I Don’t Wear Makeup Enough
Kindred: Tryna step my accessory game up since I’mo be rocking a TWA (teeny weeny afro) soon Me: Earrings is the game that matters the most with a TWA Kindred: oh yes I know. Earrings and eyeshadow Me: Eff eyeshadow Kindred: I don’t want anyone to be like “Oh sir, …

Who Ran It: Avatar Luvvie or Rihanna?
For the Grammy’s on February 1, my avatar decided to don a formal onesie reserved for truly special occasions. Well, 2 days later, on February 3, VH1’s Superbowl jam came on. Rihanna had on a very similar one. I WAS SWAGGER-JACKED! With that being said… I see you back there …
Chris Brown’s Fail
Ok so I don’t usually blog on Thursdays, but I had to today because of the Chris Brown/Larry King interview. Not because it was interesting. In fact, it was quite the opposite. I could have spent that hour watching grass grow, or an English comedy. However, it was entertaining because …

GAP and I were Born To Fit!
Aight so let me tell y’all. A couple of months ago, I got contacted by Justine of the firm Brand About Town because they liked my blog and thought I was a “buzzmaker” and “trendsetter”. I was surprised because I was like “My blog? My lil corner of the intrawebs?” …

NorthFace Strengthens Me
Y’all already know this winter has been on some Kentucky Freeze-A-b*tch type stuff. It’s been horrendous. I’ve quit Chicago a plethora of times, telling it to pack its sh*t and GO and I meant it. It actually had the nerve to be -11 for a couple of days. What in …

My Closet said “iQuit!”
So you remember a while back how I’m shopping crazy, and it’s getting worse by the minute. Yeah I was serious, and it was a cry for help. This is how bad this problem has gotten. A month ago, my closet literally quit me. I have so many clothes that …

A Love Letter to Mama Retha’s Inauguration Hat
Because Aretha Franklin’s Inauguration hat was everything. Aretha: Mmhmm! You can’t tell me SH*T. I know you see me! Don’t hate. Appreciate. Dearest Ms. Franklin’s Hat, You came, you sang (on top of Re-Re’s head), and you conquered (the hearts of a whole nation. Hell, a world). You somehow came …

I’ve Gone Shopping Crazy
*Stands Up* “Hi, I’m Luvvie and I’m a shopaholic.” Everyone: “Hi Luvvie!” Yeah I’ve admitted this problem but I’ve been stuck on Step 1 since forever. I have been acting a good fool for the past month, ever since Black Friday. I’ve bought 3 pairs of boots, countless shirts, many …
What Cool Kids Do
Who made me an authority on what constitutes cool? Myself. And that is all that matters. I think I’m cool, hip, happening, down, groovy. I mean, I “raise the roof” and “get jiggy wit’ it” with the best of ’em. Plus, I do a MEAN running man (forward and backwards), …