It’s My Birthday! About Thankfully Turning 30
1985 is a solid number and that year produced some really solid people. Today, I join the 30 club! I’m a proud Capricorn, born on January 5, 1985, and this is a milestone birthday but I don’t feel any different. In fact, my life is a series of patterns because I am who I am.
My Mom says I was born 2 weeks later than expected.

Me at 3 months!
I am nothing if not consistent because I’m the one people tell to get somewhere 1 hour earlier than everyone and I still manage to get there 30 minutes later than everyone else. I’m the worst, yo. I am not proud of this. But yes, the worst. I blame it on my Nigerian blood. We’d be late to judgment day. SMH.
The same under-eye bags I had then, I have now. IAnd when I was three years old and people asked me what my favorite color was, I yelled RED. That is still what I do now if it’s not clear that red rules everything around me.
I’ve stayed flashy too. I love shiny things. And about my side-eye. It’s always been there. I was a shady toddler. Exhibit A is on my 3rd birthday in Nigeria:

Me and my Mama on my 3rd birthday. Thank the lord I grew into my forehead. And leave my zebra print outfit alone.
But yes, I’m 30! WHOOT! I don’t know if I’m supposed to feel different but what I feel is excited, and I chose to spend my birthday somewhere warm, near water and by myself. I’m in the Dominican Republic on my first ever solo vacation, happy because I am not in Chicago where it is currently STUPID COLD DEGREES. And proud of myself for actually following through on sitting with myself for days at a time to do WHATEVER I WANT. It’s my fake ass Eat, Pray, Love getaway.
I wish I could be all “Yes, I’m going to be meditating and reflecting on life for 3 days. I will chant and find the real meaning of life.” NOPE. I will be sitting by a pool with my computer on my lap (I got some deadlines to meet), eating too much rice and pasta and taking hot dog leg pics for Instagram. It will be magnificent. I haven’t even decided if I’m leaving this resort for any excursions yet. We shall see.
I was thinking of doing a “what I’ve learned at 30” post but I don’t get huge epiphanies just because a clock strikes 12. Me now is me from yesterday, but me from 2015 is not exactly the same me from 2013. Because: growth. I am who I am but there’s layers to this. The current version of me is always my favorite and I do know that I’m proud of the person I see in the mirror.
I’m not afraid of 30. Or the crows feet and laugh lines I already have (I smile/grin/laugh A LOT and that is nothing but a blessing). I heard life gets even better in this decade so that’s pretty dope. But don’t think just because I’m 30, it means I have to be a grown up. Yes, I have a couple of silk blouses now but I WILL NOT WEAR PEARLS. I have my limits! I will still rock my cupcake hat and Jordans and kale is still a government conspiracy on our tastebuds. And I still laugh at bad jokes and organic dark chocolate still tastes like solid mud.

Photo by Antonio Thompson
The only difference is now, I only have 11 more months to be on 30 under 30 lists. But wait, since I AM 30, that means I’m not UNDER 30, right? I don’t know. Y’all work it out. Also, I can officially refer to everyone under 25 as a baby. This is awesome.
Ennehweighs, it’s my birthday and I’ll do what I want! I am feeling deep gratitude for my life. For today. For the chance to spend it like I want. For the fact that my heart smiles right now because I know how greatly I’ve been blessed. I take none of this for granted, and I give all the glory to God’s grace and my gut’s guide (alliteration FTW!). God/Universe has deemed me worthy of things that I haven’t even touched yet. My 20s were great but my 30s will be mind-blowingly awesome in Jesus’ mighty name!

Portrait by Chuckstr Photo
Folks have asked me what I want for my birthday and I besides more shoes (because one can never have enough of those), I’m aight. The only thing I REALLY want is Idris Elba at my doorstep but he won’t answer my calls. Hmph. I’ll keep working on him. (HEY BOO).
If you would like to gift me anything (of course, you do not have to), then donate $30 (or any amount) to The Red Pump Project. Red Pump is the nonprofit organization I founded with my girl Karyn Brianne almost 6 years ago. We’re a national org that raises awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls and we do programs that empower and educate women on issues surrounding HIV/AIDS. Red Pump is a federally-recognized 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible!
But yes. TURN DOWN FOR WHAT? For a lot of things. Too much turn up will render me unable. I’m not spry and college-y like I used to be. I will be celebrating with my friends when I return. All-day shenanigans and red velvet cake is happening so YAYYY!!!
SHOUTOUT TO MY FELLOW 1985 BAES!!! This special occasion calls for Brother Franklin!
P.S. thinking about doing a “Launched in 1985” tshirts for us 30 Club folks to rock. *strokes my chin*
Join the Awesomely Luvvie Facebook page | Follow @Luvvie on Twitter and Instagram
Wishing you the most fabulous of fabulous 30’s, Luvvie! Keep smiling and say NO to pearl clutching!
Thank you for your January birth. You get to show this 1985 Sagitarian how it’s done. Happy birthday and be blessed!
aww love this birthday post. Happy birthday, Welcome to the 30’s relax and enjoy the ride cos u are already awesome and highly favored
Happy 30th! I’m exactly one month older than you, and since you were due in December, I’ll secretly add you to my list of cool 1984-ers. Have a great one!
Welcome to the dirty 30’s lol Happy Birfday!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy birthday to my favorite Biffle-in-my-head! What a beautiful post, and super kudos to you for grinding so hard and being able to celebrate your way. Thanks for sharing your gifts with all of us!
1985-ers rock!! Happy 30th!! Your happy feels reflect the way I am facing my 30th this coming December – awesomeness.
HAPPY 30TH, LUVVIE!!! As a newly-minted member of Club 30 (Dec 19), I welcome you to the pordee. I too didn’t know how I was supposed to ‘feel ‘about the day or the milestone, and I spent the day at work *womp* No epiphanies here, either, but I’m thankful for all I’ve learned throughout the years. May our 30s be amazing! God’s richest blessings to you, sis!
I was turned 10 the day you were born!
Girl, I was out working on a JOB by then.
Happy belated to you.
And Happy birthday Luvvie!
…you baby.
Minus the superfluous “was”
Happy Birthday Luvvie!!! This is yet another reason for me to be a fan of your awesomeness! I’m right behind you on that road to 30! (Jan 10) And I am all in for a 1985 shirt! Enjoy your sun, beach and hot dog leg pics! Lol!
Happy bithday Luvvie!!
Wishing you an incredible birthday! And, that offering video is the best thing ever.
Not. spry. at 30.
Gurl, take that back or I will officially revoke your Unable to Can card. I’m 58 and kneecapping the friendly neighborhood crack monsters at every opportunity. Why the knees?
Up in years, but don’t call me spry.
Still kicking, just not as high.
Turn up now young lady and catch up wit me. If anyone can, you can.
Happy birthday Luvvie! And may the odds be ever in your favor!
Happy Birthday! I’m 1/4/85, I’d definitely buy that shirt *strokes your chin*
Happy B Day Luvvie!!! I love your blog and rarely post but I wanted to wish you a wonderful 30 🙂
Happy Birthday my Naija sistren! This freshly minted 40 year old salutes you on your born day. I have no doubt that the best is yet to come for you. The 30s are pretty sweet because you pretty much could give a less than a hot turd about what happened in your 20s and you really start cultivating your boogie with a tasty side of ratchet. At least that’s what the 30s were for me. I’m pretty certain yours are gonna win like everything and I’m looking forward to seeing it.
Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE!! All of these deep, witty posts and insights, and commentary on being a 90s child have been coming from. . . .a 29 year old? Naw man. Just naw. I’m 37 and suddenly feel like I been wasting my time. Let me get up offa this blog and go do something productive with my life.
p.s. You are gorgeous. With cheekbones are to die for.
Ain’t that the truth? If they know like we know Lancome, Tom Ford, and Chanel should be calling with a contract offer any moment.
Happy Birthday Luvvie!!
God bless you!
Happy birthday! I turn 30 on 3/27 and would LOVE that t-shirt. Make it happen, cap’n!
Happy birthday, girl. Keep on doing what you do!
Happy Birthday fellow January Capricorn. What a wonderful way to start the celebration, enjoying time with yourself. Looking forward to more of your unique voice, super tomfoolery, and all things Luvvie! Enjoy!
HAPPPPYYY Happpy birthday Luvvie!!
happy birthday and YES TO THE 1985 TSHIRTS!
Many happy returns!!
‘course I don’t know you, so I won’t shower you with pretty words that would be fake. Just keep bright and making us all laugh/think -for that you surely do 😉
Oh and your mama’s spot-on eyebrows and pretty eyes, teeth, everything… one fine lady! Respect.
Happy Birthday Luvvie! I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. Seriously, you have me laughing, crying and thinking deep thoughts simultaneously. Love it! And I live for your Scandal recaps…As an exiting member of the 30s club (I’ll be joining that big 4-0 club in October) my advice is to enjoy every minute of it. My 30s were most excellent and seriously not giving one flying flip about what anyone thinks is just an added bonus. Many blessing to you on your born day=)
Happy (belated) Birthday Luvvie!!! Welcome to the 30s!!
I always loved this quote on aging by columnist, Beverly Beckham: “What is inconceivable to me is that I am not a child anymore or a teenager, or a young mother, or 20, or 30, or 40, or 50. Not on the outside, anyway. Not where people see. And that all of our lives are circumscribed by this. Because all of our lives we are more than what we are at a single moment. We are every age and every person we have ever been.”
Happy 30th!
Yassss!! I’m joining the club next month. Def wanted to do a solo trip but the way my bank account is set up… And I’m gonna need that t-shirt.
Oh my goodness I love that pic of you with your mother. All that beautifulness she servin, effortlessly. And all the ladies bett not try to act like they wouldn’t have werked the living daylights out of that zebra print #alphet. I know I would’ve wanted one at that age and nobody would’ve been able to tell me a bless-ed thing.
Love this post! I’m turning 30 in March and a solo vacay is something I definitely want to do (at some point). I love how honest you are. Your 365th day of being 29 really isn’t much different from your 1st day of being 30. I’ll be first online to buy a launched in 1985 tee!
Happy Birthday!!!!
You’ve inspired me to do a solo vacation for my 30th bday! Enjoy.
I’m late to the party but when you celebrate your 30th that calls for an extended celebration lol. Here’s wishing you the happiest of birthday’s and much continued success to you!
Happy 30th Luvvie! Been following your blog for a few years, now. Thanx for all the many laughs. I am also going to be turning 30( on 1/25); JANUARY BABIES ROCK! Even though I’m yet to make plans and i’m a bit apprehensive about 3-0, I do pray this epic year brings every good thing we desire.
P.S: I want the teeshirt 🙂
Have an awesome year.
Happy belated!!! You look prettiessss 🙂
heHappy Belated birthday! We share the same birthday! Stay warm!
Luvvie, catching up on my weekend reading and…happy belated birthday! I can only imagine how proud your mama is of you. Thank you for your brilliance and for being such a flat-out leader for women online.
xo Lisa
P.S. My birthday? Jan 5 🙂
Happy Belated. Cheers!
we share a birthday. Jan 5th 1985! Hello 30s! I also dont feel any different. Maybe just a little bit more aware of where I wanna be