Writing FAIL
As y’all know, my English professor alter egos are TypoCop and GrammarNator. They are the parts of me that side-eye folks that do their best to butcher the English language when trying to write formally. I know that here on AweLuv, I don’t write in the King’s English because, well …

Dear God, Thank You.
I’ve written many letters here on AweLuv but I haven’t written one to the ONE who deserves it the most. Until now. Dear God, It’s me, Luvvie. I just wanted to say that I’m thankful for everything. I look around at all my blessings and I take credit for none …
The 2009 VMAs Rocked
That may be the first time I’ve ever titled an awards show recap with anything good. This, my folks, is such a rarity. But yes, the VMAs was indeed entertaining. Here’s my recap. I live-tweeted the entire thing, and my running commentary makes everything better. It’s true. Ask somebody. Before …

Mama, I WON Black Weblog Awards!!!
We’re having a party here today to celebrate because Awesomely Luvvie won “Best Humor Blog” in the Black Weblog Awards!!! *Anti Wall Slide* *faints* *swoons* *does jig* I won the popular votes, which means y’all voted for me the mostest! Like for real! *Faints again all dramatic-like* iSweahfo …

I’m Lemony Snicket and I Ruined My Blackberry
My life these past couple of days has been a series of unfortunate events. This is why I am naming myself Lemony Snicket. It’s been such a mess that it’s been comical. I’m like a walking 1 stooge. So check it. First of all came yesterday morning. I got to …
Chris Brown’s Fail
Ok so I don’t usually blog on Thursdays, but I had to today because of the Chris Brown/Larry King interview. Not because it was interesting. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I could have spent that hour watching grass grow, or an English comedy. However, it was entertaining because …

Dear GMail, Never Crash Again
So I was minding my own bitness at work yesterday when I refreshed my GMail inbox and saw that it was down. Life got real dark right then and there. This is why this week’s sternly-worded email is to GMail. For playing all these bald-headed games with me and my …

Prince is Pretty But I Don’t Find Him Sexy
“You know you got power, when everyone comes to your concert wearing purple sweaters.” – My friend, V.E.G. So I was watching TVOne yesterday, and “Purple Rain” came on. I’ve never watched it before, but I know it’s a classic because people still make references to it. While watching, I …

GAP and I were Born To Fit!
Aight so let me tell y’all. A couple of months ago, I got contacted by Justine of the firm Brand About Town because they liked my blog and thought I was a “buzzmaker” and “trendsetter”. I was surprised because I was like “My blog? My lil corner of the intrawebs?” …

I’m a Finalist in the 2009 Black Weblog Awards
*Sigh* Have I ever told you I heart you? Yes YOU! The ones reading this blog. I does! I heart you like: Why am I professing such profound love for yall? Because yours truly is a finalist in the Black Weblog Awards for: Best Humor Blog & Best Personal Blog. …