BasseyWorldLive was the Reunion of Ratchetness
One of the things I was looking forward to the most on my trip to New York City was BasseyWorldLive. You see… Bassey Ikpi is a dope poet who has been on Def Poetry Jam and errthing. She’s also one of the best folks on Twitter, which is where she and I connected. She wakes up and pisses excellence, wit and awesome. So she’s been doing a nationwide series of events this year, where she brings panelists to speak, performs a couple of her poems, and provides a public space for mingling. Well, she decided to do one in NYC and it was coincidentally the same weekend of BlogHer, so I’d be in town. I’m pretty sure Bassey arranged this because of this fact. Yes, let’s go with that. (O___O)
Antywho, as the event was approaching, folks were on Twitter talmbout “I’ma be at BasseyWorld Live!” ERRBODY and their mama was coming! Even folks who don’t live n NYC and just happened to be there for the weekend. LAWDDD… it was shaping up to be the event to BE AT! So not only was I excited about BlogHer, but I was doing cartwheels in anticipation of BWL.
Friday came, and I had 2 other events to go to besides BWL after BlogHer wrapped up for the day. I was rolling with my homettes Afrobella and Adria. First we went to the Dove Unilever event, and before we knew it, we were having so much fun that we lost track of time. It was already 7:30 before we knew it! And BasseyWorldLive started at… 7pm. WOMP to us! Adria and I still had to get dressed too so long story short, we didn’t get to the event until… 8:30. SHAME ON US! A mess. We walked into the venue during a break, and everywhere we turned was someone new that we eKnew. Squeals, huge hugs and supreme giddiness ensued as everyone went “You’re _______!! OMG!!!” and “YESSSSSSSS!!!” We saw our buddy Angel Laws of ConcreteLoop there. Hey gurl!
Then someone pointed out Areefuh Stanklin to me and I went over to her, we hugged like Celie and Nettie did when they reunited. We even rocked each other from side to side. This is my Sisthren in IGnificence! The Silky Magnificence was in full effect. Next, I seent The XD Experience and I went “YESSSS LAWDDD!!! You better GIVE with that necklace of yourn!” Plus we were both showing shoulder cleavage. Life = given. Saeed Jones spotted me, and gave me the best hug ever. THEN… THENNNN I seent Huny!!! LAWD this was my first time meeting her ever, but I’ve known about her since like 2004, when she still had her blog HUNNAY!!!! She looked like a doll. iHeart she! LAWD!!!
So murch awesome in such a small space. I saw Bassey from afar taking care of business, so I thought to leave her be. But THEN, I walked up to Aliya S King, author of the book Platinum. She went “LUVVVVIIIEEEEE!!!” and huge hugs ensued. Y’all don’t understand. She’s one of my Big Sisters in my Head. I discovered Aliya last year through her blog, where she chronicled her life as a writer and journalist. And she was just so open. She even had me write a a guest post on her blog, and to date, that piece is one of my favorite things I’v ever written (many thanks to her editing). Anywho, meeting Aliya was just… *leyomi drops*
Anywho, the panel began again, with Aliya and Helena Andrews (“Bitch is the new Black”), moderated by Bassey. Twas great to see these two black women discuss their successful novels. The rest of us can do it too! After that panel was one with XD, Carolyn Edgar and SF Reynolds. XD and Carolyn acted up a little bit, when the conversation turned to the topic of Montana Fishburne and her new pr0n career. But NOTHING was as ratchet as the woman who turned the event into BRAsseyWorld live (Areefuh’s creation).
So in the middle of the panel, some random woman walks up to the front of the room. my side-eye went up. She stood in the front, then all of a sudden, took off her bra. Saeed, Archer, Reefuh and the others around us all went “Wait WHAT???” Then, she swung the bra in the air over and over again. Before we knew it, this fool THREW her bra and it hit some folks sitting to the left of the room. This is when everyone went WTF? DID SHE JUST THROW HER BRASSIERE??? O_______O.
She turned around and went “If Montana Fishburne can do pr0n, I can throw my bra.” No. No you cannot. Ma’am, Sir. Please get some couth about your life space. Then someone threw her bra back at her. #AllRatchetEverything I’d like to blame this woman’s antics on drunkenness but mum… Naw. She needs more people. And possibly a head doctor. Saeed got up and made a very great point about Montana Fishburne and the history of exploitation of Black Women’s bodies. Folks clapped. Braless in New York then decided to hug Saeed WHILE holding her bra mind you. Saeed squirmed at that hug and iDied. Then he went (in the mic) “Umm… Did you just THROW your bra?” in the most proper voice. The whole room FELL OUT! LOVE Saeed!!!
Antyway, the panels and the rest of the event was great. Then when it ended, everyone stepped outside to loiter, before the afterparty commenced next door. So we took pics. I finally met Bassey! My Sisthren in Crunk, IG and Naija. She then told me I was tinier than her. Which I tried to deny but is apparently true.

This pic is EVERYTHING! Patrice, Bassey, Huny & I. I love & respect these ladies. They’re my mentors, friends & girl crushes.
It was like the tweetup to end all tweetups. Like the Ratchetness Conglomerate congregating in one spot for one night only. The amount of sheer foolery in that room was just outstanding. SOME of the folks that were present:
@Huny, @AreefuhStanklin, @Afrobella, @TheXDExperience, @AliyaSking, @Angelonfire, @Shy2del, @BasseyWorldLive, @ArcherIsMyName, @_Luisantonio, @Blunted215, @SisterToldja, @CarolynEdgar, @FlyBlackChick, @SaeedJones, @Kiarri_
*trails off because I got lazy from listing folks.* Please leave a comment with you Twitter name if you were there. Kthx!

#Shoutout to me for looking asleep in 90% of pictures I took that night. These slits for eyes of mine won’t let me be great sometimes. (-__-) <— Me. Literally.
Seriously. It was a Who’s Who of Twitter Fuckery. I had more than a blast and a half. Much props to Bassey and Fly Black Chick for allowing this reunion of ratchetness to happen. It was EVERYTHING!
Of the folks who were there, who were you most excited to meet? Who is just like they are online? Anyone surprised you? For folks who weren’t there, let me know who you’da given your pink starburst to meet. And other random thoughts.
I was there. I even commented abt my love of Antoine Dodson, intoxicated and all (BPC drinks have umph in them). Folks were tweeting that they could see me on the webcast. Embarrassing…
The bra lady ran at me with her bra and I’m still suffering PTSD symptoms from that event. I need hand sanitizer.
I realized that I didn’t follow most of the people listed, but I do now. It was good to meet those I had been following and make connections with new people. I came alone and didn’t feel alone.
Certified dopeness.
Oh this wont let me edit my comment
I got to meet @blunted215 and he is as cool in person as he is online
@flyblackchick is very pretty (I hadnt seen a picture of her before)
@basseyworldlive looked great to have recently suffered the wretchedness of Philadelphia
@dopegirlfresh is a cute lil thang lol
@carolynedgar was just beautiful. I was distracted by that.
@afrobella really is as beautiful a person offline as she is on.
aww thanks 🙂
it was so nice meeting u too!
i saw your ass from across the room and was like “HEY!!!!!!!!!!!” lol
I cosign ALL of that!
Wait! The Bra Lady ran up on you??? How did you not crumple to the floor? HOW??? Chile…
Just reading this post, I can tell yall had a blast…so I can only imagine how it was being there.
Dangit, where is a pic of a Reefuh? I saw a pic of her…HAIR. Like someone said on twitter, she’s like the neighbor on Home Improvement. lol
LMAO! Reefuh IS the neighbor on Home Improvement. Her Silky Magnificence is all ya need to see.
I must say, XD’s boots were perfect for his attire. Another great read!
P.S. Wait…no pic of the bra thrower?! LOL
XD’s boots were IT, do you hear me??? IT! And no pics of the braless one. No ma’am. That foolishness there…
…was hoping to see a pic of the Bra Tosser. On second thought, it’s probably best that you didn’t capture that moment. No need to traumatize the masses.
LAWD!!! If I took pic of the Braless One, my camera may break instantly. And who’s gonna buy em another one? No one, that’s who.
funtimes 😀 I love everybody up in these here pictures. thanks for the recap, luvvieOG. it was great to finally meet you in person and spend an entire booze-filled weekend with you and our fellow stunners in amazeballs-ness. yes. amazeballs-ness.
YESSSSSS!!!! I love “amazeballs” the word. With “ness” next to it, it’s complete awesomeness. Last wknd will go down in the books. Booze and beauties!
This was everything! I’m so happy that everyone had a good time. I was so nervous but you were all just so beautiful. I was so thrilled to meet you all. I’m also pretty sure the bra was a failed assassination attempt.
We had a GREAT time, Bassey. You had nothing to be nervous about. And LMAOOO!! The bra was part of a conspiracy. I’m also sure of it.
I’m so sorry I missed the actual performance, thanks to my #MegaBusDebacle, but I’m happy as everything that I was able to make the after-party. It was lovely to see folks I already know and AWESOME to meet some of my favorites for the very first time. Great recap, LuvBug!
MegaBus failed you, huh? Womp. But yes, you at least made it to the party so POW!
I got an invite from Daneene Millner to attend and I’m soooo glad I took her up on it. I totally enjoyed the poetry and panel discussions and the after party. PERFECT!!!!!
Yeah it really was a good time!
Yes, where IS Reefuh? I too only saw a pic of her hair (which was awesome). Hmph.
Love this post Luvvie. Y’all had a blast! Sorry I missed.
I took a pic w/ Reefuh but if I posted it online, all you’d see is a silhouette. And her hair. She got that voodoo.
Great post!I hate that I didn’t get to experience this.I adore you Luvvie and Bassey, it would have been great to meet you guys.Thanks for giving me a chance to experience what I missed.
Now on another note,Bassey’s dress was beautiful,I want her shoes,your bag,and XD’s boots,and Huny’s entire
Aawww! Thanks Alana! I’m sure it would have been a pleasure to meet you also. LOL @ the different pieces you’d like tho.
Looks like you all had a blast! I’m familiar with everyone’s blogs and/ or I follow them on Twitter. I missed BlogHer this year but, I plan to be in attendance next year. I’d love to attend a BasseyWorldLive event, I’ll have to keep my eyes open! For now, I’ve lived it vicariously through you. Hope I get a chance to meet you at Blogalicious… You keep me cracking up on Twitter!
YESSSS!! Blogalicious should be a blast so see you there!
whoooo! I love the pics and everyone looks so gorgeous! Did you get any pics of Areefuh though?? I’ve been wanting to know what she looks like for thee LONGEST. LOL
I did get a pic of Reefuh but ummm… I’m banned from posting it.
…That bra toss did it for me…
Yeah it also murked me in person.