I Wanna Win a Black Weblog Award!
Hey ALL!! My blog has been nominated for the Black Weblog Awards *does jig* in 4 categories: * Best Humor Blog * Best Personal Blog * Best Writing in a Blog * Blog to Watch My Twitter account is also up for “Best MicroBlog” *changes into sensible conservative suit* *gets …
iCan’t Run. I’m Allergic
So in my last post, I talked about my addiction to the web and how I’m trying to break the gift curse. When I asked for tips on how to stop my addiction to the web and gadgets as a whole, a couple of people commented that I should go …

You Know You’re Too Plugged In When…
In this day and age of connectivity and 24 hour access to the ‘net and some kind of gadget, it’s hard to unplug. I am one of the most accessible people this side of the equator. I can be reached via Gmail, GChat, Text Message, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, BlackBerry Messenger, …

Things That Are Scary At Me
Mkay so we’re all family here at AweLuv right? We s’posed to be able to be open with one another. Wells, I got some confessions. Y’all already know that I’m a thug. Despite that, there are a coupla things that take me out my element and make me go “EEK!!!” …

Guess Who’s Bizzack?
I been gone for a minute now I’m back (but no jumpoff). Was I missed? Thanks to all my Guest Bloggers for holding down the fort. May your emails be sans Spam. Amen. The conference I went to was THAT BIZNESS (literally & figuratively)! I thought I was a geek, …

Going From a PC to My First MacBook
This summer, I will not be satting down in one place for long because of my love of frolicking in hot weather. And I have a lot of projects going on, both for my 9-5, and for others, so I need to be mobile. Despite the fact that I have …

Aftermath to the Blog eShindig!
The eShindig for my 150th post was BANANAS (No Gwen)!!! LiteBread had to get put out for getting too drunk and flirting with all the women (and at one point, the wall), but somehow made his way back. Amymay ate too many wangs and fell asleep on the floor. PBG …
Party time! 150th Post eShindig
Welcome to the 150th post on Awesomely Luvvie!!! My butler Benson has the day off but take off your coat and stay awhile. I’d prefer you take off your shoes since I just bought new carpet. Hope your socks don’t have holes in them or anything. Help yourself to the …

Confessions of a Former Hooper
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to sit on the bench, chew on ice for 1.5 hrs, clean off my gymshoes, rock a cute uniform be a hooper. I played basketball in elementary school, and was on my high school team for 2 years until I quit from inactivity. I …

So I Got Kicked Out of a Cab
I am notorious for never carrying cash. I mean, I could go weeks without ever touching paper money. My debit card IS my cash, and is swiped often enough to just really quit working one day. I realize this isn’t good, because often times when one does literally hand over …