About that EBONY Magazine Cover and the Cosby Conundrum
Yesterday, EBONY dropped the mic on everyone when they released the cover of their November 2015 issue. It is a cover made to look like a cracked picture, featuring the Huxtables. The crack starts on the face of Heathcliff, which is mostly covered because of it, and it spreads throughout, …

About the Cocaine Apartment and the Tender Reporting of a White Victim
The media doesn’t even TRY to ACT like it isn’t engaging in shady ass biased practices anymore. We are all clear that press has never been objective, and outlets lean one way or another, based on who is behind them and the people they hire. They have set agendas and …

#NigeriansAtHogwarts Hashtag Is Brilliance and Hilarity You Need
I don die. Seriously. I logged on to Twitter and was told to check out the #NigeriansAtHogwarts hashtag. I have spent the last hour in TEARS laughing at the shenanigans. I am a PROUD Potterhead and super fan of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and I am unashamed of my …

About Charleston, Forgiveness and Black Pain
Three days ago, a monster walked into bible study at Emanuel AME Church, the oldest Black church in the south. He sat with them for an hour before pulling his gun out and killing 9 of them. Their names need to be spoken. Susie Jackson (87). Reverent Clementa Pinkney (41). …

About Rachel Dolezal the Undercover Sista and Performing Blackness
Soooo about Rachel Dolezal… I am aware that I’m tardy for the party in throwing my hat in the ring but I’m just here so I don’t get fined. I might be a day late and a word count short but this lady has taken over our minds in the …

George Zimmerman Was Shot in the Face A Little. Because: Monday
George Zimmerman in another altercation that police were called to. We like to call this special occasion “Monday.” That man gets in more trouble than New York rats get on the subway and he doesn’t ever see lock up. His life is clearly on some “Final Destination: Prison For Life” shit. …

If the Systems of Oppression Were the Game of Thrones
Ok so I admit that Game of Thrones is on my mind because I’m in the middle of finishing the recap for season 5, episode 3. Also, I watch too much TV so I enjoy finding parallels between art and real life. The Baltimore uprisings has sat on my spirit, …

About Images of Black Death and the Groundhog Day of Police Brutality
Have you heard of the Black man named Eric who police had pinned to the concrete and he told them he can’t breathe and they didn’t give a shit and we watched his last moments on video because he shortly after he said that? Oh no, I’m not talking about …

Black Girls Rock 2015 Was Everything: Recap
Black Girls Rock is awesome for the mere fact that it creates space for the celebration of Black womanhood, Black girlhood, Black femininity and Black girl magic. The organization (and show), created by Beverly Bond, takes time to honor us on a grand scale and that by itself is incredible. …

Dear Nellie Andreeva and Deadline, About Your Piece on Too Much “Ethnic Casting” on TV
Yesterday, Deadline’s TV editor Nellie Andreeva posted a piece titled “Pilots 2015: The Year Of Ethnic Castings – About Time Or Too Much Of Good Thing?” This headline wasn’t click-bait because it captured exactly what the writer was trying to say: that TV is getting too Black and maybe it should …