So I Got Kicked Out of a Cab
My Life

So I Got Kicked Out of a Cab

I am notorious for never carrying cash. I mean, I could go weeks without ever touching paper money. My debit card IS my cash, and is swiped often enough to just really quit working one day. I realize this isn’t good, because often times when one does literally hand over …


Dear Baby Bangs Creator

Mkay so I thought I was gonna be done with the baby hairhattery foolishness for real, but apparently not. Yesterday morning, the creator of Baby Bangs left a comment on the blog I wrote about her idiotic product, so y’all know I gotta respond in a letter to her. I …

LettersMy Life

Dear Future Mini Luvvie

Everywhere I look now, people are having kids. It’s like the 2nd Baby Boom. I’ve counted no less than 50 of my peers with kiddies in the past year. I have so many baby showers lined up that it makes no sense. Whatever’s in the water, I’m not having it. …

Baby Bangs Foolishness

Baby Bangs Foolishness

So I was chatting with the ePosse on Gmail the other night when PBG decides she wanted to ruin my night by sending me a link. I click on it and was immediately appalled at the foolishness I witnessed. It’s a site called Baby Bangs! Hair Band. Yes, this is …

I Miss Old Facebook
Social Media

I Miss Old Facebook

I’m a Facebook veteran. Nay… a historian. I’ve been on Facebook since the face was still just a fetus in the womb of Mark Zuckerberg’s mind. HA! Ok fine, I’ve been on Facebook since the face was chubby and cute and still lived in diapers. Facebook was founded in February …

white wine
My Life

I’m a Professional Lush

I was thisclose to not being able to write a post tonight because I was sloshed! See what had happened was I spent ALL day at a conference for work (9am – 7pm). My Blackberry kept me company when I wasn’t speaking with people. I had fun connecting with folks …

Red Pump

Introducing The Red Pump Project

I would love for you to be part of a campaign I’m initiating, along with Karyn of The Fabulous Giver. National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is Tuesday, March 10th. It’s a nationwide initiative to raise awareness of the increasing impact of HIV/AIDS on women & girls and encourages …

kanye west crew
Famous folksLetters

Dear Kanye West, Are You Ok?

Y’all already know my fondness of letters, and just as I poured my heart out in thanks of the Hat’s Aretha (it is no longer Aretha’s Hat. The hat is now so awesome, that it is considered the owner of Aretha, instead of the other way around), I’m writing a …

My Life

I Have Shark Mouth

My smile is huge, and you get to see a lot of teefs. My sis makes fun of me for it but I can’t help it. In fact, I look JUST like the AIM smiley. The shut eyes plus the white blinging teeth is ALL me. In fact, I was thisclose …

Mark Zuckerberg
Social Media

Facebook Foolishness is Real

I wrote a while back about my Love/Hate Relationship with Facebook, and everything I said there still stands. This is just a continuation. *Newsfeed Comments – Now that Facebook allows you to comment on any and everything, people really don’t know how to act. Etiquette is out the window. There …