Dear Stevie Wonder, Fire Your Team
So there other day, I watched the BET Honors, which gave awards to 5 people for their achievements in education, music, business etc. Honored included Queen Latifah, Whitney Houston and Diddy and 2 others. Stevie Wonder was all up through the show performing. He must have been up there at …

BlogHer, Here I Come!
So I was at work the other week minding my own business like I usually do (O__O) when I received an email with from BlogHer (biggest female blogging community in the country). I opened the email to see an invitation from them to me to speak on a Humor Writing …

Rock the Red Pump – 500 in 50
I interrupt this regularly-scheduled IGnificence with something I care deeply about. In case you don’t know, I’m co-founder of The Red Pump Project (and its overarching nonprofit organization The Red Project Collective), a national initiative to raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. I feel like …

Dear Rod Blagojevich
I got on Twitter on Monday morning to see a hailstorm of tweets from people talking about Rod Blagojevich making some foolish statements about President Obama. So HE has the honor of being the recipient of my first sternly-worded letter in 2010. Oh, and this is what he said, by …

It’s My Birthday! Let Us Rejoice!
One score and five years ago, my mother (and I guess my daddy) brought forth on this planet, a new daughter, conceived in awesomeness and dedicated to the proposition that she shall wake up and piss excellence, phoenix feathers and unicorn tears. This is all to say, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!! …

Happy 2010! Your girl is BACK!
Aw snap! Happy New Year, AweLuvvers! It’s 2010 (duh) and ya girl is BACK (and hopefully better than ever). How was your holidays? Was Santa good to you for Christmas? Did you spin ur dreidel for Hanukkah? Did you get a kente snuggie for Kwanzaa? I hope you had a …
Hey AweLuvvers. Can We Talk?
You ALREADY know that any conversation that starts like that is not going to end well. But umm… AweLuvvers (my beloved readers), can we talk for a minute? *Sighs* Aight, take a seat. You want some water? Tea? Coffee? House of Dereon complimentary snuggie with bedazzled neck? NO? Aight fine. …

Giving Thanks
So in honor of Turkey Day tomorrow, I’mo give thanks for the many blessings in my life. And after that, y’all ain’t gon hear from me again til Monday. I plan on having over-extended itis. You understand, dontchu? Anyway, I give thanks for: Twitter – How else will I spend …

Dear Sammy Sosa, You Look Like A Vampire
I’m sure by now, you’ve seen a picture of the new and (not so) improved Sammy Sosa. It has more than earned this week’s sternly-worded letter. Dear Sammy Sosa, What in the name of all that is good, holy and sanctified are you doing? Who died and had you replicated …

These Childhood Shows Rock My Socks
For the past 6 days, Google has been featuring custom logos with Sesame Street logos in honor of the show’s 40th anniversary. Each custom logo made me squeal like a 4-year old and I surely checked at midnight every day to see the new one. (Add this to list of …