City Pigeons are Gangsta
I don’t know whether it is just Chicago ones, but city pigeons are gangsta as hell. Coming to work today, I encountered at least 5 tough ass pigeons who I was about to defer to. When did it become that you actually have to say “excuse me” to some little …
I’m An Overgrown Toddler
Part of my life’s mission is complete, folks. I have found a pair of adult footie pajamas. You don’t understand how much joy this brought me. It’s red with polka dots (even MORE awesome), and I cannot wait to get it. I ordered it last night and I shall count …

I Can Fall Asleep Anywhere
This weekend pretty much tuckered me out. I kicked it so hard and suffered for it the next day. Shoot, I was still sleepy when I went to work today. And when I’m sleepy, i’m no good. My cat eyes already look like slits. When I’m sleepy (or drunk), they …
Celebration Playlist
I am loving the positivity that is omnipresent with our new President-Elect Barack Obama. I swear I woke up on November 5th and the world was clearer and sunnier. My allergies miraculously cleared up and my terrible cold seemed to have subsided. Birds were singing, and I think people were …
Celebrate Good Times for Obama!
I was on YBF.com a couple of days ago, and she put a list up of ways for Black folks to celebrate if Obama wins to keep folks from getting nervous, at least for the first few days. I already broke ALL them rules and it has only been an …
Halloween is Fun
Happy Halloween, folks!! Let foolishness reign! This is a holiday that adults are jacking from the kids, because I think we have more fun than they do. Although Trick or Treating is an AWESOME tradition. What other time can you go scrounging for sweets from random people? I think it …
I Love My Blackberry
Everyone who knows me is aware of the fact that I’m a geek addicted to all things web, web 2.0 and social media. I’m currently being paid to be a web geek (I LOVE MY GIG), so all aspects of my life call for me to be in front of …

You Know What Grinds My Gears?
“You know what really grinds my gears? Nobody’s come up with a new priest and a rabbi joke in like 30 years. I mean, okay, ah, umm. Priest and a rabbi go, go onto the supermarket, and, uh, the priest wants to buy a ham. And the rabbi says, “Ah, …

Nigeria is 48! You Know You’re Nigerian If…
To take a detour from my regularly scheduled blogging, I’d like to wish Nigeria a HAPPY 48th INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! We will party o!! We need Bailey’s Irish Cream, Guinness (Stout), Jollof Rice, Fufu & Stew, and Maltina. You know you’re Nigerian IF… The only reason you dance at Nigerian parties …
I Got Busted Brows
Aight, so since I’m so quick to roast folks, I have been pretty roastable myself lately. I haven’t had my eyebrows done since like July, and although I did not have a unibrow, I was walking around these parts looking like there were 2 centipedes taking a nap above my …