We Gotta Talk About Nigeria’s Olympics Opening Ceremony Outfit Fail
I gotta admit that my favorite part of the Olympics is the opening ceremony. All the pomp and circumstance, but especially the march of nations. I love it because it humbles me, reminding me that I don’t know shit about geography, as I go “WHO?” at most of the countries …

Winning at SOTU: Miss Edith Childs. Losing: Kim Davis’ Mullet
The 2016 State of the Union Address (and last of the Obama Administration) was full of entertainment. Y’all know I watch some of these shows to be the lady on the stoop roasting everyone. This is why people miss me sometimes when I don’t live-tweet shows and events. You’re basically …

The Top 10 Awesomely Luvvie Posts of 2015
It’s the last day of 2015, and I’m doing a look back at the year. I’ve already done my 2015 highlights chronicling my epic year and I could not let it pass without posting my top 10 pieces. I have a lot of fun writing here because I am able to …

Eddie Long, All-White Party and Youth Ministry Clothes: An Epic Roast
So a picture dropped the other day that blessed me tremendously. It was of three older Black men in all white. I thought they looked like what would happen if the three wise men decided to go to a Frankie Beverly and Maze Concert before they went to visit Baby …

Whose Model is this with the Extreme Baby Hair?
I never thought I could find baby hair so extreme and righteous that it’d trump Rozonda “Chilli” Thomas’ decades-long affair with forehead coiffure calligraphy. Who knew that someone could come through and swiftly out-babyhair the Royal Queen of Baby Hair? And it was done by a melanin-deficient brethren who ripped …

Kanye West’s Adidas Clothing Line is Perfect for the Zombie Apocalypse
Kanye West debuted his collection for Adidas at New York Fashion Week (NYFW) and the who’s who of the fashion and music world were present. In front of Jay-Z, Beyonce, Anna Wintour, Puffy, Rihanna and more, Kanye showed the world that he is ready to outfit us all for when …

The Time B2K Did a Group Lean in Tacky Alphets: Throwback Thursday
The fact that the early 2000s can now be considered “throwback” means we’re all old. Dambit. And remember the group Immature? Well, not them. I’m talmbout their heirs apparent: B2K. Omarion, J-Boog, Raz-B and Lil Fizz. Sounding like a Matrix character, a fake ass rapper, a flavor that was trying …

Team NO CHILL: Rep Your Set With These
There are many of us who are chill-deficient and I think it’s time for us to claim what we are: members of Team NO CHILL! My blog readers (aka LuvvNation) are especially executive board members of this club so I thought it was only right that I allow us to …

Tell People To Have a Seat With Your Chest!
My peoples! I’m back with my latest tshirt because sometimes you just need to let folks know that they should HAVE a SEAT! Now you can do it with your chest with the “No. Have a Seat \___” Tshirt on teespring. These navy blue shirts come in a fitted tshirt for …

The Overalls and Jumpsuits Struggle is So Real
Sometimes, we let fashion really inconvenience our lives. I get why, too. Because we see cute things that we wanna rock and we put them on and deal with the fact that our day probably just got a bit more difficult. Overalls are those things. Overalls are great for the …