TGIT Shondaland
TV and Movies

The Case For Rearranging #TGIT on ABC Next Season

Yesterday was the third week of TGIT (aka Thank God It’s Thursday), which is ShondaLand’s three hour of slaying us every Thursday night on ABC. At this point, she’s co-owner of my eyebrows because she stays snatching it after she goes for my edges. TGIT goes: * Grey’s Anatomy – 8/7 …

Rowan Pope scandal
TV and Movies

Inside the Bubble: Scandal Episode 403 Recap

Scandal season 4 is back to getting the Gladiators to gladiate again and I’m really a fan of the fact that Olivia isn’t falling apart in every episode. Anywho, let’s talk about episode 3. Handle It – Lizzie Bear drops off her daughter at school when a shady-looking man rolls …

FashionMy Life

Team NO CHILL: Rep Your Set With These

There are many of us who are chill-deficient and I think it’s time for us to claim what we are: members of Team NO CHILL! My blog readers (aka LuvvNation) are especially executive board members of this club so I thought it was only right that I allow us to …

Your Fault Boo Boo

Dear Raven Symone, About You Being “Colorless”… NOPE.

Because Raven Symone has earned a sternly-worded letter with the interview she did with Oprah on OWN this weekend. Dear Raven Symone, Hey girl, hey. Let’s talk about this interview you did with Mother Oprah and those things you said about not liking to be labeled. GWIRL STAHP! First, lemme …

key peele gay wedding advice
TV and MoviesVideos

Key and Peele’s Gay Wedding Advice Has Me Howling

Key and Peele are geniuses. I love them so much because they’re fearless in their humor but still incredibly smart and thoughtful. You gotta see their sketch on the crazy names of football players. They’re truly everything that makes comedy important. I saw a sketch from them is about a family who …

Scandal Season 4
TV and Movies

The State of the Union: Scandal Episode 402 Recap

Let’s just get right into this latest episode of Scandal. Booty Calls – Liv and Jake go running and he tells her he booked them a hotel suite for booty calls. Do you see why he is perpetually been shutdown? He don’t know his place. Ever. HA! She tells him …

Holy Hill Johannesburg
My LifeTravel

4 Important Places to Visit in Johannesburg, South Africa

After 2 days in Cape Town (read my post on 5 Awesome Places to Visit in Cape Town), I took a 2-hour flight and landed in Johannesburg ready to speak at Social Media Week Jozi and excited for almost 4 days of adventures. I truly didn’t realize I would have …

Famous folksMusicTV and Movies

Aretha Franklin Performed on David Letterman and Cissy Houston Can’t Be Bothered

Last night, Aretha Franklin went on the David Letterman show to perform her cover of Adele’s Rolling in the Deep. When the recording dropped, many said she breathed new life into the song but that autotune was not what life was about. I couldn’t even finish it. But her singing …

TV and Movies

So I Watched the Family Guy/Simpsons Crossover Episode

I’ve been a fan of both The Simpsons and The Family Guy for YEARS but I’m a fan in the same way many of us were fans of Jodeci boots. I haven’t rocked with them for a long time but nostalgia always makes me reminisce with a smile. I haven’t …

Luvvie at Camps Bay
My LifeTravel

5 Awesome Places to Visit in Cape Town, South Africa (and Why I Loved the City)

I just got back from one of the best trips I have ever taken. My jaunt to South Africa for 6 days (2 in Cape Town, 4 in Johannesburg) was one of those experiences that I want to call “epic” but since that word is so overused, the meaning has …