A Letter to Michael: Moonwalking on the Clouds
This week’s letter isn’t sternly-worded, but filled with much sadness. Consider this the fan letter I never sent.
Dear Michael Jackson,
You were the greatest. You ARE the King of Pop, and arguably the most LEGENDARY musician EVER to grace this Earth. You sang like your throat was ambrosia-coated and danced like your feet were silk. I “Remember the Times” when me, my siblings and my cousins would watch VHS tapes of your concerts and squeal for you like we were at the arena. I remember when I first heard the song “Heal the World” and the music swayed me back and forth. “Black and White” comes on and I can’t help but bounce my shoulders diagonally.
My heart is broken. This is a day that is sadder than I have experienced in a long time. Your death has affected me worse than any other death of a person I didn’t know directly, but I felt like I knew you. I’m young enough to have never lived without your fame but old enough to appreciate the impact you made.
I will never forget where I was when I found out that you passed away. I made a shrieking sound and it reverberated around my office. I yelled “Michael Jackson died!” and an echo of “WHAT?” came from my coworkers. I was shocked. The seemingly impossible happened. You were one of the people who’s presence was taken for granted because we just assumed you would always be there.
I weep for a world where my kids (future) will grow up without you, MJ. You’ve joined Uncle Luffa, Barry White and Gerald Levert. All they have left is SouljaBoy! *wall slide*. My kids will grow up in a world where the most popular music is by a guy who puts white out on his sunglasses. iCan’t. I just CANNOT! My future Luvvies will be put on STRICT old school music diet. Ain’t gon be no Souljah Boy or *insert irrelevant artist here* in MY household! No sah!
I wanna go out and buy EVERY CD you ever made. YES, actual physical CDs, not just iTunes downloads. You sold 750 million albums, a number that I cannot even FATHOM ever happening again. A number that is so ridiculous that one might as well say “gazillion” and it’d be accurate.

Tribute designed by MrSmartGuy
My kids will know that Billie Jean was not your lover while Jamming. We won’t Stop Till We Get Enough. Michael, you made HIStory and that is undeniable. Now that you’ve Eased on Down the Road to meet Him, I Cry because you’re Gone Too Soon. We thought Heaven can wait but it apparently couldn’t. Your music Heal(ed) the World and for that, you Rock my World. I Never Can Say Goodbye but I do I hope you’re resting in peace.
More important than the icon you were, you were a person. Flawed, but still magnetic and sometimes, larger than life. My thoughts are with your family and friends, who I cannot imagine their pain. You touched the entire world and never met most people. Those you did know must be in such anguish that it hurts. If my heart is broken, theirs must be a mosaic of broken pieces on the floor.
You’re gone but you can NEVER be forgotten. The whole world mourns you, and it lets me know that the footprints you left in the sand are so deep that no tide could wipe them away.
Your favorite (in my head) P.Y.T.,
P.S. Just wondering… did you teach St. Peter how to Moonwalk at the Pearly Gates? Are you going to re-enact the Thriller video with the archangels? :’-)
I’d like to hear your letters to MJ, if you could write one
Edit: Since it’s too hot to wear a leather jacket and a glove, show some ankle cleavage and rock some flooded pants in honor of MJ.
At this point, I think I'm a little too intoxicated to write a letter, but this one just made the tears well up again… I promise I was holding on to that little bit of hope for the longest that everything would be okay, and as the tribute compilations began, my denial was still firm. Then I heard "Human Nature" on the way home, with a rainbow in the sky, and know that God's got front row seats to the greatest tour ever!
In the meantime, I will dance.
I hope/wish he faked this so he could finally get some peace and privacy. In any case, he has his peace now. Easily the most impactful musician to ever walk the Earth. This is the first iconic death of our generation. How sorrowful it is. Thank God we were left with expressions of his art to remember him by.
I'm just at a lost for words right now. I'm tired of crying. I want to turn up P.Y.T so my entire block hears it, but I can't even get thru one song. His entirely family is heavy on my heart right now. I'm going to curl up under the covers and try to make it thru The WIZ without going into the ugly cry. Beautiful letter Luvvie.
very touching Luvvie…. most def. I concur.
I was in a state of shock earlier. Stalking the internet and news programs until someone told me that the cruel internet people dont know what theyre talking about. That Mike was alive and thriving and good to go! That report never came and I am definitely saddened by the news.
Your letter was extremely heartfelt and absolutely true (especially the part about children only having SouljaBoy. iDespise him!) Hopefully, the world will come into a state of rejoicing and remembrance once the shock wears off. I sure hope so anyway.
Check out my MJ tribute entitled "Words I'll Never Get to Say" (http://intellectualsoul.com/2009/06/words-ill-nev… which I guess in some ways is my own fan letter to dear Mike.
This news has left me drained. But not too drained to rock a pair of floods tomorrow!! 🙂
I was in a state of shock earlier. Stalking the internet and news programs until someone told me that the cruel internet people dont know what theyre talking about. That Mike was alive and thriving and good to go! That report never came and I am definitely saddened by the news.
Your letter was extremely heartfelt and absolutely true (especially the part about children only having SouljaBoy. iDespise him!) Hopefully, the world will come into a state of rejoicing and remembrance once the shock wears off. I sure hope so anyway.
Check out my MJ tribute entitled "Words I'll Never Get to Say" (http://intellectualsoul.com/2009/06/words-ill-nev… which I guess in some ways is my own fan letter to dear Mike.
This news has left me drained. But not too drained to rock a pair of floods tomorrow!! 🙂
I was in a state of shock earlier. Stalking the internet and news programs until someone told me that the cruel internet people dont know what theyre talking about. That Mike was alive and thriving and good to go! That report never came and I am definitely saddened by the news.
Your letter was extremely heartfelt and absolutely true (especially the part about children only having SouljaBoy. iDespise him!) Hopefully, the world will come into a state of rejoicing and remembrance once the shock wears off. I sure hope so anyway.
Check out my MJ tribute entitled "Words I'll Never Get to Say" (http://intellectualsoul.com/2009/06/words-ill-nev… which I guess in some ways is my own fan letter to dear Mike.
This news has left me drained. But not too drained to rock a pair of floods tomorrow!! 🙂
I was in a state of shock earlier. Stalking the internet and news programs until someone told me that the cruel internet people dont know what theyre talking about. That Mike was alive and thriving and good to go! That report never came and I am definitely saddened by the news.
Your letter was extremely heartfelt and absolutely true (especially the part about children only having SouljaBoy. iDespise him!) Hopefully, the world will come into a state of rejoicing and remembrance once the shock wears off. I sure hope so anyway.
Check out my MJ tribute entitled "Words I'll Never Get to Say" (http://intellectualsoul.com/2009/06/words-ill-nev… which I guess in some ways is my own fan letter to dear Mike.
This news has left me drained. But not too drained to rock a pair of floods tomorrow!! 🙂
I was in a state of shock earlier. Stalking the internet and news programs until someone told me that the cruel internet people dont know what theyre talking about. That Mike was alive and thriving and good to go! That report never came and I am definitely saddened by the news.
Your letter was extremely heartfelt and absolutely true (especially the part about children only having SouljaBoy. iDespise him!) Hopefully, the world will come into a state of rejoicing and remembrance once the shock wears off. I sure hope so anyway.
Check out my MJ tribute entitled "Words I'll Never Get to Say" (http://intellectualsoul.com/2009/06/words-ill-nev… which I guess in some ways is my own fan letter to dear Mike.
This news has left me drained. But not too drained to rock a pair of floods tomorrow!! 🙂
I was in a state of shock earlier. Stalking the internet and news programs until someone told me that the cruel internet people dont know what theyre talking about. That Mike was alive and thriving and good to go! That report never came and I am definitely saddened by the news.
Your letter was extremely heartfelt and absolutely true (especially the part about children only having SouljaBoy. iDespise him!) Hopefully, the world will come into a state of rejoicing and remembrance once the shock wears off. I sure hope so anyway.
Check out my MJ tribute entitled "Words I'll Never Get to Say" (http://intellectualsoul.com/2009/06/words-ill-nev… which I guess in some ways is my own fan letter to dear Mike.
This news has left me drained. But not too drained to rock a pair of floods tomorrow!! 🙂
An eloquently written letter that says all the things I can't seem to put into words right now. Brava, Luvvie!
To use your words- iCan't! I am just too sad right now. I am still in disbelief.
"God's got front row seats to the greatest tour ever!" <—- YESSSSS!!! He's jamming to a live rendition of "Remember the Time" as we speak! Maybe Luther V is his backup singer. 🙂
Ummm, E. I TRULY TRULY doubt this is a faking. I saw the last pic ever taken of him on ET. They were trying to resuscitate him. Michael is gone 🙁
I can't listen to any MJ songs myself right now but they keep playing in my head. I was brushing my teeth and humming "You are not alone" and I didn't even realize it. "The Wiz" was THAT movie!!
beautiful letter…this really does suck, but I agree at least now he has peace.
YES! I couldnt pull myself away from the internet from the moment I found out. The pictures that people put up on their sites were so touching. Thanks for liking my letter. Read yours and it was great!
I'm rocking my flooded pants today 🙂
Thanks chica
I just can’t.
A piece of me died along with him.
Say what you will about him… that man was a music revolutionary. An innovator. A genius.
Every time he did something, he changed the game. People scrambled to catch up, while he was moving on to the next thing. He was often imitated… never duplicated. He did what they said or thought could never be done. People have careers SOLEY because he was Michael Jackson
He was so universal, you could be in a country where you didn’t speak the language, didn’t know the culture and didn’t know a single soul, but if you heard a MJ song, you felt like you were home. All of a sudden, you had something in common with a complete stranger from the other side of the world. You had a new friend (this happened to me). Because he was Michael Jackson.
He was so influential, you can’t hear a single new song without realizing some component was lifted from his work. Sampling a track, the style of singing, the dancing in the video (a genre he BIRTHED). He was a style icon. People everywhere just wanted to be close enough to touch the magic. To have a piece of it for themselves. Because he was Michael Jackson.
June 25, 2009. The would lost one of the best parts of it. A sensitive soul. A creative mind. A musical treasure.
In life and in death, he was and always will be… LEGEND.
~Blackberry Molasses in Mourning
Rest in Peace MJ.
"P.S. Just wondering… did you teach St. Peter how to Moonwalk at the Pearly Gates? Are you going to re-enact the Thriller video with the archangels? :'-)"
It wouldn't be heaven if he didn't. 😉
And omg, we are >>>here<<< with the rocking ankle cleavage and flooded pants. I'm wearing my longer capri jeans at work today. I was standing at the Metra platform waiting for the train to arrive and I looked down at my ankle and gasped to myself all, "OMG…Michael tribute". My soul cried.
I love your letter. My sister and I are collaborating to write a tribute to him from both our perspectives since we span a generation (she's 14 years older than me..so she was in his generation…I'm not). It will truly tell how timeless he is. I'm gonna try and get it posted today…I'm finding I'm at a loss for the right words. Probably because words aren't worthy of him. But, I'll find 'em soon.
"I'm young enough to have never lived without your fame but old enough to appreciate the impact you made."
@Luvvie: This is my favorite line…very true for me as well. Great letter! I love MrSmartGuy's artwork too. Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
You have just expressed EXACTLY how I feel. I am so outdone now that I can't even put into words how devastated I am. You managed to put my jumbled thoughts into words. Thank you for that. I will always and forever miss Michael Jackson. God how could this even be possible.
You have just expressed EXACTLY how I feel. I am so outdone now that I can't even put into words how devastated I am. You managed to put my jumbled thoughts into words. Thank you for that. I will always and forever miss Michael Jackson. God how could this even be possible.
You have just expressed EXACTLY how I feel. I am so outdone now that I can't even put into words how devastated I am. You managed to put my jumbled thoughts into words. Thank you for that. I will always and forever miss Michael Jackson. God how could this even be possible.
You have just expressed EXACTLY how I feel. I am so outdone now that I can't even put into words how devastated I am. You managed to put my jumbled thoughts into words. Thank you for that. I will always and forever miss Michael Jackson. God how could this even be possible.
You have just expressed EXACTLY how I feel. I am so outdone now that I can't even put into words how devastated I am. You managed to put my jumbled thoughts into words. Thank you for that. I will always and forever miss Michael Jackson. God how could this even be possible.
You have just expressed EXACTLY how I feel. I am so outdone now that I can't even put into words how devastated I am. You managed to put my jumbled thoughts into words. Thank you for that. I will always and forever miss Michael Jackson. God how could this even be possible.
You know it's a straight up party in heaven, right? MiJac, James Brown, Marvin Gay, Bernie Mac, Aaliyah, Left Eye, amongst others..they're all up there kickin it. Michael has been in my life since birth! I remember watching that "Moonwalk" VHS all the time…and amazed at how folk could be passing out crying when they saw him. He impacted so many people…not just the city, but the world, Craig. (No Day Day) When I read how many albums he's sold ever…along with all the Grammy's and #1 hits he had…I could have shat a brick and have the cleanest colon on this third rock from the Sun. Enough of my ignance…RIP MiJac *Grabs crotch*
such a great letter you wrote….i've cried and cried, my friends don't understand why i keep going on and on about it and why i'm crying over someone i didn't even know on a personal level. i'm only 25, but i LOVE MJ and will keep his legacy alive, whichever way i can.
it's soooo sad, listening to broadcasts on CNN about it and listening to his slow songs just make the tears fall…my heart is sooo broken.
I never wrote a letter to Michael but I did write a hate letter to everyone who disrespected him when he died.
I never wrote a letter to Michael but I did write a hate letter to everyone who disrespected him when he died.
I never wrote a letter to Michael but I did write a hate letter to everyone who disrespected him when he died.
I never wrote a letter to Michael but I did write a hate letter to everyone who disrespected him when he died.
I never wrote a letter to Michael but I did write a hate letter to everyone who disrespected him when he died.
I never wrote a letter to Michael but I did write a hate letter to everyone who disrespected him when he died.
Ive grown up w/Michael,being his age. As you said,I just assumed he would remain in my life 4ever.I didnt believe the DJ when he announced his death &still try to hang onto the stories of MJ being alive to give me hope.My hearts broken and Im still grieving for MJ.He changed my life & because of him,I am now involved in volunteer work.He wasnt just the greatest entertainer in the world,but the greatest human being I NEVER met.
[…] I finally exclaimed “OH MY GOD! Michael Jackson died!” WOW. I was in shock. I wrote THIS Letter to Michael Jackson the night he died. My thug was ALL murked. He was living […]
[…] was given. I finally exclaimed “OH MY GOD! Michael Jackson died!” WOW. I was in shock. I wrote THIS Letter to Michael Jackson the night he died. My thug was ALL […]
*epic slave cry* the world is less amazing without michael in it. he was a supernova of genius level talent and humanitarianism, and we didn’t even deserve him.
[…] I finally exclaimed “OH MY GOD! Michael Jackson died!” WOW. I was in shock. I wrote THIS Letter to Michael Jackson the night he died. My thug was ALL […]
[…] *A Letter to Michael: Moonwalking on the Clouds – The letter I wrote to Michael Jackson the night he died. […]