No Country for Yellow Starbursts (aka Disappointment Chews)
Starbursts are candy that I’m passionate about and the creators have clearly created a candy caste system to allow us to rank the people in our lives by the color we give them. Pink is the starburst you give your best friend to show them your love is real. Yellow …

The Stages of What Happens When There’s Injustice Against Black People
It’s another day and another way that America shows that it is not here for Black people even though this country was built on our backs and our blood fertilized the soil. Eric Garner was killed as he was in a chokehold by a cop who saw him selling loose …

My 12 Thoughts on the 2014 Soul Train Awards
Last night was the airing of the 2014 Soul Train Awards, which taped last month. How did we know? Because pictures got out and we all saw Devante from Jodeci rocking a meatball on his head. I don’t know how I’m supposed to have peace when he’s walking around like …

About #BlackOutFriday and How Some People are Missing the Point
Today is Black Friday, the annual shopping gluttony day where we all bless each other with new things that are 50-70% cheaper than normal but not really because they made them 50% more expensive just to give us a 40% discount. Some of us go to WalMart to risk being trampled …

#ThingsMoreHurtThanDarrenWilson, Like Papercuts and Ovulation: Twitter’s Roast
Yesterday, I cussed more than I ever have in my life. I was dropping all types of F-bombs. I kept yelling “FUCKKKKK” at random intervals after learning that Darren Wilson would not be getting indicted. FUCK EVERYTHING. FUCK IT ALL. ALL OF IT. I mean, I KNEW it was coming. …

Where the Sun Don’t Shine: Scandal Season 4 Winter Finale Recap
Ooooo chile! January 29, 2015 can’t come fast enough because Scandal left me wondering where I left my good wig. I HAZ SO MANY THOUGHTS! Let’s jump right in. Charge Her – Olivia is sitting in the Oval Office looking shell-shocked and Jake and Fitz talk about what the hell …

Solange Has Won at Weddining
Today, Solange Knowles got married to her longtime LAVAH Alan Ferguson in New Orleans and pictures dropped and everyone has lost their minds. Why? BECAUSE SO MUCH FIERCENESS! Looking like the angels in the thug mansion that Tupac was talmbout. I’m so here for this picture. *I* wanna get Solange’s …

#LifetimeBiopics and #LifetimeBeLike are the Hashtags You Need After the Aaliyah Movie
The Aaliyah biopic on Lifetime happened tonight and I missed it but it’s coming on again so I’ll DVR to watch tomorrow. Anywho, folks say it’s so bad that the word “bad” is offended that it’s even associated with the movie. And to think. The Whitney Houston biopic is still …

Who is the Grandest Goon? Rowan Pope, Frank Underwood or Gus Fring?
3 of the most binge-watch worthy shows on television in the last 4 years gotta be Breaking Bad, Scandal and House of Cards. Many a weekend have been lost in front of NetFlix, watching episodes back-to-back because those shows are thrilling. But all three shows are also amazing because they have …

The Last Supper: Scandal Episode 408 Recap
Take all my edges then, Scandal. I don’t need them. I’ll just wear visors more often. Let’s talk about this episode. The Petty Triangle – The three non-amigos are in the bunker trying to figure out what their next move needs to be now that Fitz knows Jake is innocent. …