Mama, I WON Black Weblog Awards!!!

*Anti Wall Slide*
*faints* *swoons*
*does jig*
I won the popular votes, which means y’all voted for me the mostest! Like for real! *Faints again all dramatic-like*
iSweahfo ALL of Queen Yawnce’s hairhats I ain’t think I was gon win! I was already practicing my stank face & fake clap for the winner. I truly was. I didn’t even campaign hard this time, thinking y’all were just ’bout sicka me telling you to vote. Hell, I was sicka me telling y’all to vote. So to win is a SHOCKER! You like me! You really really like me!
I am GEEKED!!! When I found out I won, I did the Brother Franklin. “This is the dayyyyy”. Just inappropriate.
Well, y’all know I love giving dramatic speeches, so here’s mine.
*clears throat*
*taps mic*
First of all, I’d like to give glory to God, Passa, Everyones, Everyones!!! God is good all the time… all the time… y’all know the rest. Plus, He still loves me despite the fact that in the day He was handing out good sense, I missed it because I had itis and fell asleep after eating too much rice. Yes, HE still loves me. And He continues to let this little light of mine SHINE!
I’d also like to thank my Mom, without whom, I wouldn’t be here, literally. I’d be in Heaven *wall sliding* on the clouds. Plus she ain’t kick me out her womb despite the fact that I took my sweet time coming out. I was 2 weeks late and EVERYTHING! Thanks for your patience, Mom!
Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank my FANTAWESOMETASTIC readers for voting for me! Have I told you I loved you (lately)? I mean, it means THE WORLD to me that y’all rallied and allowed this to happen. My thug is ALL on the floor. Knowing that my writing is appreciated is the bombest gift this blogger could get. If a Luvvie writes, and there’s no one to side-eye her, is she still Awesome? NOPE! So THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!! Like really. I said I wasn’t gon cry! *bites fists*
For everyone who voted for me, I say this heartfelt prayer. May your contacts be forever backed up. May your favorite store send you a coupon today. May your favorite jeans never fade. May popcorn never get stuck in your teeth without you having floss to dislodge it. This I pray. AMEN.
SO I made a promise that if I won the Black Weblog Awards, I’d upload a video of me doing the *WALL SLIDE* and I am a (wo)man of my words. This vidjo is a mess, and was filmed yesterday. Editting videos isn’t one of my talents so it’s rough. I ain’t say I was gon upload a GOOD vidjo. But here it is. I hope you can hear me over the rowdy Black folks in the room. lol. Just loud.
That vid is a HOT MESS! I shake my head at myself for this. And LMAO @ Brittany’s outburst of “I’m FILMING HERE!” HA!. Told y’all folks were being loud.
Oh lawd! Let IG maintain, sustain, therefore REIGN!!! *does church scoot till Sister O’Dell (Head Ursha at Large) taps me with her white glove and tells me to SADDOWN*
With that being said, let’s celebrate. Bailey’s on ME!!! *takes swig*
In fact, let’s pop off with a Soul Train line. I’ll go first.
*Raises the roof*
*does the bounce as she scoots down the line*
Come on, y’all!
P.S. MUCH LOVE and respect to my FAVORITE blogs for also winning in different categories in the Black Weblog Awards. Very Smart Brothas, Three Ways to Take it, Afrobella, The FreshXpress. I’m in the company of some DOPENESS and I’m mad flattered!
P.P.S. Y’all remembered what happened on my 150th post shindig. Let’s hope I’ont have to kick no one out for doing the Stanky Legg. Remember, this is a non-urban youth dance zone. Anyone who Supermans that hoe will be put on timeout.
Edit: Everytime I watch this Wall Slide vid, I feel like one of the 3 stooges. *Sigh* Y’all lucky I love y’all. LOL
Congrats! So happy to finally see the Wallslide! ^_^
Not gonna lie. I was waiting for this video as Congrats! Yay! Hooray! (in a manly voice)
congrats! I read daily even though I don't always post. Just wanted to comment on your wall slide video! the second is moreso what I always imagine when I read it! you did not disappoint! 🙂
congratulations!! lol @ that first wall slide!
COTTON CANDY SWEET AS GOLD, LEMME SEE DAT TOOTSIE ROLL !!! *busts out inappropriate dance moves* Congrats, honeybun! I will embarass you at lunch today with a celebratory jig!
Also? I was at least 20% sure I was watching a talking avatar in the vid. At least.
@Slim You can't say "hooray" in a manly voice.
Congrats. Excellent wall slide.
The vid gave me LIFE!! But I'm with Kindred on the talking avatar…. too funny!!
Let's get the 'Lectric Slide goin' here peoples… *sippin' Kahlua n coffee*
What? It's early… gotta get my caffeine on n whatnot…
OMG..F#CK ME..i can't see the video at work..DARN IT..but congrats..I know you keep me in stitches..favorite post…the damn CLUB ONE where the fight was happening and what not..LMAO..
Keep it up LUVVIE
iLive!!!!! that vidja gave me such life!
Since Sister Wright got kicked out the last shindig for or over long, overwraught testimony of a congratulatory speech o_O
I'mmma simply say… get the music goin'! We need a spray dance for Luvvie up in hurr. I got 5 on it (as in 5 cents. Hey, we in a recession. Gotta save my dollars.)!!!!
CONGRATS, BOO!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD WIN… if you didn't I was gon act a dayum fool… But you did so YAAAYYYYY!!! HOORAY!! *throws confetti* Go Luvvie, it's birfday! *does cabbage patch* I'm SO happy for you. You deserve this award. And your wall slide was nothing less than AWESOME!
Congrats E-Sis!!!!!
congrats on winning!. the wall slide video…hilarious. i imagine you doing wall slide number two when you write it.
congrats! but … ion care. i'm stanky legginnnnnnn. *dougies*
Congrats!!! it feels good doesn't it? Keep up the good work.
Congratulations Luvvie!!
YAY! I KNEW you had this in the bag, Luvvie, girl! Congrats!!
"*Anti Wall Slide*"
The ANTI wall slide, huh? Ok, I imagined this as the reverse Wall Slide. Like, in rewind fast-motion to the Benny Hill theme. You slide UP the wall, intead of down.
No you DIDN'T do the Brother Franklin. That mess has been in my mind for the longest. I had to send that to the coworkers and now my 2520 coworker homie busts out and does snippets of the dance which truly makes me life.
*raises fave drink, le vodka de cranberry* Cheers, Luvster!
darling, congratulations!!!!! and thank you for fulfilling your wallslide promise, ha ha ha ha!! my silly laptop is refusing to give me audio, so i can only watch…what on earth is up with the frontal wallslide?!? am confused, will wach again tomorrow, with audio.
i'm glad that my vote counted, all the way from sunny jozi, south africa!!! i support you-o, my sister. nice one, well done!!
Awesome Wall Slide!!!
*Pops E-bottle of Riesling* "It's a celebration, bitches!!!"
love love love your wall slide. video made my day haha
oh and congrats on winning! I voted! Vote or Die! or Vote or be apathetic and complacent. either or.
Yer Most (Voted) High Awesomelynessis,
Of Course you won! I Told ya we were doin’ this vote “Chicago-style” – all my dead relatives voted fer you at least twice!
And you DESERVED every vote!
Now, we can’t wait for the e-party. I need a Date! Uh, Calendar-style. I’ve given up on the real, breathing type, lol. I got my hot lil’ finger on a United flight out! Buying some Grey Goose (that was your drink of choice, right?). Got some Everclear with the Colt 45 chaser’s for me (who’s drinkin’ fer taste? 3 of these and I’ll do a better wall-slide than you).
I’m bringin’ the West Coast party-vibe, hummin’ 2pac and Dr. Dre already “from Long Beach to Rosecrans …” (That’s California Love fer ya youngin’s).
Congrats! I am celebrating with ya, my blog won in the Health and Wellness catergory! PARTAY!!!!
That was absolutely HILARIOUS! Congratulations on your award! *turns on the blender and pours in the tequila* Who wants a margarita?!?
Congrats, girl!
*lookin @ the vidjo*
Silly and ignant lol
Thanks Roxy!!! 😀
LOL @ ur manly Hooray. I imagine u doing it like Denzel Washington in *forgot the movie* (Remember the titan or Antoine Fisher). *bass voice* HURRAH!
I appreciate u reading Reecie! Don't be a stranger! 😀 Glad to know my wall slide met ur expecations!
Thanks Nia!!! 😀
ROTF @ "cotton candy sweet as gold". That makes me cackle EVERYTIME! And u know I bust out into a mean tootsie roll.
And HUSH YO FACE @ talking avatar. iHatechu!
Thank ya kindly, Sean!
YESSSS @ Electric Slide. U know Black folks cant have an event without breaking out a slide. And booooooo to you and Kindred. Jerksies.
Ur work comp is a hater for not letting you see the video. And yes, I had to renege my black card after that club incident.
Oh and THANKS!!!!
Congrats girl and that wall slide? A mess. LOL
Congratulations Luvvie!
*dutty winds* (had to do it fam!)
And the wallslide….that wallslide (the second one) gave me LIFE!!!
Thanks BBMostest!!! And bring on the spraying!!! Abeg me I like 10s!
Thanks boo!!! Your support means a lot!
Thanks e-sissy!!!!
'Preciate it, Tunde!
See,Crownie? Why u gotta bring the urban youthery all up thru here? RUDE lol
Thanks! It feels swell!
Thanks, Jenni! 😀
I'm so proud of you! I knew from your Tweets that you had some special. And you always deliver. Awesomeness!
YEs I should have editted the vid and made an anti-wall slide one but I was being lazy.
And umm… Brother Franklin is the saint of inappropriate celebrations. It fit nicely.
This is all to say, THANKS CHEEKIE!
[…] *Mama, I won Black Weblog Awards – In celebration of winning, I debuted the vidjo of me doing the *WALL SLIDE* l […]