iCan’t Run. I’m Allergic
So in my last post, I talked about my addiction to the web and how I’m trying to break the gift curse. When I asked for tips on how to stop my addiction to the web and gadgets as a whole, a couple of people commented that I should go …

You Know You’re Too Plugged In When…
In this day and age of connectivity and 24 hour access to the ‘net and some kind of gadget, it’s hard to unplug. I am one of the most accessible people this side of the equator. I can be reached via Gmail, GChat, Text Message, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, BlackBerry Messenger, …

Things That Are Scary At Me
Mkay so we’re all family here at AweLuv right? We s’posed to be able to be open with one another. Wells, I got some confessions. Y’all already know that I’m a thug. Despite that, there are a coupla things that take me out my element and make me go “EEK!!!” …

Dear China, You Blocked So Much Internets!
This week’s sternly-worded letter has been earned by China (yes, the Republic of). And to anyone who is even THINKING about making some a “Are you sure you’re not from there?” joke because of my super slanted eyes, SHARRAP! Just shut your mouf wide open! Anyway, moving on… Dear China, …

The 2009 MTV Movie Awards was a Fail
Y’all already know what time it is. AWARDS SHOW REVIEW TIME!! *crowd goes wild* (and by “crowd”, I mean “no one”). The victim is the MTV Movie Awards, which isn’t known to be the best, despite MTV’s lax standards of etiquette. Anywho, I live-tweeted the show, and my followers were …

The Time I Met Al B. Sure’s Unibrow
Thursday, April 30th was the national initiative, Dining Out for Life, which has restaurants around the country donating a percent of their proceeds to AIDSCare. Karyn & I decided to do a Red Pump Project Dinner in honor of the day, and we had 10 people come to eat with …

Guess Who’s Bizzack?
I been gone for a minute now I’m back (but no jumpoff). Was I missed? Thanks to all my Guest Bloggers for holding down the fort. May your emails be sans Spam. Amen. The conference I went to was THAT BIZNESS (literally & figuratively)! I thought I was a geek, …

Going From a PC to My First MacBook
This summer, I will not be satting down in one place for long because of my love of frolicking in hot weather. And I have a lot of projects going on, both for my 9-5, and for others, so I need to be mobile. Despite the fact that I have …

Twitter: The World’s Stage
“All the world’s a stage” has never rang true more than now. Twitter has given everyone a voice that they didn’t know they wanted or needed, and an audience. It’s like an ePulpit, where everyone can give a sermon, as long as it’s 140 characters or less. From Ashton Kutcher …

5 Old TV Shows That Rocked My Socks
In my decrepitness, I got to watch some old TV, and lawd I ain’t know I missed it so. LAWD did I reminisce. I loved many old shows but these were the ones I watched these past coupla days being home. Stroll down memory lane with me. Golden Girls Picture …