I’m a Finalist in the 2009 Black Weblog Awards
*Sigh* Have I ever told you I heart you? Yes YOU! The ones reading this blog. I does! I heart you like:
Why am I professing such profound love for yall? Because yours truly is a finalist in the Black Weblog Awards for: Best Humor Blog & Best Personal Blog.
*does jig*
*takes swig of Bailey’s*
It’s ALL because you, my FANTAWESOME (fantastic & awesome) readers voted for me. MUCH MUCH thanks to you. Y’all really like me? Like for real? I mean, I’m so touched. Like really. It makes staying up a couple of extra hours a night to write worth it. THANK YOU SO MUCH! A family that votes together, stays together!
I just feel so damn LOVED right about now! *HUGS READERS*

I find out if I’ve won on August 25th. If I do, y’all will get a chance to see me do a *wall slide* on video. Just for your enjoyment. I’m a (wo)man of my words!
Y’all stick around (and tell your friends about me.) Oh and don’t forget that you can subscribe to this page if you haven’t already. My updates can be waiting for you either in your inbox, or in your RSS Reader.
August is gonna be a good month here on AweLuv. I feel it in my spirits and my soul.
Edit: Turns out that y’all are supposed to vote again for me in the Finalist Round. This will determine whether I win or not. Voting ends September 1st. PLEASE AND THANKS!!!
Congrats on the nomination!!! Well deserved. Hope you win 🙂
Congrats on becoming a finalist, Luvvie! You knows you deserve it! Oh, and I love that e-shirt your avatar has on today. 😉
YAY YOU!! *clicks vote*
Yer Highestist Awesomelynessis,
I cut an pasted THAT avatar too.
Jus' no runnin' the make-up …
(Got it worse than ya thought amymay …)
Congratulations and good luck! ^_^
Good luck—i'm rooting 4 u