Westboro Baptist Better Have a Gahtdamb Seat!
Westboro Baptist is a boil on all of our collective asses. They’re to Christians what those Jim Crow cartoons from the 1920s are to Disney. We try to dust them under our shoe and act like we don’t know them. But like the roaches they are, they stay coming back. …

A Must Watch Conversation Between Maya Angelou and Dave Chappelle
Wow. That’s what I said after watching the conversation between Dr. Maya Angelou and Dave Chappelle. It’s from an episode of Sundance Channel’s Iconoclasts, where they spent a day together in her home in Winston-Salem. I’ve never seen it until today and I am floored by the poignant, insightful, and …

#YesAllWomen: What We Should Teach Boys
The #YesAllWomen hashtag started on Twitter as a result of the 140-page manifesto of the Santa Barbara killer. It detailed his life, his plans and why he decided to go on a murder spree. A good amount of it was him being butthurt about women not wanting to have sex …

We Can Care About Two or Four or Eight Things At Once
I’m so tired and weary of the people who are currently guilting anyone who is sharing light news and celebrity scandal in the place of constant posts about #BringBackOurGirls. Some people are all on Facebook and Twitter saying “WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT SOLANGE WHEN 200 GIRLS ARE STILL MISSING …

About This Grudge Folks Hold Against Michael Vick…
Michael Vick did a terrible thing. TERRIBLE. In 2007, he pleaded guilty to sponsoring a dogfighting ring, participating in many himself and being a part of the killing of dogs (pit bulls) by drowning or hanging. And he made money off this stuff. AWFUL stuff, really. He was convicted, went …

Black People Are Conscious Consumers and Nielsen Knows It
There’s been an influx of pieces online about Black Twitter, Black people and our widespread use of the internet and they usually come with a tone of surprise. People are shocked to hear that we’re such power users of social media and THAT astonishment never ceases to amaze me. It …

Nigerian People are Prayer Warriors and These Videos Have Me Howling
I’m getting ready for my trip to Nigeria all this week so I won’t have a chance to write a lotta posts. BUT foolery still surrounds me and I must share it with y’all. Us Nigerian people are a passionate lot, and we love us some Jesus (well, those who …

About the Relationship Between Africans and African Americans
Last night, @MisstoyaJ sent me a couple of tweets asking me to address the meaning of the word “akata” by Nigerians and other Africans because they had seen it on Twitter. It felt cheap to just talk about the word without talking about the larger dynamic behind it. This led …

The Great Troublemaker for Peace: Nelson Mandela’s Legacy
Earlier this week, I wrote about how Yoruba people take names so seriously because we think it can determine your life’s path. As we honor the memory of the late, GREAT Nelson Mandela, I reflect on his middle name “Rolihlahla,” which is Xhosa for “troublemaker.” President Mandela was the troublemaker …

About Yoruba Names and their Meanings
As some may know, I’m Nigerian, specifically Yoruba. We’re in the Southwest part of the country, but we’re global because our culture and our people are all over the world. We’re over 35 million strong and we are everything. Yes, I’m biased. Anywho, yesterday, I started tweeting about how important …