Old Couple Swag

This Old Couple is SHARP!

I was on the Twitter, minding my own business when a twitpic came across my timeline. @Chromeo was at an airport when he saw an older couple who were dressed to the NINES so he tweeted their pic. Behold: Uncle Rufus and Aunty Opal (what I’ve named them) are slaying …

Invisiwig Brows

Invisiwig Brows. NO MA’AM!

I was minding my own business when my girl @KindredSmile ambushed my gchats talmbout “Lacefront Eyebrows.” I told her to go away, but she didn’t listen. This fool sent me a link to: INVISIWIG EYEBROWS! LAWDDDDDD!!! So folks ain’t e’em going the old-fashioned 2001 route of using rogaine on their brows …

Black Friday Shoppers

How To Survive Black Friday. Tip 1: Avoid WalMart

As folks know, I’m an avid shopper (read: shopaholic) and likes to dabble in sales from time-to-time (read: shops too much). So MY Superbowl equivalent is Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving where stores everywhere have RIDICULOUS sales. Stores open at midnight or 4am and items are like a …

FashionWhose is this?

Whose Dumb Idea Is This? Kohl’s Failed!

Ladies and gentlefools. You know when I post back to back in a day, I mean business. Well I had to post about this as it came across my gchat. Afrobella sent me this link and I went AWF!!! Like cussing tourette’s. A “Ghetto Fab Wig?” You have GOT to …

FashionMy Life

I Don’t Wear Makeup Enough

Kindred: Tryna step my accessory game up since I’mo be rocking a TWA (teeny weeny afro) soon Me: Earrings is the game that matters the most with a TWA Kindred: oh yes I know. Earrings and eyeshadow Me: Eff eyeshadow Kindred: I don’t want anyone to be like “Oh sir, …

Famous folksFashion

Who Ran It: Avatar Luvvie or Rihanna?

For the Grammy’s on February 1, my avatar decided to don a formal onesie reserved for truly special occasions. Well, 2 days later, on February 3, VH1’s Superbowl jam came on. Rihanna had on a very similar one. I WAS SWAGGER-JACKED! With that being said… I see you back there …

Famous folksFashionMusic

Chris Brown’s Fail

Ok so I don’t usually blog on Thursdays, but I had to today because of the Chris Brown/Larry King interview. Not because it was interesting. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I could have spent that hour watching grass grow, or an English comedy. However, it was entertaining because …


GAP and I were Born To Fit!

Aight so let me tell y’all. A couple of months ago, I got contacted by Justine of the firm Brand About Town because they liked my blog and thought I was a “buzzmaker” and “trendsetter”. I was surprised because I was like “My blog? My lil corner of the intrawebs?” …


NorthFace Strengthens Me

Y’all already know this winter has been on some Kentucky Freeze-A-b*tch type stuff. It’s been horrendous. I’ve quit Chicago a plethora of times, telling it to pack its sh*t and GO and I meant it. It actually had the nerve to be -11 for a couple of days. What in …

FashionMy Life

My Closet said “iQuit!”

So you remember a while back how I’m shopping crazy, and it’s getting worse by the minute. Yeah I was serious, and it was a cry for help. This is how bad this problem has gotten. A month ago, my closet literally quit me. I have so many clothes that …