Aftermath to the Blog eShindig!
The eShindig for my 150th post was BANANAS (No Gwen)!!! LiteBread had to get put out for getting too drunk and flirting with all the women (and at one point, the wall), but somehow made his way back. Amymay ate too many wangs and fell asleep on the floor. PBG …
Party time! 150th Post eShindig
Welcome to the 150th post on Awesomely Luvvie!!! My butler Benson has the day off but take off your coat and stay awhile. I’d prefer you take off your shoes since I just bought new carpet. Hope your socks don’t have holes in them or anything. Help yourself to the …

Confessions of a Former Hooper
As I’ve mentioned before, I used to sit on the bench, chew on ice for 1.5 hrs, clean off my gymshoes, rock a cute uniform be a hooper. I played basketball in elementary school, and was on my high school team for 2 years until I quit from inactivity. I …

Webiquette Grinds My Gears
“You know what grinds my gears? This Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumping around there on stage, half-naked with your little outfits. Ya know? You’re a… You’re out there jumping around and I’m just sitting here with my beer. So, what am I supposed to do? …

Dear Angelina And Madonna (and Other African Kid Adopters)
This has been on my mind for a minute but I haven’t written about it. Then I found out that Madonna is going to Malawi to adopt yet another child. Dear Madonna & Angelina (and other African Kid Adopters), I would temper this with “No Offense” but I know it …

BlackPlanet is the Black Hole of Irrelevance
Social networking makes the world go round nowadays. In my High School days, I used to eHang on AOL Instant Messenger, highschoolclub.com (remember that?), and of course BlackPlanet. There were many lunchtimes when we’d all go into the computer lab to update our BP pages on some “Girl, did you …

So I Got Kicked Out of a Cab
I am notorious for never carrying cash. I mean, I could go weeks without ever touching paper money. My debit card IS my cash, and is swiped often enough to just really quit working one day. I realize this isn’t good, because often times when one does literally hand over …
Dear Baby Bangs Creator
Mkay so I thought I was gonna be done with the baby hairhattery foolishness for real, but apparently not. Yesterday morning, the creator of Baby Bangs left a comment on the blog I wrote about her idiotic product, so y’all know I gotta respond in a letter to her. I …

Dear Future Mini Luvvie
Everywhere I look now, people are having kids. It’s like the 2nd Baby Boom. I’ve counted no less than 50 of my peers with kiddies in the past year. I have so many baby showers lined up that it makes no sense. Whatever’s in the water, I’m not having it. …

Baby Bangs Foolishness
So I was chatting with the ePosse on Gmail the other night when PBG decides she wanted to ruin my night by sending me a link. I click on it and was immediately appalled at the foolishness I witnessed. It’s a site called Baby Bangs! Hair Band. Yes, this is …