The Stages of Social Media Grief of Celebrity Deaths
I analyzed the process of grieving on Twitter when celebrities die, and it’s the same cycle each time, with the theatrics at the highest levels.

Is Black Face the New Black? Sarah Silverman Thinks Its Funny
Y’all know what it is! A double post day is something se’ous around these parts. Every Halloween time, I dread the costumes I’ll be seeing. I don’t care about the slutty ones. Do you. Your ass cheeks can be visible all in the name of ceremony. I don’t give two …

Dear Mel Gibson, Please STFU
So Gawker released an article last week saying that Mel Gibson went on a diatribe against his ex. “You look like a fucking pig in heat, and if you get raped by a pack of n*ggers, it will be your fault.” – Mel Gibson to his wife. THAT is why …
Dear Morehouse, You Get a Side-Eye
You’ve probably heard the new dress code that Morehouse College, an all-male HBCU (Historically Black College/University), has given its students. They’ve released 11 stipulations that students must follow, or risk being suspended from school. They are more than deserving of this week’s sternly-worded letter. Dear Morehouse, You know you’re kind …

Dear PETA, Really?
The other day, I was in my office when all of a sudden a huge fly comes swirling around out of nowhere. You already know about my fear of creepy crawlers. That rodent with wings was pissing me off because it just would not get out my office. So I …

Dear Angelina And Madonna (and Other African Kid Adopters)
This has been on my mind for a minute but I haven’t written about it. Then I found out that Madonna is going to Malawi to adopt yet another child. Dear Madonna & Angelina (and other African Kid Adopters), I would temper this with “No Offense” but I know it …

Nigeria is 48! You Know You’re Nigerian If…
To take a detour from my regularly scheduled blogging, I’d like to wish Nigeria a HAPPY 48th INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! We will party o!! We need Bailey’s Irish Cream, Guinness (Stout), Jollof Rice, Fufu & Stew, and Maltina. You know you’re Nigerian IF… The only reason you dance at Nigerian parties …