My Life

The Top 10 Awesomely Luvvie Posts of 2014

This was a grand year for me and more people than ever read my words. My traffic hit many milestones and December 2014 is my most-read month EVER. I totally appreciate all the reads and shares and comments. In fact, the comments on my posts are my favorite things about writing. …

TV and Movies

SELMA is Not Just Brilliant But Right On Time

I was invited to a private screening of the SELMA movie by Paramount Pictures and Ava DuVernay in New York in November and I didn’t just cry during the film. I wept. I ugly-cried like I wasn’t sitting in a room with 40 other people. But everyone else was in tears …

Serial Podcast logo

I Just Finished Serial and We Must Talk About It!

Serial is the newest thing everyone can’t stop talking about. It’s a podcast hosted by a reporter from WBEZ Chicago named Sarah Koenig, and produced by Ira Glass of This American Life and season 1 just wrapped. This entire season of Serial follows the case of Adnan Syed, a man who is …

Famous folksSocial Media

Instagram’s Spam Sweep is Spilling the Tea on Fake Followers

Last week, Instagram posted an announcement that in the coming weeks, folks will see their follower numbers change because they’re doing a spam sweep. What this means is that any accounts that are robots or fake would be deleted from the platform. What it also meant was that all the …

TV and MoviesVideos

This Mom Called C-SPAN to Tell Her Pundit Sons to STFU. I LIVE.

Two men were going back and forth on C-SPAN about politics and whatnots when they got a call from the general line where people phone in to drop their 2 cents about whatever is happening. The two happened to be brothers and when they heard the voice on the other …

Sorority Sisters VH1
TV and Movies

I Watched the First Episode of VH1’s Sorority Sisters

VH1 is the den of reality TV shows featuring Black women behaving badly and they stay on-brand with Sorority Sisters. The show has been receiving backlash ahead of its premiere because it is chronicling women from four historical Black Greek-Letter Organizations. They all live in Atlanta and every woman on …

Angelina Jolie Amy Pascal
Famous folks

Angelina Jolie Gave Maleficent Realness to Amy Pascal and I’m Here For It

By now, you might have heard about how Sony Pictures’ emails were hacked and many of the exchanges between executives were leaked. You thought All My Children was juicy? NOPE! There was so much tea between these film bigwigs, and many sites have published them. Some of the juiciest tea …

Auntie Fee Steve Harvey
FoodTV and Movies

Our Favorite Cook, Auntie Fee, Was on Steve Harvey’s Show. I LIVE.

You KNOW how much I love me some Auntie Fee! She of phrases such as “something sweet for the mufucking kids” and “kids and fat people like a lot of cheese.” She got internet fame from posting videos of her cooking various heart-clogging foods. Her son, Tavis, is behind the …

Barack Michelle Obama Love Story
Famous folksTV and Movies

A Barack and Michelle Love Story Biopic Is Coming. It Better Not Be Awful!

Biopics are all the rage right now because every movie studio, TV channel and semi-funded creating establishment is re-telling the stories of some of our favorite icons, living legends and slightly successful public figure. Let’s face it: most of them suck. From the Nina Simone biopic starring Zoe Saldana to …


No Country for Yellow Starbursts (aka Disappointment Chews)

Starbursts are candy that I’m passionate about and the creators have clearly created a candy caste system to allow us to rank the people in our lives by the color we give them. Pink is the starburst you give your best friend to show them your love is real. Yellow …