Because Sometimes You’re a Caterpillar: Dope Video Alert
You all know how I feel about animations and illustrations and whatnot. I have been using a cartoon avatar on these interwebs for over 9 years, because I really do think they’re adorable, but also great ways to kind of make people pay attention even when they don’t realize they …

The Lawn Chair Over Justice for Brandon: Scandal Episode 414 Recap
I am a firm believer in using your platform to say things boldly, even when they’re uncomfortable and when they make people wince by throwing the truth back in their faces. This last episode of Scandal was the most important one they’ve ever done, being audacious enough to use it’s primetime to …

Joni Mitchell the Undercover Brother Totally Gets Blackness
Old people be olding sometimes. You know when you get to a certain age and all your filter has gone down the toilet and you give so few dambs that you’re constantly on a No Fucks Given IV drip? Well, I feel like that’s partially what we have in the …

Was Brown Paint Busy When They Created This Bobby Jindal Portrait?
Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana got his official portrait done and well, it’s missing two very important things: melanin, so therefore accuracy. Jindal is of Indian descent, and he is perpetually saying the worst things. He really must get his Land of Abandoned People passport soon. But this official portrait is …

Dear Johnson Publishing Company, About Selling Your Photo Archives
I had to write this sternly-worded letter because NAWL! Dear Johnson Publishing Company, I read a story in the Chicago Tribune called “Johnson Publishing to sell historic photo archive” and I had to write you a letter because my spirit was bothered. I posted it on Facebook and everyone did …

I Am Not Charlie. Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie.
On January 3, 2015, Boko Haram men went to the city of Baga and killed up to an estimated 2,000 people, mostly civilians. They ravaged the town, burning down buildings and leaving the largest body count they have yet. This is their deadliest act in their reign of terror in …

The Land of Abandoned People Needs Citizens. Here are My Nominations
For years, me and my friends have been relegating people who’ve hurt us, made us angry or are just terrible human beings to an imaginary place called the Land of Abandoned People. There, you are subjected to watching the movie Gigli over and over again. When you tire of that, …

The Stages of What Happens When There’s Injustice Against Black People
It’s another day and another way that America shows that it is not here for Black people even though this country was built on our backs and our blood fertilized the soil. Eric Garner was killed as he was in a chokehold by a cop who saw him selling loose …

About #BlackOutFriday and How Some People are Missing the Point
Today is Black Friday, the annual shopping gluttony day where we all bless each other with new things that are 50-70% cheaper than normal but not really because they made them 50% more expensive just to give us a 40% discount. Some of us go to WalMart to risk being trampled …

#ThingsMoreHurtThanDarrenWilson, Like Papercuts and Ovulation: Twitter’s Roast
Yesterday, I cussed more than I ever have in my life. I was dropping all types of F-bombs. I kept yelling “FUCKKKKK” at random intervals after learning that Darren Wilson would not be getting indicted. FUCK EVERYTHING. FUCK IT ALL. ALL OF IT. I mean, I KNEW it was coming. …