My Life

Hey AweLuvvers. Can We Talk?

You ALREADY know that any conversation that starts like that is not going to end well. But umm… AweLuvvers (my beloved readers), can we talk for a minute? *Sighs* Aight, take a seat. You want some water? Tea? Coffee? House of Dereon complimentary snuggie with bedazzled neck? NO? Aight fine. …

My Life

Giving Thanks

So in honor of Turkey Day tomorrow, I’mo give thanks for the many blessings in my life. And after that, y’all ain’t gon hear from me again til Monday. I plan on having over-extended itis. You understand, dontchu? Anyway, I give thanks for: Twitter – How else will I spend …

sammy-sosa vampire
Famous folksLetters

Dear Sammy Sosa, You Look Like A Vampire

I’m sure by now, you’ve seen a picture of the new and (not so) improved Sammy Sosa. It has more than earned this week’s sternly-worded letter. Dear Sammy Sosa, What in the name of all that is good, holy and sanctified are you doing? Who died and had you replicated …

TV and Movies

These Childhood Shows Rock My Socks

For the past 6 days, Google has been featuring custom logos with Sesame Street logos in honor of the show’s 40th anniversary. Each custom logo made me squeal like a 4-year old and I surely checked at midnight every day to see the new one. (Add this to list of …

My LifeSocial Media

Twitterholics Unite!

There are a certain group of people in life, who can outwit, outroast and outtalk you in less than a paragraph. These great people are known as “Twitterers.” However, there are those who can’t imagine waking up and not saying “Good Morning” to 1,000 of their closest friends they’ve never …

My Life

Cabbies Hate Me

I sweahfo the lion, the witch and that fantastic wardrobe that cabbies hate me. I just cannot win with them. I can’t even use the age old excuse and cry racism because most of the ones that treat me bad are colored. Shoot. Remember the rest of my Cabby Chronicles to …

LettersMy Life

Dear Mommy – Happy Birthday

Yesterday was my Mom’s birthday, so I have decided to write her a letter on my blog. Remember when I wrote one to my Future Mini Luvvie some time back? Wells, I did. Check it out if you haven’t read it. So here’s to my Mom, O.B.A. Dear Mommy, On …


Dear Morehouse, You Get a Side-Eye

You’ve probably heard the new dress code that Morehouse College, an all-male HBCU (Historically Black College/University), has given its students. They’ve released 11 stipulations that students must follow, or risk being suspended from school. They are more than deserving of this week’s sternly-worded letter. Dear Morehouse, You know you’re kind …

BusinessMy LifeTravel

Blogalicious 2009 Was Great!

What it does, folks? So I’s back from Atlanta from Blogalicious (conference for Women of Color bloggers) and it was FANTAWESOME! I was mainly there to rep The Red Pump Project because my goal is to get 500 bloggers “Rocking the Red Pump” on their blogs to raise awareness about …


Rio Won Olympics and Chicago’s Mad

So by now, you already heard that Rio won the 2016 Olympics. My poor city, Chicago was the first one eliminated. The Olympic Committee went: “I’m happy for you, Chicago & I’mo let you finish, but Rio had the BEST Olympic bid of ALL TIME! Oh, and 2016 DEEZ!!! Giggity, …