being said, I must admit that I’m a walking contradiction. I’m a paradox and a conundrum all wrapped up in a discrepancy. Why? Well, let me tell you. iSpy on myself *My avatar winks, but iCan’t. – Yes y’all. I admit it. …

Black Weblog Award 09
AwardsBusinessMy Life

I Wanna Win a Black Weblog Award!

Hey ALL!! My blog has been nominated for the Black Weblog Awards *does jig* in 4 categories: * Best Humor Blog * Best Personal Blog * Best Writing in a Blog * Blog to Watch My Twitter account is also up for “Best MicroBlog” *changes into sensible conservative suit* *gets …

My Life

iCan’t Run. I’m Allergic

So in my last post, I talked about my addiction to the web and how I’m trying to break the gift curse. When I asked for tips on how to stop my addiction to the web and gadgets as a whole, a couple of people commented that I should go …

My Life

You Know You’re Too Plugged In When…

In this day and age of connectivity and 24 hour access to the ‘net and some kind of gadget, it’s hard to unplug. I am one of the most accessible people this side of the equator. I can be reached via Gmail, GChat, Text Message, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, BlackBerry Messenger, …

My Life

Things That Are Scary At Me

Mkay so we’re all family here at AweLuv right? We s’posed to be able to be open with one another. Wells, I got some confessions. Y’all already know that I’m a thug. Despite that, there are a coupla things that take me out my element and make me go “EEK!!!” …