About Renee Zellweger’s New Face, Our Shock, and Folks Telling Us to STFU
A woman got on the red carpet the other day, looking vaguely familiar. Or like the cousin of Robin Wright and Sarah Jessica Parker. Wait. WAYMENT. That’s Renee Zellweger! Shut my mouth wide open! WUT? What happened to her face? I mean, that’s kinda rhetorical because we know it’s plastic …

Pennsylvania’s Tom Corbett Photoshops Auntie Black Lady into Campaign Pic
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett is seeking re-election and he’s campaigning hard for it. Word on the streets is that he hasn’t done well with getting people of color and other minorities to vote for him so he came up with a grander idea. Good ol’ Uncle Tom photoshopped an older …

I’m So Ready to See Dear White People!
Chile, I’ve been excited about the movie Dear White People since I first heard about it. Created by young Black people (writer and director Justin Simien, producer Lena Waithe) and giving in-your-face commentary on racial dynamics in the United States. Looking around right now at what’s happening in Ferguson, you can …

About Ray Rice’s Elevator Video, Domestic Violence and the Denial of Black Women’s Humanity
That woman could have died. The video of Ray Rice punching his then-fiancee (now wife), Janay Palmer in an elevator on February 15 has been released by TMZ. Janay lunged at him and he punched her with all his might right in the face. She fell immediately, hitting the elevator …

About Ferguson, White Allies and Speaking Up When It Matters
A change is gon come. It doesn’t come easily and the people in power won’t let it happen without a fight. We’re watching the fight right now in its ugliest form in Ferguson, Missouri. Tear gas, which the U.S. has banned in actual wars on other soils is now being …

Black Lives Matter. Eric Garner Was Last Month and Now Mike Brown
My spirit is bothered and my heart hurts because another Black boy has been killed senselessly by a police officer. Every day, Black and brown boys and girls are murdered without justice and without reason. But there’s a special kick in the chest when it happens at the hands of …

Delta Airlines Twitter Fail and the Circle of Trife: A Giraffe for Ghana
Tonight, USA and Ghana faced off in the World Cup and USA came away with the win, 2-1. Afterwards, Delta Airlines’ Twitter account posted a picture cheering on the home country and also managing to be offend people who had sense. The Statue of Liberty for the U.S. and a …

America’s Dealing With Gun Violence Like a Lazy College Student
Yesterday, another school shooting happened and I had the nerve not to be immediately enraged and disheartened by it. It’s either I’ve become a robot, I’m suffering from Acute Outrage Fatigue Syndrome or these tragedies happen too often to punch me in the chest like they used to. I think …

Dear Fellow Christians, About This Christ Crutch We Use to Justify Foolery…
I just feel like I need to talk to my faith-similar folks for a second. Dear Christians, I’m a life-long Christian and I was raised by a village of protectors and guardians who included my Grandmother, a lover of the Lord (with all her heart and soul). She taught me that being …

Lupita Nyong’o Optioned Film Rights to Chimamanda Adichie’s Americanah. WIN!
If you all need me, I’ll be laid out at the altar because my heart just couldn’t take the awesomeness. IndieWire confirmed that my main boo Lupita Nyong’o optioned the film rights for my other boo and Naija sisthren Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s book Americanah! I read the book in ONE DAY …