The Daily Show’s Segment on the Zimmerman Verdict is Why I Love Them
The Daily Show is one of the smartest and funniest shows on TV, and they always prove to be one of the most needed ones too. You’ll get a better take on the news by watching it than CNN any day, in my book. Their news might be “fake” but …

There Was No Justice For Trayvon But We Cannot Be Silenced
This weekend, I was at a convening with 100 young Black leaders and activists, brought together from across the country by the Black Youth Project. We were there to talk about our advocacy work as well as issues affecting the Black community. And more importantly, we were there to talk about what …

This Week Has Given Me Outrage Fatigue Syndrome
I haven’t updated since Monday and it’s because I’ve been so overwhelmed by everything happening this week that I haven’t been able to write. It’s been such a newsworthy 4 days and every time something is settling down, something else happens. You know when you have so many thoughts that …

Butter and Bigotry: Paula Deen is Racist and Terrible
Another day, another celebrity being dropkicked off their pedestal. I woke up to find out that Paula Deen, the Matron Saint of Butter and Diabeetus Diet is a grade A racist. This is like finding out that Santa Claus killed the Tooth Fairy. Because she looks like Mrs. Claus and seems …

About The Oscars, Quvenzhané Wallis and The Onion Debacle
This post took me a long time to write because I wasn’t even sure I was going to blog about this topic. I’ve been all up in arms for the past 20 hours. Literally. Like fighting the air at random intervals and everything. Because people have been TRYING it. It …

Stock Black Criminal is Too Fine For This Treatment
Oh America. Every time we think you might be about to win, you start losing again. Remember when Barack Obama got elected president in 2008 and everyone was talmbout how it was a post-racial country? Yeah… that was boolsheet. Unless post-racial means “just as racist but since there’s a Black …

“Hoodies and Heels” Party for Trayvon Martin? I Hate People.
I called it. I CALLED IT. The other night, I was on Twitter talmbout how I don’t want to see folks have a club party in honor of Trayvon Martin. I KNEW these raggelly club promoters would use this to try to bring folks to come drop down and get …

My Journey to the Academy Awards with Afrobella
My peoples! I’ve been MIA on my eCrib all week because I’ve been prepping for my trip to LA for the Academy Awards. I’m there right now for a trip of a lifetime, and it’s a dream come true. Actually, it’s a dream I didn’t even have because I didn’t …

How to Commemorate Black History Month
My peoples! It is officially Black History Month, the shortest, most afrocentric 29 days you will experience this year. So I’m here to let you know ways for you to commemorate it. Here are some I came up with: * Be jealous of my avatar’s dashiki and kufi. Because you …

The Foreign Name Struggle Is Real
Yesterday was my post telling parents to quit naming their kids stupidly. It turned out to be EPIC, with 300 comments on it (now: 600) and counting (record for this blog). And y’all might have made my site crash for a good hour yesterday with foolery. Folks acted UP in …