Lupita Nyong’o Optioned Film Rights to Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah. WIN!
If you all need me, I’ll be laid out at the altar because my heart just couldn’t take the awesomeness. IndieWire confirmed that my main boo Lupita Nyong’o optioned the film rights for my other boo and Naija sisthren Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s book Americanah!
I read the book in ONE DAY last year and it’s 608 pages! It was that good and I felt that connected to it. Americanah tells the story of Ifemelu, a girl born in Nigeria to a well-off family. She comes to the United States and becomes a culture blogger when her views on race become clearer when she experiences life where Black is no longer the default.
Chimamanda was telling MY story. Her journey felt so familiar in many ways and Ifemelu’s name is even similar to mine. Listen. Do they need an understudy? I can’t act my way out of a room but I can play myself. Does Ifemelu need a BFF? Can I just stand on the set and bring snacks to Lupita between takes? I’m cool with that too.
Related read: Dear Lupita Nyong’o, Why Must You Slay Us So Effortlessly?
Seriously. I don die of the perfects. This is everything. EVERYTHINGGGGG!!! I am so excited about this collaboration and I cannot wait to see it come to fruition. I wonder who’s going to play Obinze (aka Ceiling).
I feel like Chimamanda is my spirit twin and I cannot wait to meet her one day and let her know how amazing she is. She says stuff like “I think it’s very important for brilliant women to step out there and be hot babes.” LOVE HER for being unapologetically her.

I created this button and it went alllll over the place!
Her other books Half of a Yellow Sun and Purple Hibiscus are also full of great. In fact, the Half of a Yellow Sun film (starring Thandie Newton and Chiwetel Ejiofor) is in limited release right now. I’m so thirsty to watch it. As soon as it comes to Chicago, I’ma be in the theater. I can also go to New York to see it. I am able and willing!
Chimamanda makes this child of Naija proud, man. Correct somebody like this. WERK! If you haven’t checked out her TED Talk on We Should All Be Feminists, do so.
P.S. I owe y’all a review of Americanah. I’m going to read it again and write about it so all the details are fresh in my mind. Long story short: YESSSSS!!! Have y’all read it? If you haven’t go read it!
I hit my wall slide when I first saw that interview with Lola Ogunnaike, where Chimamanda let it slip that there was something in the works with Lupita. I am so here for this! Lupita is a smart cookie, taking the reins on a project like this. Whether she chooses to act in it or work behind the scenes to bring it to life, this is a major win for her.
(Perhaps controversial) sidenote: Who wants to bet Bey will hop on board as a producer, being a Chimamanda fan and all? And Lupita is a huge Bey fan as well. Hmmm…
The sheer awesomeness of this knows no bounds. Oh my goodness.
I read this book in 3 days, and I’m usually a pretty slow reader. I went through it like “why is this about my life?!” I was that international student who moved to the US for college, slowly understanding race relations in the US through the eyes of a foreign black (except I’m Haitian). So, this book spoke to me a lot.
Does optioning rights for the film mean Lupita will be playing Ifemelu? If so, isn’t Ifemelu supposed to be curvy, and struggle with her weight? Either way, I’m still excited.
Lupita also directs films btw so maybe… lets see.. but sooooooooooo excited!! This is Brilliant!
I honestly almost cried, this made me so happy. Americanah is an amaaazing book.
She tells the story of the 2nd generation immigrant quite well so I could FULLY relate. I also finished the book in a day. This is very exciting.
I have not read this book, but the Luvvie stamp of approval has been recognized, and I will read it. It will be at the top of my summer reading list!
That book was awesome and I (maybe naively) believe that Lupita optioning it will mean a movie that is true to the story and not a terrible bastardization as so many movies based on books are.
I’m actually kinda scared to see Half of Yellow Sun for that very reason. That book is layered, man. The movie would have to be 9 hours long to do it justice.
Also I think that dude from 12 Years a Slave should play Ceiling. I forget his name and my nails are too long to Google. You know whom I’m talking about.
Chewydigits Connectfour?
That’s it!!
that is too funny
So wrong
Absolutely terrific news.
Ife!! I am so readaay for that movie whenever she’s ready! My life must be like your life then, Luvvie cause Chimamanda was telling my life in this book too. Plus, I came back to Nigeria to live. People gripe about wanting to read a novel, but Chimamanda’s life but I think they were just uncomfortable. And yaaas!! Smart chick, Lupita.
I finished reading it about 2 weeks ago and kept thinking a movie needs to be made starring Lupita! I’m so excited!
This thrills me to no end.
BTW, if you’re an immigrant (as I am), you might also want to check out Chimimanda’s book of short stories, “That Thing Around Your Neck.” It was like she was talking about me, my uncles, my parents’ friends, people I knew from school …
(Absolutely love your site, btw. First time commenter, long time reader. 😉 )
*runs around my house* OMGGGG I’m SUCH A huge fan of you, Karen! I’ve been watching you from afar for years. You read my blog? *faints* My day is made. thank you!
You’re hysterical — this comment made MY day! Thank you!
(And now, to figure out a time to meet in real life, so I can hug you in person.)
Soooo, I’m going to break in on this love-fest and make interject my comments, because I FEELZ the need to express my new-found joy!!
I’ve always been the nerdy web developer type, but never was a blog reader…until Luvvie…and now Karen! I now have a desire to get away from my computer, and go outside and take pictures and write stuff and read book other than technical documentation and webby-nerdy stuff…I LIVE! I’m so glad I’ve stumbled upon your blogs!
Luvvie, I LIVE for all things GoT and Scandal, and whatevah else you want to blog about.
Karen, your photos are amazing!! I will be following your blog religiously starting TODAY!
Thank you BOTH!!
Aw, man, thank YOU Felicia! Glad you found my little corner. It’ll be good to see you over there. 🙂
(Isn’t Luvvie the best?)
I became interested in her when “Essence” reviewed “That thing around your neck,” a few years ago and I loved it and went back to read “Purple Hibiscus” (which I loved) and “Half of a Yellow Sun.” She is definitely one of the authors who I look forward to their next published piece.
Americanah was so good, I read it in IBooks, but I bought the hard copy just so I could have it on my book shelf. Then I bought a copy for my Mom, and got my sister to read it too. If Chimimanda was just reading the phone book, I would sit in the front row and listen closely. Her writing, and lectures are EVERYTHING!!!
It made me very happy. Americanah is a wonderful book.
Starz is running Half a Yellow Sun in the Fall
Thanks Luvvie, I thought about you when I read her book as well. Great read, great authors of Africa.
Thanks for who you are!
Wow. What a super funny blog this is.
Haven’t read the book, but I am happy for Lupita. Much continued success in her career.
Love Lupita’s guts and smarts. Independent films are where it’s at. It’s about creating your own stories instead of waiting them to come calling.
So glad she is taking charge of her own career!
AHHHHHH!!!!! I read this book last summer after my english teacher recommended it to me. Picked it up around ten that morning, did not put it down until two a.m. the next morning. Phenomenal book written by and phenomenal woman. And for Lupita to option films rights? AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! This literally just made my day!
Awesome! I love Chimamanda and Americanah is my favorite of her books! I can’t wait to see the film adaptation.
To be completely and utterly honest Luvvie,
When I was reading Americanah I couldnt help but to think of you, too! I mean, you and Ifemelu (besides being Nigerian) have similar lives, esteemed bloggers, public speakers etc. I am estatic that Lupita is apart of this project and I think you would sincerely make an PERFECT Ifemelu. Girl, acting classes are available lol and since you and Ifemelu are so similar you would fit into this role amazingly
I read Americanah and thought it was fantastic.
Also, not to make you jealous but… I saw the Half of a Yellow Sun when it premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival and it is WONDERFUL!!!!
This is great news and exactly where I was hoping Lupita and Chimamanda would go..As opposed to sitting around waiting to be funded/cast by some daddylonglegs.
Have ya’ll seen Lupita’s first documentary “in my genes” ? She talks about it here:
She completely manages to humanize and respect the people in the documentary, while making a commentary on important social issues.
This makes me smile hard enough to get jaw cramps. I CANNOT WAIT!