
AKA Wax Statue Madness

Disclaimer: Let me just say I have nothing against the ladies in Pink & Green. I’m a roaster lover, not a fighter. I just hope this and my last post about Black Greek Letter Organizations (Clinton’s a Sigma, Jesus is an Alpha) don’t get me or my future chilrun blacklisted …

My Life

I am a Walking Contradiction

“Getting Re-acquainted with Luvvie” Week continues. With that being said, I must admit that I’m a walking contradiction. I’m a paradox and a conundrum all wrapped up in a discrepancy. Why? Well, let me tell you. iSpy on myself *My avatar winks, but iCan’t. – Yes y’all. I admit it. …

Alpha Omega
Famous folks

Clinton’s a Sigma, Jesus is an Alpha (and Omega)

Folks take their Black Greek affiliations serious! This is why I was taken aback (albeit while laughing uncontrollably) when I found out that William Jefferson Clinton has been inducted as an honorary member of the historically Black fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma. At first, I thought it was another internet hoax …


Dear PETA, Really?

The other day, I was in my office when all of a sudden a huge fly comes swirling around out of nowhere. You already know about my fear of creepy crawlers. That rodent with wings was pissing me off because it just would not get out my office. So I …

LettersTV and Movies

Dear BET, iQuit U

This week’s sternly-worded letter has been well-earned, and quite the opposite of the last letter I wrote. Lawd, is I pissed! So to my fam members who read this (and Granny Doretha in Missississippi), just know I’ont act like this regularly. The rest of y’all, I ain’t worried. LOL. So, …

Michael Jackson tribute
Famous folksLettersMusic

A Letter to Michael: Moonwalking on the Clouds

My kids WILL know that “Billie Jean” was not your lover while “Jam”ming. We won’t “Stop Till We Get Enough”. Michael, you made “HIStory” and that is undeniable. Now that you’ve “Eased on Down the Road” to meet Him, I “Cry” because you’re “Gone Too Soon”. We thought “Heaven can wait” but it apparently couldn’t. Your music “Heal(ed) the World” and for that, you “Rock my World”. I “Never Can Say Goodbye” but I do I hope you’re resting in peace.

Black Weblog Award 09
AwardsBusinessMy Life

I Wanna Win a Black Weblog Award!

Hey ALL!! My blog has been nominated for the Black Weblog Awards *does jig* in 4 categories: * Best Humor Blog * Best Personal Blog * Best Writing in a Blog * Blog to Watch My Twitter account is also up for “Best MicroBlog” *changes into sensible conservative suit* *gets …

Red Pump

The Red Pump Meetup was Fantawesome!

To continue my weekend recap (on Wednesday, when the weekend is almost here again. But, better late than never right?) And BTW, Fantawesome = Fantastic + Awesome Karyn (The Fab Giver) and I decided to throw Patrice (Afrobella) a Red Pump Project Mixer to welcome her to Chicago with an …

Blogging While Brown 2009 Rocked!
BusinessSocial Media

Blogging While Brown 2009 Rocked!

If this weekend was a dessert, it’d be a Bailey’s Irish Cream Cheesecake with pecans & caramel drizzled all over it. It was just THAT much awesome. Like seriously. I’ve been walking around just bursting out into a jig at random intervals. Talmbout *walk walk JIG JIG JIG walk walk …

LettersSocial Media

Dear YouTube, You are the Enabler of Unproductivity

This weeks letter isn’t that stern but it must be said. YouTube is tryna ruin me. And excuse me for the link whoredom in today’s post. Dear YouTube, iHate that iLove you. Like for real. There is a reason why most of the time, when folks send me a link …