Devante Just for Me
Famous folks

Devante from Jodeci and This Stingy Struggle Ponytail He’s Rocking

Chile, ain’t it terrible when people fall from grace? 90s kids (aka those who were teenagers then) LOVED us some Jodeci. We wore those black combat boots they always did and called them Jodeci boots too. And we’ve all seen K-Ci and Jojo “OOOOHHH YEAH” their way into our hearts. …

TV and Movies

Baby Made a Mess: Scandal Episode 407 Recap

Lemme tell you something. Shonda and her team put their ENTIRE FOOT in this episode of Scandal. This was one of the best eps of the show yet, next to 752 and the Reads of Life episode from earlier this season.  It was so good that it took me almost …

Scandal Logo
TV and Movies

Yes, I am Working on the Scandal Episode 407 Recap

I know y’all are looking for it and some of you have threatened me. I am working on it but I had to write this post because folks keep emailing me. This is the ONE job I have given myself today so gimme some time to churn it out (takes …

CalPak broken

My Luggage Quit Me in the Airport: These Bags Ain’t Loyal

I’ve been on about 10 trips this fall (since September 1) and I usually carry my trusty red 20-inch California Pak carry-on. These last 2 weeks have been especially nomad-y and I’ve gone to NYC twice and then ended up in San Antonio. I’m TAHD and I guess my luggage …

B2K Group Lean 2
FashionThrowback Thursday

The Time B2K Did a Group Lean in Tacky Alphets: Throwback Thursday

The fact that the early 2000s can now be considered “throwback” means we’re all old. Dambit. And remember the group Immature? Well, not them. I’m talmbout their heirs apparent: B2K. Omarion, J-Boog, Raz-B and Lil Fizz. Sounding like a Matrix character, a fake ass rapper, a flavor that was trying …

Janet Jackson
Famous folks

Janet Jackson is 48, Flourishing and Looking FOREVER FAHN

I saw a picture of Janet Jackson looking AMAZING and I just had to say something. Let your eyeballs get what they need with this image of Ms. Jackson (if you nasty) from a fashion show in Dubai from this weekend. I am INTO IT and her. YESSSSS!! Janet looking …

Famous folks

About Lena Dunham’s Memoir, Overshare and Lack of Boundaries

Lena Dunham is weird. That is her thing. I admit that her hype has always perplexed me, and the title of being the “voice of a generation” has certainly given me pause. I’ve seen GIRLS and I was bored to tears by it so I realized that maybe the generation …

Bitsy Cooper Scandal
TV and Movies

An Innocent Man: Scandal Episode 406 Recap

Chile, last night’s episode of Scandal, I met my spirit animal in a woman named Bitsy Cooper. Let’s talk about it! Dreaming – Olivia is in the pool swimming in that AMAZING one-piece of hers. It switches to her being in bed with Jake but his face changes to Fitz’ …

Bocs Bald Locs 2
Whose is this?

Whose Bocs (Bald Locs) Are These?

I promise that people step out the house talmbout how casket sharp they are and they walk out with this homie’s hairstyle. I DIE. This is like a mullet of different species. It’s as if the mullet said “I need to upgrade for the 2014” and this is what it …

Danai Gurira One Summit
BusinessMy Life

The AYA Summit Was Awespiring (Awesome and Inspiring) and These 4 Women Moved Me

I was in a room with giants. Being at the ONE Campaign’s AYA Summit was incredible and I’m still processing all that happened there. 75 women were brought together with change agents to talk about issues that are affecting women and girls around the world, specifically in countries in Africa. The summit …