The Love Rug That Strokes: Throwback Thursday
Let me tell you something. Every generation has its shame, and ours is probably going to be the fact that placing your forearm on your forehead is a dance move and we dared to name it (The Dab). That, and anything Miley Cyrus has ever done. The folks who grew …

The 20 Greatest TV Show Theme Songs of All Time
I miss the times when TV show theme songs were big. Back when the opening credits was about laying the groundwork, giving you some context or just telling you the background story. We spent the first 1.5 minutes of each show just jamming, singing along and getting ready for our …

Some Government Apps Still Require Netscape and Internet Explorer 6.0: Throwback Thursday
Sometimes you want to do things to strengthen your business, like copyright and register your works, if you’re an artist. My friend, illustrator Veronica Marche Miller, went to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s website to register her art for protection and a dandy little prompt she got took her …

The Time B2K Did a Group Lean in Tacky Alphets: Throwback Thursday
The fact that the early 2000s can now be considered “throwback” means we’re all old. Dambit. And remember the group Immature? Well, not them. I’m talmbout their heirs apparent: B2K. Omarion, J-Boog, Raz-B and Lil Fizz. Sounding like a Matrix character, a fake ass rapper, a flavor that was trying …

The Time James Brown and Little Richard Partnered on Wheel of Fortune: Throwback Thursday
You got to go way back sometimes for the best clips. Back in 1994, Wheel of Fortune did a week where they featured “Music Stars.” On this particular episode, it’s Lee Greenwood, Weird Al Yankovic, James Brown and Little Richard. Yes, 4 contestants. Why? Because James and Richard played together. …

The Rock’s Fetching Fanny Pack and Titilating Turtleneck: Throwback Thursday
The 90s were hilarious because everyone loved extra accessories for no reason whatsoever. An old picture of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has been floating around the web this week and it is giving me everything I want and never thought I needed! I DON DIE! This whole gahtdamb look! WHY MUST …

The Beloved Sony Walkman and the Cassette Tape Struggle: Throwback Thursday
Before you could fit 10,000 songs on a device the size of tic tac container, us 80s babies had the Sony Walkman and double-sided cassette tapes. The Walkman was a rite of passage and when you got it (after begging and saving and whining), you felt like you had truly …

The Grossness of Green Ketchup: Throwback Thursday
Remember when the team at Heinz suffered from a bout of temporary insanity and put out green ketchup for the American public to consume? Yeah, it was around Y2K (year 2000, for the babies who went “HUH?”). Actually, they had purple ketchup too but that’s close to red so I …

Sega Genesis and Sonic the Hedgehog: Throwback Thursday
Back in my youth, I enjoyed video games just like everyone else. The last time I was really into it was way back when Sega Genesis was the IT console to have. You remember it. All-black, slightly glossy and hella awesome! When you turned it on, you’d here the sing-song …

Call Miss Cleo Now! Throwback Thursday
Back when I was in high school, I was feeling myself because I didn’t have a bedtime anymore. As a natural night owl, I’d stay up til wee hours of the early night (like midnight) watching TV. That was when I got introduced to Miss Cleo the Psychic. Nothing says …